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Started by Discö Rice, November 14, 2012, 07:10:20 PM

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Vinyls.   deal.


Shit!  I thought I had a volume pedal laying around. Nope. Just a Moog and expression pedal. But I also have a CP-251 and I think I can route that to be an attenuator/volume. The long way around.
No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

is that a steel guitar, 6 strings? Noticed the scale is something like 21. I bet you'll make some sweet sounds with it. I could kinda use a pedal steel sound once in a while. Load that sucker right into a sampler and fiddle with the knobs/effects.

Been looking at the TC 2290 delay pedal. All those leds look cool. Bling!

just read a review apparently the TC does volume swells, to whatever degree. psuedo leslie. Read that at  ama___

ps. your mega-awesome delay with the faders is more quality but the TC might be right up my alley.


I am super stoked to report that a former band of mine is reuniting to play the avant garde a clue fest in october.
some of you might remember my weird antijazz band 'NPV'. ran from 2006 to 2011.
heres a little taste. this is the only thing on line. i never made a bandcamp for this band but i should. this is from a labels bc that put out a release for us. the title of that piece is called 'crossing towers', which was the inspiration for the flyer. Philippe Petit crossing the twin towers on a tight rope in the 1970s. no net.


No Focus Pocus

Muffin Man

that NPV is soothing, like laying on a beach listening to the waves roll in. then the whale songs later. moar!