Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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I liked this movie. Had some old-school rap played throughout the film which was really cool. Sad ending though.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I've recently seen Upgrade. It's a decent sci-fi flick that's all about the story and not the visuals. So be advised. haha


First Man is good if you like movies about the U.S. space program. It's not as intense as Apollo 13 or as epic as The Right Stuff, but I give it a solid 3 out of 5 Saturns.


They Shall Not Grow Old

Peter Jackson's new WW1 documentary. Using old archival WW1 footage spreading some kind of magic pixie dust over them to make them look modern like (lotsa video & audio tweaks). It's jaw-dropping shit, man. The most amusing and well... frightening bits are the BBC narrative interviews of the soldiers (no host commentary or such). Unlike growing up with the dissident and bitter soldiers of The Vietnam War via movies, TV interviews, and mah pa. The WW1 soldiers seemed darn right jovial about it all, it was just something you "got on with," did your duty, "The Jerries gave us hell and we gave it back to them," like they were playing a game of cricket with them, and not at all like being shelled and gassed everyday, living next to rotten human & horse corpses, rats and lice. WW1 is supposed to be one of the most pointless and brutal wars right? I'd be sooo fucking pissed man, having to fight that war.

Anyways, great doc and got me more interested in WW1.



This movie was strange and funny at the same time. Although, I did find Craig Robinson's character to be quite annoying. Everything else I enjoyed about the film.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I thought this was going to be another pointless Oscar baiter with the likes of actress Rachel Weisz & Emma Stone. Looking up the flick on Wiki I saw that the directer was the same that did Dogtooth - peeked my interest - pretty damn good. Solid dialogue IMO.


Typical revenge/robbery flick. Wasn't terrible at all and it was quick moving.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Bohemian Rhapsody.
Excellent movie. Highly recommended. Freddies band has to be the most fortunate bunch of musicians ever. Freddie drops right in their lap and instant stardom.


BlacKkKlansman was worth seeing, but not quite as good as I had hoped. It tries to be both a serious movie about racism and funny at the same time. It doesn't always work. Starring Denzel Washington's son, who doesn't look like his dad, but sounds just like him. He was pretty good, but Adam Driver owns every scene he's in.


Yeah, Adam Driver seems better suited for that kind of role, than the cartoonish Star Wars villain.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


I'm going through all the Lanthimos films. Dogtooth, Alps, The Lobster, Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Favourite. This guy is fucking twisted!


Isle of Dogs - I loved it (maybe because I love dogs). I watched it twice. I might even watch it again, because there are a lot of little details that can fly past.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I should check out more of Lanthimos films. I've yet to see: Alps, The Lobster, and Killing of a Sacred Deer.

The Baroque style get down dance in The Favourite was unexpectedly pretty sweet.


Isle of Dogs is great. The kids loved it too.

Bohemian Rhapsody was alright. Rami Malek was good. It couldn't have been easy doing a Brit accent with those teeth. Or maybe it was easier? Otherwise, it was your standard bio-pic.

I watched First Reformed on Amazon Prime. Recommended. It starts off as a faith vs. science debate, but eventually takes some pretty different turns. Ethan Hawke is a really underrated actor. I can't think of a movie he's been less than good in.


Quote from: Lumpy on February 26, 2019, 08:20:40 PM

Isle of Dogs - I loved it (maybe because I love dogs). I watched it twice. I might even watch it again, because there are a lot of little details that can fly past.
when you play rot you get to meet willa.


"I Love Dogs" get it? lol

It was great. I think SPIDERVERSE deserved the win though, fucking sensational.

Jor el

   How was Captain Marvel ?

What Would Scooby Do ?


Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


Jor El this review will melt your brain

"What I'm saying in this lengthy preamble is that while Captain Marvel is just atrocious, it's also true that the incels slavering to destroy it, sight-unseen, are pathetic troglodytes who deserve the truncation of their ancestral line. "



Won't You Be My Neighbor - documentary about "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood".

Nice tribute which really inflates his importance. He did save PBS from Congressional budget cuts - which I didn't know - probably cementing him a permanent place on PBS. And his mission fits in perfectly with PBS programming. I was never a fan though (even though I was the right age) because I never thought the show was any good. All the stuff with Daniel Striped Tiger and King Whatshisname was terrible, and incomprehensible ("Meow meow scared, meow!") with the production values of a summer camp puppet show. The show just never landed with me. I'd put it on for a minute, and then switch to something else.

It was kind of like watching "Searching for Sugar Man" or the Anvil documentary, when hundreds of other people are onscreen ecstatically rocking out to the band and I'm thinking "Ive never even heard this song before". As an adult I like the message of kindness, racial inclusivity etc, but as a kid the show itself was unwatchable. Lots of great footage, early interviews etc. On that basis I'd give it a 6 or 7, but if you were a fan of the show you'd probably give it a 9 or 10.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.