Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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The Shocker

I don't want to give anything away, but it is closer to torture porn than anything else, but with some ideas that make you think and it sticks with you.


I saw Martyrs once and that was enough. A truly unsettling film and I do not mean that in a good way. I mean shake you to the core, fuck up your psyche kind of a way. Never again.

Demon Lung

Last night we saw piranha dd and it was ok. Lots of really nice young titties. We also saw the new American pie movie. That shit was weak as fuck. A few really nice young titties. And we saw lockup. That movie was alright


Quote from: Demon Lung on August 11, 2012, 11:02:00 AM
Last night we saw piranha dd and it was ok. Lots of really nice young titties. We also saw the new American pie movie. That shit was weak as fuck. A few really nice young titties. And we saw lockup. That movie was alright

I saw American Reunion yesterday as well. Terrible is all I can say.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

Demon Lung

Last night we saw wunderlust which was very painful to watch and act of valor which was just ok


a couple of bong hit scenes would have made saving silverman a great movie..

Demon Lung

The raid redemption is fucking awesome


strong.  real fucking strong.  i like psychological thrillers and i love those rare films that are truly psychologically horrifying.  this thing was gut-wrenching.  mortifying.  real.  fucking.  scary.  yall.

jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.

The Shocker

Quote from: lowdaddy on August 15, 2012, 09:05:32 PM
strong.  real fucking strong.  i like psychological thrillers and i love those rare films that are truly psychologically horrifying.  this thing was gut-wrenching.  mortifying.  real.  fucking.  scary.  yall.

Read the book a while back, tough read.  Plan on watching the movie. 

At some point.


Quote from: Demon Lung on August 15, 2012, 08:18:59 PM
The raid redemption is fucking awesome

That movie reinforced the fact that I don't dig action/kung fu flicks. It got great reviews everywhere and I was over it thirty minutes in.


Quote from: lowdaddy on August 15, 2012, 09:05:32 PM
strong.  real fucking strong.  i like psychological thrillers and i love those rare films that are truly psychologically horrifying.  this thing was gut-wrenching.  mortifying.  real.  fucking.  scary.  yall.

The play on his folks was great.


Retard, I think it has something to do with simply getting old. 

I used to love ALL action, ALL kung fu, ALL gory flicks.  I think it was just the young man's need for an adrenaline rush.

Now they just seem boring.  The Raid was that way for me.  Perfectly fine action material (especially done on a budget) but virtually nothing emotional to back it up so it just seemed hollow.   In fact, the bigger the bangs, the emptier and more uninvolving it seemed.

The Shocker

Quote from: boltthrow on August 16, 2012, 08:14:39 AM
Retard, I think it has something to do with simply getting old. 

I used to love ALL action, ALL kung fu, ALL gory flicks.  I think it was just the young man's need for an adrenaline rush.

Now they just seem boring.  The Raid was that way for me.  Perfectly fine action material (especially done on a budget) but virtually nothing emotional to back it up so it just seemed hollow.   In fact, the bigger the bangs, the emptier and more uninvolving it seemed.

So what have you moved on to?  Serious question.


Honestly, a lot of emotional stuff.  I watched "Another Year" last night which was a touch too depressing but terrific in other ways.  I loved loved loved "Fish Tank" (the final couple scenes are just heartbreaking).  

Plus a lot of movies I've always read about but never seen.  Old Hammer movies.  B & W samurai movie "Sword Of Doom" which is pretty fucking amazing.  "Antichrist."  "Melancholia."  "Panic In Needle Park."  "Captain Kronos."  "Breakfast At Tiffanys."  

Anything that offers something different from the three-act "heroic journey" kind of narrative.  A lot of 'em weren't all that great but it is a difference from the (by now) completely typical "Good guy triumphs to reinforce a couple shallow moral truths" sort of thing.  Not that those moral truths are inherently shallow but they're just so obvious and timeworn that you want to see something different happen at a different pace or with different actors that aren't playing the same part over and over.  

The Shocker

For some reason if I want to watch a good movie, I find myself going back to the 1970's more often than not.  Back when filmmakers took chances.


The Shocker

When you mentioned moving on from action, kung fu, gore, the first thing I thought of is how my porn viewing has changed.  I don't think it is from getting older, but getting progressively desensitized over the years.


Demon Lung

If you ever come across the movie intruders with Clive Owen in it. I recommend that you don't watch it


Is it about, like, add intruding?
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.



jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.



Beyond being a light-hearted kid flick, I didn't really know what Hugo was about. That being said, I liked the direction it went in, especially how it related to early motion pictures. Fanciful and a little bittersweet. 

I only vaguely remember Tintin from when I was younger, but when I saw the trailer, I knew I wanted to see it.

Pros: Great visual aspects, kind of in the same vain as that Beowulf movie from several years back. The story itself was also enjoyable, including elements of Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Cons: Can't really criticize this too much as it's still a kids movie, but the story was rushed. Probably could have made a trilogy out of it if they tried.

I've seen just about all of the TPB's materials now, save for the original short film. I didn't care for this movie as much as the Countdown to Liquor Day film. Still very funny, loves these character. I read they're planning on making another movie in the future?

Not a hilarious movie but entertaining enough. I've never been a big Ben Stiller fan but it just seems like he plays the same character in each film, but progressively less funny.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Being Flynn

Probably one of Deniro's best acting jobs in a long time.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.