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Scum of the earth

Started by Cursed71, December 13, 2012, 08:05:51 AM

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I've heard of it happening to plenty of bands and it always makes me sick.  Yesterday we discovered my and my bass player's guitars nabbed from our rehearsal space, along with several basses and an epiphone semi hollow body that belongs to a band we share the space with.  My guitar is a Monson (one of a kind build) pictured with me below.  This really sucks, but I can't imagine someone getting away with selling such a weird guitar.
  If it shows up anywhere please punch the fuckers responsible with a rusty nail to the temple.  That is all.


sorry to hear this.  ok relax a second:  where did this happen so the locals can get tuned in and start watching.


Quote from: jibberish on December 13, 2012, 08:53:57 AM
sorry to hear this.  ok relax a second:  where did this happen so the locals can get tuned in and start watching.

This.  Also, get posts up on your local craigslist musical instruments for sale and musicians community sections asap.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"

Instant Dan

Do you have documentation (serial number, pictures of identifying marks) of it? Send that to every Guitar Center and guitar shop within a 50-100 mile radius. The more they have to work with, the better.


Yeah, we contacted all the local music stores, pawnshops etc. Where stolen gear usually shows up.  Also filed a police report.

Instant Dan


My buddy owns a musician only pawn shop here.  There is a protocol for everything that is either sold to them or pawned to them.  All paperwork is picked up by local police on a regular basis and goes through a 90 day hold before it is put onto the sales floor.  there is in my opinion a good chance you will get some of it back.  Good luck.  I am throwing a 16 penny nail in a bucket of sewage water right now just in case.
No Focus Pocus

Chovie D

sorry that happened man. hope you get everything back and the theif rips his nutsack open on a rusty nail while sliding down a rail

Id suggest that no one leave their guitars in their jam space, or in the car overnight or even for an hour while you watch the last band...i dont leave it alone anywhere.


Yeah, I'm more anal about my guitars. I'll leave my amps & such at a practice space, but the axes come home with me.

That said, watch me go home to day & find 'em all gone.

I'm w/ Chovie on the nail meets nutsack wishes. HANGIN'S TOO GOOD FOR HIM!!
Livin' The Life.


Thanks dudes, you guys rule!  Looks like some of the other band's stuff turned up at a pawnshop.  I'm crossing my fingers this leads to my gear.  At least the wheels are turning.

clockwork green

What part of the country was this?
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Looks like you're in good company; somebody stole Thurston Moore's guitar last night too.

Quote from: RacerX on December 13, 2012, 02:37:30 PMHANGIN'S TOO GOOD FOR HIM!!
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


cool, hope you get your stuff back.  person who took it is truly scum of the earth.  its best to leave your gear at home so your homeowners or apartment insurance covers it, take photos of it in the apartment/house and photos of the serial numbers.



I would hope that the lads in Sonic Youth have insurance on all their wares, seeing as though they seem to get a lot of stuff jacked.

Instant Dan

I'll share one of my secrets for tracking my gear if some jackass decides to take it and claims to know the serial number/everything/blah blah

I take one of those label stickers, like the ones you put on for school reunions, cut it in half and write on it.

'This guitar belongs to:
Dan Chi********

I stick it either under the pickguard or beneath the cover plate for the electronics (if you have an SG, LP, etc.). I also put one of these inside the head of my Marshall.

But I also do what Everdrone does which is photograph my gear, especially if there is a noticable sticker or something that sticks out (brass nut, p'ups, etc.). Then I write down on a business card, all my gear with the serial number next to it and keep it in my wallet.


Yup. All good stuff. I've got a folder in my online Photobucket account that's all pics of guitars, amps, cabs, their serial numbers, and any other unique identifying mark. I also put the last four digits of my social in very inconspicous places of all the gear I never plan on selling.

I was inspired by a radio show I heard about bicycle theft and how bikes are basically a huge black market form of currency. If a bike is stolen, most police will not even file a report unless you have the serial number. I guess that there are soooooooo many bikes stolen every day that if they were to generate reports for every one, the crime statistics would totally skyrocket. Kind of a dick move, if you ask me.

And I sincerely wish you the best of luck reclaiming you things. Sounds like you're hopefully on the right track.


All great advice, and a lesson learned.  This morning the cops called, and they recovered my guitar from the suspect's brother's house!  That's the good news.  The bad news is how beat up it now is.  Apparantly the fuck is living out of his truck, and just threw all the stolen shit in back.  The stolen basses and dickhead thief are still at large.  I will keep ya posted.


Fucking cunts!

Good ideas here about photos, stickers, SS numbers, and serial numbers.


Quote from: liquidsmoke on December 15, 2012, 03:01:53 PM
Fucking cunts!

Good ideas here about photos, stickers, SS numbers, and serial numbers.



Damn that really sucks man. Pissy and I had our guitars stolen about 15 years ago (damn has it been that long?). Discovered them gone from the truck after we'd driven 2 1/2 hours to play a show. We filed a police report.. did no good. So we buy a couple of new guitars, then our practice room gets broken into 2 weeks later, and some of our shit gets stolen again, including Pissy's new bass. Thief left mine though.. don't know why. I spotted one of my guitars in a Cash America Pawn one day.. Called our cop case worker. He basically said there was nothing they could do. And there was no question it was mine. I had the serial number and paperwork from where my first wife had bought  it for me brand new, plus it had crazy drill marks all over the front where I very sloppily modded it (regretful, but I was a dumb kid). I never got it back, and it disappeared from the pawn shop. Fuckers.

Anyway, yeah... I hate a thief. I hope you end up getting your stuff back.
Billy Squier 24/7


I invested in a Dremel engraver.

They're on ebay for $20-30 U.S. I put my name on every piece of gear. Pedals, amps, guitars, cabs, and yes extension cords.  Won't stop a thief, but it helps.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.

Instant Dan

Sorry to hear about your guitar getting trashed, I hope it's nothing beyond repair. :-\


Aww, its all cosmetic.  After spending a few hours playing, everything felt and sounded right on, and I'm glad to have it back!!!  I was really pissed at first, but it happened right when the Connecticut shooting happened,  which put my situation in perspective... and I guess it's really just a guitar. I can't imagine a real tragedy, and I'm lucky every day just to be able to jam with my buddies.  Fuck it.  Thieves still can rip a nutsack though!


Speaking of bike thieves and nutsacks: About 14 years ago some drunk kept cutting my bike chain and stealing my bike. I know it was a drunk because I found it at the bar up the street a couple of days later. After it happened twice I removed the vinyl cover from the seat and poked about 6-8 straight pins down the center of the vinyl cover. I put it back on the bike, so the pins were sticking straight up. The pins were pretty easy to see so I painted them black. I then put my bike back outside and locked it up. It never got stolen again. Don't know if someone sat on it or not, but I must have made my point.