Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Yeah, were you not aware the "water" in the hot tub was from liquified stem cells and amniotic fluid from murdered women and their unborn fetuses? Hilarious concept!


Got sucked into this on the teevee last night.  More entertaining than it had any right to be.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Pitt is very good but the rest of the cast is to die for, pretty much every part is perfectly cast. Gandolfini pushes a character he could play in his sleep to unexpected places. Ben Mendelsohn was great in Animal Kingdom and is as good here. Just to name two.  Lots of talking, very raw feeling that makes the movie at times painful to watch. Obvious political overtones which might be too much in your face for some.



The Sitter

Surprisingly enjoyable. Predictable everything-goes-wrong scenario like the hangover, date night, and countless others, but interesting and silly enough to keep my attention.

8/10 YMMV

EDIT: Pic deleted itself for some reason? It was there after I posted it. Posted again from a different source. Thanks  ;)
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


^No image.

Or is the movie called, "Mysterious Diminutive Blue Question Mark"?  ;)


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.



It's about 3 Seattle magazine reporters who are sent to report about someone who has posted a classified ad about going back in time. They eventually find this person and then begin the journey of "going back in time". It was a funny movie and the performance by the main characters were very good. I recommend it.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

deleted account


Quote from: priest on November 20, 2012, 11:43:11 AM

I liked it and it had a decent amount of violence in it which I liked.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


saw Argo last night. it was fuckin great.


Going Postal (2010)

So this kept popping up on Netflix and and I thought Richard Coyle's character looked a bit like Jason Sudeikis on the small thumbnail image. I couldn't get a good description about the movie online but decided to give it a chance anyways. Basically, the two-part story (an adaption of Terry Pratchett's novel) centers around the life and crimes of a notorious con man. The story takes place in a strange, steam-punk/H.G. Wells kind of universe and has various creatures like an occasional werewolf, golems, and banshee. 

The main theme of the movie is redemption for the main character as he is forced to choose between death and reopening a derelict post office. Additionally, as the weight of his past crimes become evident, he must repair the damages caused to those around him (not unlike A Christmas Carol). I wasn't expecting to enjoy this at all and was pleasantly surprised. I believe the length of the movie helped and allowed for the story and character's to develop. Claire Foy was also great with her severe exterior hiding her wounded center. She definitely got me all wound up and conflicted.

9/10. If you have the time, worth a watch.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Great cast, nice humor, a little movie-geeky but that was fine with me.

Loved the first half (again: the movie-geeky-stuff), the second half was good but a little too much thriller-by-numbers.

Looks awesome although I didn't care for the 3D. Screenplay has the same flaw as the book: You know what is coming (either by the cover or the poster, there is no way to avoid this "spoiler") and it takes a third of the time to get there.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies

This was such a joke, I don't what to make of it. It felt like it was gonna be decent in the opening with Lincoln as a child killing his mother, and then followed by some decent shots of the battle at Gettysburg. After that, it basically goes tongue and cheek with a lot of historical characters and references... I wont spoil any more than that. Overall, almost too awful not to watch.

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Stake Land

Stake land is a vampire themed film that takes place in a dystopian world-scape. The nature of these particular vampires is more zombie-esque and bestial, wherein they are monstrous but still are dispatched using traditional methods. There are also religious cults and militias that pop up and vie for power and territory.

I thought this movie was beautifully paced and had fantastic atmosphere. It basically utilizes much silence in these little vignettes that carry the story (see struggle) along. The film also has an emotionally appropriate score.

I just added this to the queue with a bunch of other B-rate zombie/horror flicks knowing nothing about it. I wasn't expecting this to be so rich and well constructed; however, there was one aspect of the film that detracted from the atmosphere and seemed like something you'd see in a SYFY tv movie. Without giving any spoilers, it nearly ruined the film. Fortunately, they were able to bring the story back prior to the ending, which I felt was well done.


This should have been an A+, save for that aforementioned issue. I highly recommend this. After doing a quick search of the board, it appears this film was mentioned by others a little over a year ago. Deaner summed it up perfectly and I could not agree more.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


I can give no explanation. The sex scene was hilarious. This was shamefully entertaining.

Best Will Ferrell line: "I will not be struck! By man or beast!"

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


"Casa De Mi Padre" was insane. Can't imagine that anyone on that set was sober. Worth the price of admission alone for watching Will Ferrell rolling cigarettes.



This was a strange movie; not at all what I expected, but in truth, I didn't know what to expect from it because I hadn't read any reviews of it before going to see it.

I expected a gritty drama interspersed with violence, but what I got, instead, was a dull, dialogue filled movie that went, essentially, nowhere. Somewhere buried into the story line was a socio-economic lesson that was conveyed through various politician's speeches that occurred just before the election of 2008. I was too dense to get much of that or, perhaps, too bored to pay much attention to it. One of the few movies I've seen of late where I considered either a) walking out or b) falling asleep.

6/10 due to a good cast and taking into the account that maybe I'm too much of a dullard to understand this movie's true intentions.


Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan



Very good, bleak and almost documentary-like. Leaves politics out and concentrates on the determination of Chastains character. Feels a little uneven because almost an hour is dedicated to the raid on Bin Lades compound. Guess the reason is that they had to rewrite the script when Bin Laden was actually killed when the production was already rolling.


I think the movie was a little too long, and the whole premise was a little far-fetched. Although, Blake Lively is nice to look at.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


She may however be the worst actress on screen today.  I watched about 45 mins and couldn't take it anymore. 


The movie is decent but doesn't hold a candle to the book. Blake Livlely might be attractive but she is a horrible actress indeed. And she is turned into the narrator by the screenplay. Big mistake.