hi power LED thoughts...may be useful

Started by jibberish, October 31, 2012, 12:52:10 AM

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i was thinking about my studio rehash project and meditating on foam traps for the brick walls.

i was visualizing lightly spray painting them with day-glo colors and mounting CREE UV LED's up in the ceiling to light it

THEN i got to thinking about the basic LED driver they have for $16 at this place i get my CREE LED's (for my marine aquarium stuff) and actually how cool it is.

the super-basic LED driver is a constant current source. it is set up to run like 3 to 14 LED's in series with constant 700mA current. it varies its voltage as the additional LED's and their respective voltage drops get added to the string. so this driver goes from w/e 10v to 48v, but always 700mA. i guess as long as you stayed in the resistive range that works out to 10-48v/700mA...15-70?

maybe some of you have needed constant current , which isnt super easy to just whip up mid-circuit. and i know some of you play with LED's in your craft, maybe this can take you beyond current limiting resistors in your circuitry adventures. $16 is pretty cheap.

Then, maybe some of you want to play with pinpoints of light that you cant even look directly at when no lenses are on them. i sit and marvel at how tiny of a speck of stuff puts out that retarded amount of light without vaporizing before my eyes. my aquarium rig has been running smooth as silk for about 10 months now. they are for real.




heh, you know, i really am still just a kid that loves pretty lights and colors and sounds.

any trade show like IMT at mccormick, i scoped ALL the LED and lighting mfrs..fuck the robots..(ok just kidding, best demo i ever saw was 2 robot arms whipping all over in parallel coordinates, then with subroutine of one holding a whiteboard and the other one writing it's name on th ethe board with a sharpie.  these were like 6 foot multiple joint arms so they were impressive smartly and precisely whipping around.)

i digress.  i was a serious lighting fiend on th emarine boards. i have more different MV, HPS, MH, SE MH lamps and ballasts than most electrical supply houses([cue music]"well they stock common stuff so no fair i guess, but i totally pwned them all nonetheless"[ds al coda lol..whoooo]). vho flours and more ballasts, so

I LIKE LIGHTS, and i pay attention to them

hellz yes i sit right under fireworks displays whenever possible

dunedin and his slick edge lighting stuff...yes i payed close attention to that. [homer simpson voice] prettty[/homer simpson voice]