So there's gonna be a gear swap meet.

Started by Pissy, January 23, 2013, 09:08:23 PM

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Here in Charlotte in May at Tremont.  I've been asked to help out and I'm kinda stoked about it.

Problem is I have no idea how to plan one, get the word out or run one.  And honestly I don't have to know, but I do want it to go smoothly. Any ideas?

A first pass on ideas has me thinking folks could pay a little extra for some taped off real estate to stage their gear. How much I'm not sure, but it will be in conjunction with a record show, so there will need to be some level ground.

I'd like to have name tags that people write what they're selling and what they're looking for so a quick glance could foster activity.

I'd rather not have dealers, but I doubt that will be up to me.

Vinyls.   deal.


My nametag:
"Excuse me my good sir.. I am seeking a mid 1960s Marshall JTM45 and a 1944 Martin dreadnaught guitar. In trade I shall surrender my 1994 Fender Squier stratocaster in dusty condition with mostly original electronics and mostly present hardware. I'll give you a moment to clean up."
Billy Squier 24/7


Aye ol' boy. Howzy 'bout givin' me name tag a good once over. Noice!
Vinyls.   deal.


I'm not sure how you want it to work. Just guys in a room with gear in hand looking to trade/sell/buy? Maybe do it like speed dating? You sit down at a table, you both tell each other what you got, if neither is interested you move onto the next table? Man, I don't know how you'd do it without dealers. It would be cool to see one with dealers that had an area for individuals to trade.
Meh :/


Charging for tables makes sure that people are serious. But charge too much and all you get is bigger brands or chain music stores and it's not much of a swap.

That's what our local swap is like. It's more of a trade show type thing, nobody attending really swaps anything. You pay 5 bucks to get in and it's some good tables with used gear but a lot of brands just showing demo gear.

One sale that does well around here is an invite only sale. It happens every year so anyone who doesn't sell a lot gets dropped and they try new people instead the next time. Every time it gets better for the shoppers which gets more people every year.