Amp Tech Thread / Ask a tech Q

Started by Hemisaurus, February 12, 2011, 05:36:46 PM

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ive got electrical problems at my space
and amp seems to build up this static noise slowly
and then pops so loud the reverb springs shake
last night it sounded like thunder
so it may or may not be getting worse
any advice or quick fixes or do i need to time my riffs with it


A power conditioner maybe? If you are sure it's your power, I'm guessing the amp doesn't do this at home?

Are there any pedals involved?


yeah the peds got there own probs didnt want to bog you down with
im dealing with power supply soon
the amp does this even when everything else is unugged from it
even guitar
it doesnt come home from space since i got it
when i plugged it in when first got it, at my house,
it was quiet as a dead mouse
the power down there (at the space)is fucked, im sure grounds are big prob
is there something specific to use between amp and wall socket
you mentioned power conditioner but im clueless as far as electrical shit
brand and model number cause im big dummy
if the same thing would work for board thatd be awesome
thanks hemi


Well first off, I'd get an outlet tester.

I'd also take the amp home again, and see if it does the same thing there.

If it only makes the noise at the practice space, and / or the outlet tester shows something wrong, I'd get the wiring repaired, call your landlord. The power conditioner would be a quick fix option, only after you are sure it's the power. I don't use 'em myself, couldn't give you a brand or model, lotsa people use Furman.


ill lug it home and give it a shot
looks like that power conditioner is exactly what im gonna need
landlords been wantin us out for a while,so hes not gonna be any help
thanks much hemi
you need a tip jar on here somehow(paypal button)



No clue. I do have an Epi bass, never looked at the pickup. Anyone ???


Quote from: CowboyJakeB on September 22, 2012, 11:07:09 PM
Are Epi pickups wax potted?


At least the one I pulled out of my Explorer was but that's the only one I've ever had a look at.

Mr. Foxen

One from my G400 were, ones in my plywood crappy epi weren't.

Mr. Foxen

Here is why changing your power caps before they go short is important. I suspect tinfoiling a fuse might also be involved, but it hasn't arrived yet.


Livin' The Life.

Mr. Foxen

Prevents that pesky blowing they do and allows your amp to catch fire in a smooth analogue fashion.


Quote from: Mr. Foxen on September 25, 2012, 02:16:59 PM
Here is why changing your power caps before they go short is important. I suspect tinfoiling a fuse might also be involved, but it hasn't arrived yet.

fuck, someone burned a partridge.

Mr. Foxen

Ha, I've been assuming those were Partridges since I got my first Burman, but it turns out they aren't. Spoke to a mate of Gregg Burmans, who checked with him, he had them custom made to a higher spec by two other companies, they are bigger than the Partridge trannies in equivalent amps, and the lacquer is much thicker.


Quote from: Mr. Foxen on September 25, 2012, 02:31:29 PM
Ha, I've been assuming those were Partridges since I got my first Burman, but it turns out they aren't. Spoke to a mate of Gregg Burmans, who checked with him, he had them custom made to a higher spec by two other companies, they are bigger than the Partridge trannies in equivalent amps, and the lacquer is much thicker.

they do have that look so I was tricked 2


We should put that at the beginnng of the thread with, a why you don't fuck with tube amps header  :o


Quote from: Mr. Foxen on September 25, 2012, 02:24:20 PM

Prevents that pesky blowing they do and allows your amp to catch fire in a smooth analogue fashion.

Sweet baby Jesus tap-dancing on the waters!

Whoever did that deserved what they got.
Livin' The Life.

Mr. Foxen

The foiled fuse was in a not toasted amp, had some fucky caps that were probably blowing it, but it apparently worked, I never tried firing it up till I'd sorted shit I could see was wrong. I've actually seen more amps with a wire soldered across the fuse holder, so someone actually knew how to solder and did it, rather than a get me through the gig bodge.


Quote from: Mr. Foxen on September 25, 2012, 06:37:10 PM
The foiled fuse was in a not toasted amp, had some fucky caps that were probably blowing it, but it apparently worked, I never tried firing it up till I'd sorted shit I could see was wrong. I've actually seen more amps with a wire soldered across the fuse holder, so someone actually knew how to solder and did it, rather than a get me through the gig bodge.

When you used to be able to buy fuse wire in packets at the hardware store, we'd drill out the fuse and solder in a piece of fuse wire. That was before circuit breakers took over. Given the stupid fuse sizes and designs I've seen recently (board fuses, buss fuses, etc.) I miss being able to repair fuses.

Possibly it's more a not available in the US deal, perhaps they still have it at B&Q?

Mr. Foxen

This isn't even the only one I've had like it, only one I photoed though. don't think fuse wire is ever copper, but not something I've paid much attention to.


Anybody have much experience tinkering with Boss pedals?  I've got a Noise Suppressor that works fine in reduction mode, but in mute mode when engaged it seems to be stuck in mute. Adjusting the potentiometers for threshold and decay do nothing (though they work fine when in reduction mode)

Anybody have a quick idea on where the issue could be. I've opened it up twice and no wires appear to be damaged to broken loose, and no other obvious damage to the boards.

I realize that it may be more cost effective to just go buy another since its just a Boss...but it's the principle of the thing...


Quote from: morgantician on September 26, 2012, 01:46:48 AM
Anybody have much experience tinkering with Boss pedals?  I've got a Noise Suppressor that works fine in reduction mode, but in mute mode when engaged it seems to be stuck in mute. Adjusting the potentiometers for threshold and decay do nothing (though they work fine when in reduction mode)

Anybody have a quick idea on where the issue could be. I've opened it up twice and no wires appear to be damaged to broken loose, and no other obvious damage to the boards.

I realize that it may be more cost effective to just go buy another since its just a Boss...but it's the principle of the thing...

In mute mode when the main / center LED is on you should hear nothing. When the main LED is off you should still see the gate LED go on and off as you play.

So in mute mode the pedal should be "off" when you are playing and "on" to mute your signal between songs or whatever.


In that case, my problem is then when not in mute, I'm getting no gate closing - the pedal lets all sound through as if it wasn't there at all (despite the knob settings).


Hmm, fault finding a pedal, sight unseen :)

My only question, if it sort of seems to be working, but isn't quite, is are you using battery or AC adpater. I'll relate the tale of my Boss pedal. It worked A-OK on battery, but did not work on DC adapter, until I used a 9.6V Boss adapter, in place of the 9V generic adapter I had been using, and then it worked fine.

So, sight unseen, try it on a battery, does it work differently?

It also seems like fallen may be best to explain how it works for you :)