
Started by Beerjerk, January 16, 2012, 11:32:24 PM

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at the same time, no doubt

Narco Pollo

Drug Chicken


Quote from: Jor el on June 14, 2012, 04:23:04 PM

Different ship - same planet

I know I am late to this conversation so I am sure someone must have said this first but the planet in prometheus was not the same planet as the first Alien.   Different numbers.


the plot thickens..

Jor el

Same ship, Different day

Sent from my iPrad
What Would Scooby Do ?

Narco Pollo

Different ship too.  David said there are "many others." and he and Shaw fly away in one.

I saw it again last night in iMax 3d.  Wanted to see it in all it's glory before it left.

I will say this.  It becomes much easier to understand with repeat viewings.  It really grows on you and a lot of the questions you have are answered, they just don't jump out at you the first time.

And also, I don't think Vickers is a robot anymore because after David says that Weyland wants him to "try harder" he looks at Vickers and says "Want some tea?"  Indicating he would infect her with the goo, but he goes for Fratboy instead.

The film is still flawed, but it's way better than the backlash it's getting.  It's just way different than what people expected.

I like the At the Mountains of Madness references, it makes the aliens like Cthulhu.

Fun Sci Fi, well executed visuals and average hollywood story.  I recommend a second viewing either over the net or at a cheap theater.

Also, totally worth the 3d.  I've seen so much crap where the 3d was useless.  This was really used well.  Especially the helmet/computer displays and star maps.
Drug Chicken

deleted account

yeah, it's a fun ride with very good 3D.  I saw the premiere midnight showing at the Metreon (SF's IMAX complex) and was wide awake (and baked) throughout.  by contrast, I saw Will Carter at a 10pm showing when that came out and was snoozing at the 40-minute mark. 

anton chigurh


deleted account

is that the movie's grade, or like, all of the above?

The Shocker

I thought most of the human interaction was super lame.  You fucking find the most amazing shit ever, then cry becasue you can't have a baby?
Why was Stringer Bell talking in a terrible accent?
The 2 dudes get stranded, are terrified of everything, but then one of them decides to get high?  Didn't want to check out the life form found by the scanner thing, but then decide to play with a fucking dick snake?
And what happened to plastic eyeglasses guy?

Why was Charlize and Guy Pierce even in the movie?  They could have been cut out entirely.
I think she was a robot.

Still, I enjoyed the movie and thought Rapace looked weird hot.  Bolt, it looked like she was probably at her normal weight, not emaciated like in Girl.  I did like her meaty thighs.


Quote from: The Shocker on June 27, 2012, 08:47:05 AM
Didn't want to check out the life form found by the scanner thing, but then decide to play with a fucking dick snake?

Yeah that Dick Snake/Vagina Snake/Whatever snake thing scene was really weird. I would of freaked out if I saw that thing and backed the fuck off..

It was a badly written scene......
"Ginger People"


yeah..those guys were scared of their own shadow and then they go and fuck with that thing..not logical


Narco Pollo

Quote from: gritty_fingers on June 28, 2012, 12:33:12 AM
Quote from: The Shocker on June 27, 2012, 08:47:05 AM
Didn't want to check out the life form found by the scanner thing, but then decide to play with a fucking dick snake?

Yeah that Dick Snake/Vagina Snake/Whatever snake thing scene was really weird. I would of freaked out if I saw that thing and backed the fuck off..

It was a badly written scene......


Drug Chicken


its a flawed movie but it does give some insight into the original alien, where the ship and engineer are shown and never any great detail. i just watched the original first time in over a decade..awesome movie for 1979.


yeah, i just watched alien the other day too. it made me more firm in my belief that prometheus fails as a film. or, as the film it was trying to be. in alien, when ash is revealed as a robot and ripley finds out that he wants the alien specimen for military weapon research, it made me wish prometheus had delved into that more. sure, we can assume that charlize theron's purpose for the trip is to find military weapons when she says she has her own agenda, but then why does she kill the anthropologist dude who is carrying the alien thingy she supposedly wants to bring back? why won't she let infected people in the ship if her goal is to bring back alien weaponry stuff? but then... if this is truly the first contact that humans have had with these aliens, how does she even know that there'll be military stuff there to exploit? WHAT WAS HER MOTIVATION FOR DOING ANYTHING IN THIS FILM?

and weylon... he seems to want to be there to meet his creator. fine. but then what orders is he giving david when he's in the sleep chamber? what does david have to "try harder" to do? make one of the space jockeys come to life? if that's the case, then why does david infect the anthropologists with a space vagina baby? does he have his own motivation separate from weyland's? and charlize theron's? someone else wants the alien specimen as a military tool? and we never see or hear from that person at all? just kinda assume it?

i saw prometheus with a friend who loved it. but... shouldn't a prequel answer some questions about the origins of alien? we don't get that many answers. just... oh hey, we ARE the space jockeys, they have human DNA. ok. fine. but then why does everything else in this movie happen?

... movie looked cool, though. i guess that's what matters.

johnny problem

It didn't even look that cool.  I wonder how he even made Blade Runner.

The Shocker

I think he's expressed interest in doing a Blade Runner sequel as well.

Narco Pollo

I thought it looked great, especially in 3d.  So far, Tron and Prometheus are the only 2 movies I've seen that justified the 3d.   I didn't see Avatar in the theater.

Not as good as Blade Runner or Alien, but if you're being fair, still the best on the alien franchise since Aliens, and one of the better movies I've seen in years.  Didn't live up to expectations, but things rarely do.  I appreciate the effort.
Drug Chicken


Quote from: Narco Pollo on July 03, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
I thought it looked great, especially in 3d.  So far, Tron and Prometheus are the only 2 movies I've seen that justified the 3d.   I didn't see Avatar in the theater.

Not as good as Blade Runner or Alien, but if you're being fair, still the best on the alien franchise since Aliens, and one of the better movies I've seen in years.  Didn't live up to expectations, but things rarely do.  I appreciate the effort.

Same here.  I saw Tron and Avatar in IMAX 3D and I though the 3D in Prometheus was done just was well as those two movies.

Demon Lung

Quote from: strangelight on July 02, 2012, 09:29:01 AM
yeah, i just watched alien the other day too. it made me more firm in my belief that prometheus fails as a film. or, as the film it was trying to be. in alien, when ash is revealed as a robot and ripley finds out that he wants the alien specimen for military weapon research, it made me wish prometheus had delved into that more. sure, we can assume that charlize theron's purpose for the trip is to find military weapons when she says she has her own agenda, but then why does she kill the anthropologist dude who is carrying the alien thingy she supposedly wants to bring back? why won't she let infected people in the ship if her goal is to bring back alien weaponry stuff? but then... if this is truly the first contact that humans have had with these aliens, how does she even know that there'll be military stuff there to exploit? WHAT WAS HER MOTIVATION FOR DOING ANYTHING IN THIS FILM?

and weylon... he seems to want to be there to meet his creator. fine. but then what orders is he giving david when he's in the sleep chamber? what does david have to "try harder" to do? make one of the space jockeys come to life? if that's the case, then why does david infect the anthropologists with a space vagina baby? does he have his own motivation separate from weyland's? and charlize theron's? someone else wants the alien specimen as a military tool? and we never see or hear from that person at all? just kinda assume it?

i saw prometheus with a friend who loved it. but... shouldn't a prequel answer some questions about the origins of alien? we don't get that many answers. just... oh hey, we ARE the space jockeys, they have human DNA. ok. fine. but then why does everything else in this movie happen?

... movie looked cool, though. i guess that's what matters.
did you not see the space jockey give birth to the alien at the end of the movie? i watched the movie for the first time yesterday and the movie makes sense to me. and then you have to realize that they are making more parts to this story. so more will come out. charlize therion i would think wanted a weapon not an infection that would kill off humanity. i was under the assumption that she wanted a blow em up style weapon. not some gay biological shit. and then theres the if you let hin on the ship how do you know that its contained type of thing. i was not disappointed in the movie although i did almost fall alseep in the middle of it. you just have to realize that it is a movie and not a film.

Jor el

All the way through I kept telling myself, "It's just a movie, it's just a movie."
What Would Scooby Do ?


Great movie.  Very cheesy and campy in a fun way, reminiscent of Roger Corman's 1970's sci-fi/horror flicks like "Forbidden World" and "Planet Of Terror".  Love those movies, and this was like experiencing a more modern one with a high budget.
Toynbee Idea
In Kubricks 2001
Resurrect Dead
On Planet Jupiter

Jor el

Blu ray + HDTV = Beautiful

This movie is gorgeous.
What Would Scooby Do ?

Demon Lung