Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Mr. Dynamite: The Rise of James Brown (Netflix).


docs ive seen recently.

they all kicked ass. I highly recommend them if you like some of that early seattle grunge.

Muffin Man

I seen this Hemmingway talker

Bro. Righteous

Get Out....can get the fuck out!!! Jive ass bullshit.
I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


life of the party. melissa mccarthy fucking rules in this. funny as fuck.


Unlimited bloodshed, Vampires and a frog that does karate. What's not to love about this movie? It's definitely out-there, but it was fun to watch.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


The new Apollo 11 doc is terrific. It's like watching the Woodstock movie -- summer of 1969 -- but filled with people who were into pocket protectors and slide rulers instead of tie-dyed shirts and hippy shit. It's got a ton of restored footage that looks amazing and it's edited and scored in a way that makes you feel like you're experiencing it as it happened.


Blackk Klansman - started out okay, but got more corny, dumb, heavy handed. By the end credits, I had cringed a lot. "C"
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I wouldn't say there wasn't anything good about it. But Spike Lee has corny tendencies. Like if a car blows up, it doesn't just blow up, it also flips over. There's not just a message, it's spelled out real big. I dunno. I did cringe a lot by the end.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I guess, from my perspective there isn't anything fundamentally better about being subtle instead of ... operatic? Minimalism vs maximalism. Both have their place.

Lee is one of my favorite filmmakers. The ending of 25th Hour gets me real good.


I haven't seen that many Spike Lee Joynts. What's the movie with Denzel Washington where he's a great basketball player who gets sent to jail, then gets out and tries to reconnect with his son? At the end, the son is shooting hoops in a gym while his Dad is dying and another basketball mysteriously drops out of the sky, and the kid looks up at the ceiling I guess, and smiles, as if to say "yeah Dad". That was fucking terrible. OMFG.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


"Mandy" was super awesome. Took a while to get around to watching it. Same director as "Beyond the Black Rainbow" and has similar 80's kult worship (Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Motley Crue music videos, etc). Has a slow pace like BTBR towards the beginning, but it picks up a lot by the end.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Catch-22. Can't believe I hadn't seen this before. I'm pretty sure I read the book in high school, but I probably sped through it. Anyway, the movie is pretty damn perfect. Incredible cast. Alan Arkin, FTW.

Another old movie I just saw was Midnight Cowboy. Memorable performances from Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight, but it felt dated to me. It seemed like a movie made at certain time for a certain time. Doesn't have the timeless aspect that Catch-22 has. Glad I watched it, though.


Baahubali and Baahubali 2. Fuckin awesome.


ive never seen any Bollywood movies. would like to if i could find them. are they on hulu or anything like that.


On Youtube, search for bollywood classic movies full length, that type of thing.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Well, you don't necessarily want to just poke around blindly, they make about 3x the amount of films that Hollywood does and most of them suck

There are some absolute bonkers Bollywood films where just describing them is more entertaining than most actual movies.


"The Lobster" was kind of terrible. Boring to look at, slow pacing, tedious music, awkward mix of deadpan humor and existential darkness that doesn't really work together here. "D+"
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


The Lobster is a nearly perfect film; an unbelievably savage poison pill delivered in satirical form. At every turn its concept yields new riches and horrors.


we got siskel and ebert over here.


My free trial Netflix service ends in a couple of days, I can't decide if I should start paying for it or pull the plug. I only used it like twice in the past month, one time to watch The Lobster. When I look at their giant list of shows and movies, I don't see very much that really jumps out at me. I'm not that big on serial TV shows, I get bored pretty quickly. It's a pain in the ass to use it, I have to turn off VPN to use it, etc, it's really fussy about settings. I hate that there are no descriptive blurbs any more, so you don't really know what the shows are about. They only give you like three hints now, the description for the Lobster was something like "Greek production; Cannes; Forbidden love". You're supposed to sift through thousands of titles with almost no idea what the shows are about, unless you look them up somewhere else. Dumb.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Bro. Righteous

DARK - on Netfuck, well worth the time, 2nd season just came up, first episode very promising.
Check it out.
I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


Quote from: whoshotthefrog on March 09, 2019, 01:24:53 PM

This movie had me feeling queasy the entire time. Dude is insane, but what he did is really fucking impressive.
finally saw this. Holy fuck it was awesome. The part where he gets the mri and it shows he cant feel fear like the rest of us confirmed my suspicion on that. Great film.


I figured out how to use Netflix  :P

"Knock Down the House" was really good, in case you think you couldn't possibly love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez any more.

Gonna watch "The Great Hack" soon (about Facebook data mining and Cambridge Analytica and how they stole the election.)

Documentary "Ronnie Coleman: The King: about former Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman was messed up. Not a great documentary - it was good enough - but horrible to see him barely able to walk.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.