Hartke, Ampeg, and other stuff...

Started by BastardCthulhu, November 10, 2012, 09:14:03 AM

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I recently started selling off my guitar gear.  My hands and arms can't keep up with what I want to do anymore, so I'm going back to my bread and butter, bass. When I played before (about 15 years ago), my last rig was a Sunn Concert Bass head, through an Ampeg 115, and eventually a 215.  I liked the 115 for its punchiness, but the 215 was just flat and dead.  Wasn't even that loud. So, here I am, 15 years older, with no idea what to look for in bass gear.  I've been looking at Hartke stuff, and they've really expanded their lineup.  Who here uses it?  I almost never see it mentioned, but I bet one of you fuckers has at least one piece of Hartke gear in your massive jam rooms...

If I don't wind up going with the Hartke, I'm going back to Ampeg.  A buddy of mine that no longer jams has a B2R head and an SVT Classic 115 cab, and that should be enough to get me started.


Hartke amps are great. Very clean and somewhat sterile sounding. You might want a fuzz or dirt pedal to add some grit. They're affordable, reliable and everywhere in the used shops. I'd aim high on the wattage ratings. I had a 250W head that just didn't cut it for doom/stoner. Better to have too much power than not enough. At least 500W, but 750W-1000W would be best. Also: Their customer support is top notch and Larry Hartke lurks on TalkBass and The Gear Page so if you have a question or issue he'll jump right in and help out. The first amp I bought from them had a pellet from the silica packet lodged in the fan and it went into thermal shutdown. I contacted Hartke and they paid for shipping to send it back and sent me a new one, no questions asked. Don't know much about their cabs but I'd avoid aluminum cones. That's more of a personal preference thing, though.


Try picking up a cheap head somewhere, secondhand if you find a nice one, otherwise I'd go for a Gallien Krueger, those are pretty good for what you pay. Cabs, Hartke has those alu cones which I don't like (I happen to have alu cones in old Peavey cabs, they go better for guitar imo) so again, try finding something secondhand, if not, I bought the Peavey 410 TVX, it's a beast. Prepare to break your back  ;) They have smaller cabs in that line as well.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



I'd agree with you on the aluminum.  The idea has scared me since day one.  they do have a paper/aluminum hybrid out now, and the cabs are pretty fucking sharp.

Mr. Foxen

I used a ali coned Hartke 2x15, probably the best sounding borrowed cab I've used at a gig. I always say spend the money on the cab, its the major limiting factor for bass, get a head for power and reliability, which the Hartke are good for. But a Sansamp character pedal and a power amp is the best bang for buck I can think of.


I think that one of the most important questions are what is it that you want to do? Do you want to play in a band or is it just for messing around? Also what kind of dough do you want to spend?


When it's all said and done, I'm probably going to have around 500 smackers to spend on a rig.  I already traded my guitar for a decent bass, so that's out of the way.  At this point, I don't have a band to speak of, so I'll just be noodling by myself until I find something bandwise.  Doesn't mean I'm going to settle for a Gorilla practice amp though. 


I would pass on the B2R.  They're woefully underpowered and there are better options out there.  I have an SVT115 and it's great paired w/ my 210 but not loud enough by itself in a loud band no matter what amp you plug into it.  I have to say I love my Micro VR.  Great little amp but again... Not super loud unless you run it at 4Ohms but sounds really good for class D.  Hartke aluminum cabs suck if you use distortion.  You get super weird overtones that sound pretty terrible IMO.  If you don't want to go Ampeg tube, I'm a pretty big fan of the Genz Benz GBE heads.  I've never owned one, but have played friends' rigs and I've really dug them.  Tube pre/solid power.

For $500 I'd be on the lookout for an old Peavey head and 4x10.  I put my Micro-VR, SVT 210, and SVT 115 rig together for $550 but held out for used stuff & was fairly patient with it.


I'm not a fan of Aluminium Hartke cabs. I find them to be overly responsive and bright, which are the same reasons lots of people really like them.

I really like the Hartke LH500/1000 amps though. Easy to use, cheap and loud as hell. Also the company does great customer service by all accounts.

I just run old Trace Elliot stuff myself, as it is generally cheap to get second hand in the UK, because the amps and cabs are generally heavy as hell and everybody is trying to sell them in order to buy newer lightweight gear and the fact that some people think that the amps are rubbish.


I had a guy contact me who has a Peavey 2x8 1x15...anybody know anything about these guys?  I'd rather it be 10's, but what the hell...


They're OK cabs.  Big and heavy & sound OK.  I'd opt for a 410 if you can wait for one to pop up.  How much are they asking?

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: BastardCthulhu on November 15, 2012, 08:46:04 PM
I had a guy contact me who has a Peavey 2x8 1x15...anybody know anything about these guys?  I'd rather it be 10's, but what the hell...

Make sure it has its original drivers and crossover. Too many people didn't grasp the concept of sub and mid drivers and toasted the mids, and replaced them with ones that won't agree with the crossover.


Welp, that deal's off the table.  Along came Xmas and stole my fucking amp $$.  Goddamn xmas.


You should check out Phil Jones stuff as well. The speakers respond great to any genre of music. Nice and clean low end with a lot of punch.


My only complaint about Phil Jones stuff is that they don't fit into my butler's Ferrari very well.


Quote from: Jake on November 20, 2012, 03:14:35 PM
My only complaint about Phil Jones stuff is that they don't fit into my butler's Ferrari very well.

Dude, you're doing it wrong: You're supposed to drive the Ferrari; yer butler pilots the van.
Livin' The Life.


I'm basically going to use this thread to document my stumble back into 4 stringery.  Does anyone use Xaviere bass strings?  I remember buying bass strings being a huge burden, so back in the day, I never changed them all that often.  GFS is pretty legit on all fronts, so if the strings are good, I will buy from them.

Mr. Foxen

Do you play with a pick? I use Elixir strings now, only need to change them when someone borrowing my bass uses a pick and they get dandruff.


I really don't lean one way or the other, Fox.  I don't have any projects going right now, so I'm splitting my time btwn plucking and picking.  The bass I wound up with is active, so the attack I get with a pick is a bit much.  Sounds GREAT with fingers though.  Does anyone make decently priced stainless strings anymore?  I bought a pack of Rotosounds once, and they were friggin spectacular, but holy shit, the price...


I have pretty much decided on getting a Peavey T Max head, when finances are right.  I know at least one of yinz has one of these buggers...so my question:  410 TVX or 1516?  I want the most bang I can get out of this head, debate away.


Quote from: BastardCthulhu on December 10, 2012, 03:50:29 PM
I have pretty much decided on getting a Peavey T Max head, when finances are right.  I know at least one of yinz has one of these buggers...so my question:  410 TVX or 1516?  I want the most bang I can get out of this head, debate away.

410TVX for sure. The 1516 looks cool in theory, but is lacking a bit in sound.


Going by the word yinz in your post I'm going to assume you live in or near Pittsburgh, if that's the case Pianos N Stuff has Rotosounds for $14.99 a set.  At that price I got 3 sets so I'm set for a while.


Yeah, Eddie.  Butler county born and raised..though now I'm in Mercer County, so PnS is a bit out of my wheel house...but I'll keep that in mind.


I don't know much about bass other than playing with lots of bass players and the best sounding rig is always a 70s style Ampeg SVT with an 8x10 fridge.

Have played with guys with GK, Trace Elliot, Hartke cabs, SWR, Mesa Boogie, etc. To me the Ampeg is always the best but could be personal preference.

I have a GK myself that I picked up cheap and it is super compact at least.