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We're all mad here

Started by clockwork green, September 30, 2012, 03:07:26 PM

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clockwork green

I was thinking about this last night when I was thinking about the paths bands take and missed opportunities, regret and all that jazz.  I figure pretty much every band member of just about every band is probably one of these three categories (if you have other categories, by all means, add them). 

1) You're mad because you feel you do all of the work in the band.  Booking shows, writing songs, setting practices, getting merch made etc...

2) You'e mad because you feel that you don't get enough input on songwriting, and the general band direction.  Someone else is in category 1 all of the time and you'd like to have more input and the band you devote so much time to.

3) You're made because nobody stepped up and you've missed opportunities as a band.  Nobody really put effort into booking shows, in writing more new songs and things got stale.

I'm a mix of 1 and 3.  I've always been frustrated that I do essentially all of the writing.  I love playing off of others ideas and I just don't get that chance.  The only input I get is when they don't like something I've come up with which just frustrating.  I'm mainly number 3 because I should have put more effort into getting show and touring opportunities that other people offered to help us with.  I should have written more songs.  I should have just taken the reins and pushed more.  This is a running theme in my life I'm running out of time hoping I'll get out of it and I'm running out of luck finding other people to do it for me. 
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


4.)  You're mad because the drummer always drinks all the beer
No Focus Pocus


Being in a band is hard, it's like being married to 3 people. It's amazing that anybody can pull it off. Especially since musicians are flakes etc.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I'm not sure where this fit. I get mad because I don't have the playing ability or experience to actively seek other musicians. Then when something viable pops up, it's for musicians who are interested in seriously playing live. I just want to jam and record music.  :'(
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


I'm not mad per se but I'm kind of regretful of some missed opportunities that could have led to some great things.
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


im wiith bitter and spook
which,coincidently, makes me both spooked and bitter


Best bands I ever had I always needed one other person who could get on the phone and drum up gigs.

I am fine with writing and co-writing music with a band and organizing gear and rehearsals but I'm not good at networking and getting shows.

clockwork green

Quote from: ryansummit on October 01, 2012, 02:57:05 AM
im wiith bitter a spook
which,coincidently, makes me both spooked and bitter
Hopefully you don't catch his particular brand of retarded. How could you have possibly benefitted from turning down or just plain missing out on good opportunities?
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


i meant bitter and spook(stricland)
bitter a spook doesnt sound good at all
not sure i understand the question
i relate to their statements is all
no benefit whatsoever besides more reason to hate myself
thanks for askin


There's an ale called Spook, but not a bitter ;)


When I say I love you, you say you bitter
(You bitter, you bitter, you bit)
When I say I need you, you say you bittahh!
(You bitter, you bitter, you bit)

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


My only regret is not trademarking our band name, but I'm over being mad about it. No other regrets. I'm very happy with my band.   

I wish it didn't take so long to finish an album. And the drummer does drink most of the beer, but we deal.
Billy Squier 24/7

Andrew Blakk

Well I guess some days things are pendling between 1 and 2.

But mostly things are safe and sound.


I don't think I'm mad anymore, though I spent ALOT of years being mad at all of those. I think when I came to the conclusion that I no longer need anyone to do things for me (write music, book shows, play on recordings, etc) because I've built up experience, contacts and talent over the years to be self sufficient when I want/need to be. Sounds egotistical, but I've been left in hard situations (like most people I'm sure) where I had sell short my "vision" in one way or another.

I think if I had one regret it was letting friendship get in the way of band progress. Not that I want to play music with anyone but friends, but I found that in the past I've given a lot of rope to other band members who were lazy, non-contributive, difficult, or flakey (and I wouldn't expect that same rope to be given to me). It sounds a little cold, but my friendships with band members stayed stronger when I was just honest and didn't let sour feelings fester in the back of my head. I just learned to appropriately deal with people and situations and be patient. Things will happen if we want them to, just maybe not in the timely fashion we'd like.


I like projects where I am expected to be non-contributive, sometimes being just the bassplayer can be liberating. Some projects it's just one person with a strong vision, and the rest of us are just playing support. Then again you can't do that in all your projects. ;)


I can definitely sympathize with 1.  I don't mind working hard to make shit happen, but it's frustrating when you feel you're getting little support from the people you're helping out.  But on the other hand, not everyone has the same goals so if yours are loftier than the others then you either have to do the work or find people with similar goals.  But as irritating as it can be, it all melts away when you're in the same room together and lock into that groove.  Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with the rest.