Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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This movie had me feeling queasy the entire time. Dude is insane, but what he did is really fucking impressive.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I get queasy watching someone free climb a fucking ladder. I'm not going anywhere near this film


I need to see this although as impressive as that is im not sure it beats what the dude did in man on a wire.


The long dumb road. Good movie. The whole time i thought the one dude was the stoner dude 'chili' from tag. It wasnt but it could have been his solo movie.



I hope he doesn't rely on the last-minute plot twist, the way M Night Shyamalan does. It really cheapens the movies.

I watched the "Us" trailer and one of the comments was a plausible suggestion of what the Us plot twist was gonna be. Very M Night concept:

[spoiler]The nice family are the "fakes" and the scary family is the real one.[/spoiler]
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Jor el

   Rotten Tomatoes ?


What Would Scooby Do ?


Sometimes Rotten Tomatoes can be really misleading... But a 100% rating for a horror film is nothing to sneer at.

Fuck critics though:

Jor el

   Rotten Tomatoes


What Would Scooby Do ?


ONLY GOD FORGIVES was really good, is what I'm trying to say.


Aquaman. Im not sure why i continue to waste my time on dc movies.


Quote from: renfield on March 10, 2019, 08:00:10 PM
Peele does it again?

that sure was an awesome movie
enjoyed it even more than get out
super creepy - cool story
super cast plus elisabeth moss - just in a supporting role but whatever she does is awesome
i didn´t forget - i just couldn´t remember...


Quote from: whoshotthefrog on March 09, 2019, 01:24:53 PM

This movie had me feeling queasy the entire time. Dude is insane, but what he did is really fucking impressive.

I wish I saw this at an IMAX theater, but even on a TV it's intense! I don't know if he's insane or not, but no doubt his brain works differently than 99.99999% of the rest of us. It takes a unique kind of person to be on a flim crew like that too.


its like people like that dont have a fear gene.


Quote from: mortlock on April 09, 2019, 12:41:36 AM
its like people like that dont have a fear gene.

He does feel fear. That's what's so weird about him. He bailed on at least one of his attempts because he was scared, so he's not like some psychopath. The part where he gets a brain scan and it showed the area of the brain that registers fear didn't have any activity was kind of misleading I think, because he wasn't in a situation where he would be fearful. It seems he just has a way, way, way higher threshold for fear than almost anyone. That, combined with the fact that free climbing is what really fires up the reward part of his brain is the only way I can explain how he ticks.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I watched this.

It wasn't the greatest but,
It had a gang of stoner rock bank robbers cause they played Sleep and Kyuss at their hangout. Also so some terrible music.


So it was based on this website?   Should we sue for royalties?

(Scott Reeder posted some stuff on Facebook about it, apparently some of the wardrobe was loaned by his wife so they could match the OG Kyuss/stoner aesthetic.)
Killing threads is my business and business is good.



Even at 89 and looking like a skeleton, Eastwood still plays and directs good films.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

Sprague Dawley

How can "nobody run forever only in cinemas"?

Drive (2011) **SPOIOLER**

Watched this one to the end so must've been alright. It stars La La Land sooky dancer Ryan Gosling as the smoldering quiet guy who drives brrm brrm cars. First half of film he's all sombre and solemn with his impregnable pauses and baleful inscrutability. Second half he's Steven Seagal with his tits on fire.

Was tough to tell where film was going but Gosling drew me in with his quiet foreboding menace. Him and his love interest say bugger-all to each other. She just stand there silently with Easter Island Ryan. Her chest going up and down a bit unnaturally. Maybe heart arrythmia. Or maybe a chick stiffy for heart-throb Ryan.

When the violence does eventually tee off it's straight down the middle of the fairway and right through your fucking skull. The barge arse ginger spunk from tv hit show Mad Men gets her skull JFK'd right the fuck off in the dunny.


Love Exposure. Holy fucking shit


Quote from: renfield on April 21, 2019, 07:01:34 PM
Love Exposure. Holy fucking shit

This is a 4 our movie about crises of faith and upskirt photography. It's just un fucking believable.


Also saw Support the Girls which is sort of a day-in-the-life of running a Hooters-type restaurant. It's really good, basically socialist propaganda trojan horsed in a fluffy comedy.