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Started by VOLVO))), February 16, 2013, 11:02:01 AM

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Quote from: Jake on August 28, 2013, 01:44:12 PM
Well done, Jake)))! Love the natty wood, like Emperor and Atlas cabs.

Myself, I can't stop hacking apart perfectly good Sunn combos. They're just so much more useful to me as heads. Here's a before and after of yesterday's mutilation.

IMMACULATE condition no more.  Ha!   I woulda done the same thing.

Danny G

How have I missed thread for so long?!?

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins



Jake! Stop the madness!!! Doesn't that reissue have an ext speaker jack? I still have that 2x12 that you gave me from that Solaris? combo and I weep a bit everytime I look at it. Leave those poor fellas alone! 


Never! I'm willing to be "that guy."

It's not like I put a Kahler on a '50s blackguard Tele or anything. In fact, I think that I made this a much more useable/flexible amplifier now. Dealing with an 80 pound 1x12 combo is for stronger, less deaf folks than myself.

Corey Y

I want to do the same thing with my Fender PRRI. I never ever use the built in 10", even though it's a nice Weber the original owner put in, I always use the speaker out to one of my cabs. I was thinking about just building a head cab for it though, instead of chopping up the existing one.


That being said, it is pretty fuckin cool. How does the reverb sound on the 50I




Totally happy customer. Ill probably be making several more of these now. I might actually make some money, fuck.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: Jake on August 29, 2013, 11:14:38 AM
In fact, I think that I made this a much more useable/flexible amplifier now.

Not the point!  I've been looking at almost-vintage stuff on eBay as an investment.  So many people have done irreversible stuff to their gear that makes the resale about 1/3.  Some people don't give a shit about resale though.  And maybe the amp isn't worth anything anyway.  I just hate to see a good investment turn to shit when they could have kept it original, sold it, and bought what they really wanted. 


If I were investing, it would not be via a Sunn T50C. And I'm not going to pretend to know or care how much those will be valued in, say, the year 2033.




Corey Y

I sprayed the color coat for my pine p-bass body today. 4 coats of black, hopefully doing the clear tomorrow.


Well I've got my workbench back!  it's been over year since I built anything and I've been on a Fuzz building kick.  Built a Fuzzrite and a homemade Bigmuff meets Bazzfuss that does the Neil Young exploding amp really well.  I'm really digging the Fuzzrite though that things is just the sound of 60's rock in a box.

I picked up a couple tripods and I'm going to start putting up some youtube demo vids real soon (not that my stuff is anything special but there are probably some tinkerers like me out there that dig that sort of thing.)

I'm thinking about putting bass pickup in one of my old strats like the dude from local H too
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Glued mah top:

I'm starting to think black grain filler, cream binding and cream P90s...




Got a Demo up of the little Fuzz I built.  I'm calling it the "JihadRod Fuzz"

let me know what you think.


I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Binding, router bit and pore filler came today from StewMac, so I hope there's progress on my thinline msoon...


Getting ready to velcro or dual lock my pedal board.  I got everything mocked up and It's going to be great.

I stuck an old Dodge Dart Swinger emblem on it my friend gave me from his car.  I figured that with all the pedal swapping this looper does that "Swinger" is a nice fit.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Binding channel routed.

I have a set of handwound P90s on the way, when I get them I'll route out the pickup cavities and neck pocket. I'm not sure about the correct order of things anymore, but I think I'll do the binding and grain filling after that ;D


Tryna etch. Went pretty well for a first attempt.

All my bits are too large, so it'll be a few days before I see if I can ruin it via drill. Baby steps.

Danny G

Was rechecking the wiring on my LP Studio the other day.

Long story short the headstock has damn near broken off twice, and I'm finally trying to get it gig-ready after I had stripped it for parts thinking it was dead.

A year+ ago put in the late model Super Distortion which came in the neck position (!!) of my 79 Iceman. The Rio Grande BBQ which used to be in it and sounded amazing had brought my Paul Stanley Iceman back to life, so didn't want to remove it.

But playing the LP Studio in a rehearsal setting at stage volume, the SD just sounded weak, thin and very underpowered.

Checked the wiring but all seemed good (was thinking I had crossed wires hastily installing it and inadvertently coil tapped it, but not the case).

Retaped all the wires to better shield them away from each other (all the wires had extra leads installed as the SD was hooked up to a coil tap switch in the 79 Iceman), fired it up on my Lead 12.

A/B ing against the 79 Iceman there wasn't the noticeable difference I had noticed like I did in rehearsals. So hopefully retaping did the trick.

If it still sounds less than stellar next time I'm at stage volume, I'll swap the SD out for a DiMarzio Megadrive, which has been in the LP before and sounded good.

But what I need to do is get another Rio Grande BBQ, as it sounded amazing in the LP. Made it sound even more like a Les Paul, if that makes sense.

Sent from a can on some string using Tapatalk
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins




I got he body for my Flying V diddly bow roughed out.  Next step is to glue it up and finish sanding the edges
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.