What the hell should I buy, now?

Started by VOLVO))), August 30, 2013, 10:11:25 AM

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Some gear you own just might be irreplaceable. Providing food, shelter and security for your burgeoning family will not help in your quest to make the best music you can.

Sell anything and everything non-essential that is not music gear first. Even if you are not making music for a living, it might still be the only thing keeping you sane.

Of course, it's easy to see it otherwise if you convince yourself music is "just" for your own entertainment.
Livin' The Life.

The Shocker

SunnJake is working on an irreplaceable guitar for me.  Super rare.

Golden Boy, Esq.

Chovie D

everything may be replaceable, but not at the price you purchased it for.


And I can figure out what the fuck is wrong with it!
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



A Lanery GH* or a Laney AOR? Are said to be kinda marshallish but fuzzier; dirt cheap on the other side of the pond (might be the case in the US too). I find my GH to sound pretty schweet at least

Edit: Aren't sovtek amps pretty common over there?

Chovie D

sovtek is a great choice. they arent terribly common over here, but they exist.


Quote from: Jake on September 05, 2013, 11:46:54 AM
Jesus H. Christ. What the shit is that all about?

I suspect that there are others out there that put more than ZERO monetary value on their own entertainment/gratification. For example, even though I would technically only need water to hydrate, I sometimes drink iced tea. Or even a godamned beer, if I'm inclined.

And in the past, I actually paid someone to put permanent ink decorations on my skin. Even though it cost money and did not provide me with the essential nutrients to live.

Don't even get me started on my shitball action movie DVDs. Believe it or not, I don't even use them to build a hut in which to seek shelter from the elements.

I could go on and on.

Let me clarify. I do not believe anything comes before taking care of a child. Yes if I had to choose between an awesome JCM800 or a Bugera so that I could be a responsible adult and make sure that my kid was provided for, there is no contest. The only hesitation I might have is if that gear was used for earning my income. Since there is little chance of paying a pediatrician (for instance) with a JCM800 when money is tight, in my mind owning it is not a necessity.
Family before gear, always!


I probably just bought a Soldano sp-77 and a Peavey 60/60.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


The Bandit


Just noticed that the Hovercraft amps guy is selling a couple of AORs: http://www.ebay.com/sch/monotremata/m.html?item=331019925125&ViewItem&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562

Maybe a Hovercraft is within your budget? They seem to sound really nice without being overly expensive. Would already have bought one if it hadn't been for the expensive shipping to Europe.


Sell everything, clone a SLO, and never bother with it again.


I would probably be very happy with an SLO.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on September 10, 2013, 09:42:25 AM
I would probably be very happy with an SLO.

Which makes me think of: those Jet City amps seem to be dirt cheap (Chinese made Soldano:ish), although it's the typical "Let's mount everything on the PCB" construction method seen in most modern amps; on the other hand, from the pictures I've seen, they don't look as horrendous as Bugeras or newer Peaveys...


Look at the Yamaha t100 or the t100c. Those are pretty much Soldanos. With a little love (and help from Uncle DunNick) im sure it could be spot on. I have a line on one for 200$ that Im gonna pull a Jake on and cut it down
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Mr. Foxen


Do it. The guitar player for Disengage (great band back in the day) had a chopped down Yamaha TC combo for a head. His name was also Jake. I shit you not.


Quote from: Jake on September 10, 2013, 10:45:56 PM
Do it. The guitar player for Disengage (great band back in the day) had a chopped down Yamaha TC combo for a head. His name was also Jake. I shit you not.

Guy keeps digging himself deeper. "The clean channel doesn't stay clean, it had a problem that was common with these amps... 20 dollar part?"

I was like "Well, 20 dollar part and 60$ minimum for any tech to replace it..."

I'm probably getting this.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G