Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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The Shocker

Watched the following over the weekend:

Memories Of Murder - By the guy who did The Host.  Pretty cool serial killer drama.  Stiffie.
The Muppets - not a muppet fan at all, but the movie was cute and I liked the songs.  Semi.
Mars Needs Moms - weird, kind of dull, a big disappointment. My 7 year old loved though. Chub.



It wasn't too bad. The acting was super bad, but the "action" parts were semi-entertaining.

BTW-The Darkest Hour movie.



I think both 1 and 2 are on Netflix. Really good series with a dumb name.


Yer pics didn't show willb.  What movies?
No Focus Pocus

The Shocker

Quote from: RAGER on April 02, 2012, 03:49:46 PM
Yer pics didn't show willb.  What movies?

Not showing up for me either.



B+ on both. and on Netflix.


Quote from: RAGER on April 02, 2012, 03:49:46 PM
Yer pics didn't show willb.  What movies?

Don't know why they did not show up, same place I grab all my movie posters from.

The first one was for - The Darkest Hour (2011)  Some pretty decent action, but the acting is horrible.

The second one was for - Cormans World (Exploits of a Hollywood rebel). A great documentary on Roger Corman. Very well done.


Quote from: retardgroove on April 02, 2012, 08:39:16 PM

B+ on both. and on Netflix.

Saw both of these a long time ago and really enjoyed both of them. You made an excellent choice in watching them.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: whoshotthefrog on April 03, 2012, 06:10:30 AM
Quote from: retardgroove on April 02, 2012, 08:39:16 PM

B+ on both. and on Netflix.

Saw both of these a long time ago and really enjoyed both of them. You made an excellent choice in watching them.

that dude did not give a fuck.

The Shocker

Quote from: whoshotthefrog on March 19, 2012, 01:48:49 PM

Decent comedy. I love Charlize Theron so even if it's a terrible movie i'll still watch it because of her. Basically, its about this woman who receives an email from her exboyfriend thaty shows the announceent for the birth of his new child. She(Theron) takes this as a chance to go back to her hometown and try to win her ex's heart back. What made Theron's role great was that she was an alcoholic and she constantly made an ass of herself because of it. It even caused her to sleep with Patton Oswalt.

Raging boner here.  This movie is why I don't watch the Academy Awards.  Both Chalize Theron and Patton Oswald had Oscar winning performances, IMO.


I watched Bronson and Limitless off reading this thread. Both were killer IMO.


You didn't like Red State, Will? I did.

I'll admit the last part was a huge disappointment, but the first three thirds of that movie surprised me with how good it was. I mean, it was a Kevin Smith movie so I wasn't expecting a hell of a lot, but the twists and turns of the plot and the realism of some of it won me over. I don't want to spoil it for any one that hasn't seen it, but, as I said, the last portion of it rang false with me and left me kind of feeling let down. The whole 'sounds of the apocalypse thing' was confusing and a tad cheap, imo.

Outside of that, good performances from Melissa Leo, John Goodman, and, especially, Michael Parks.


The beginning was ok, but very predictable. As it went on, it got more predictable and ridiculous. To me it was pure nonsense.

This was actually much better than I thought it would be. Pretty funny.


Both pretty decent entertainment
No Focus Pocus


Unknown looked pretty bad by the trailers. Like, the Taken guy, but with amnesia..


^^Pretty much but still mildly entertaining for the evening especially when my lady and I got busy towards the end.  We'd already got the gist of it.
No Focus Pocus


No Focus Pocus


Not bad. Better than I thought it would be.


It's a documentary about a scientific experiment done in the 70's in which a family was asked to teach a chimpanzee sign language. Pretty interesting. Nim apparently was a stoner because his caretakers at an monkey sanctuary smoked grass and drank with him.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I liked 'Eastern Promises' pretty well. Cronenberg is a good director and both Mortensen, Watts, and Cassel are good in it.

Anyone know anything about the latest Cronenberg flick that, again, has Mortensen, Cassel, and Michael something or another?


Quote from: GodShifter on April 05, 2012, 02:55:11 PM
I liked 'Eastern Promises' pretty well. Cronenberg is a good director and both Mortensen, Watts, and Cassel are good in it.

Anyone know anything about the latest Cronenberg flick that, again, has Mortensen, Cassel, and Michael something or another?


It's about Freud, Jung, and the history of psychoanalysis.  I haven't seen it, but I don't really think it's of a piece w/ History of Violence and Eastern Promisises (both of which I enjoyed).
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


That's the one.

Obviously, I haven't seen it, but it looks like one of those 'slow burner' movies. I'll check it out even if it isn't as good as 'Eastern Promises' or 'A History of Violence'.

The Shocker

A Dangerous Method is supposed to be pretty good.  I also want to watch Shame, but kind of scared it will hit too close to home.

Project Nim looks like a tearjerker to me...