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Sleestak - Altrusian Moon

Started by SleestakDOOM, December 31, 2011, 05:35:25 PM

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Sleestak is kicking off the new year with a new release called "Altrusian Moon - A Lo?-?Fi Collection Of Psychedelia and Space Rock".

It is available at Bandcamp and is a "pay what you want" digital album (including free). We dug deep into our rehearsal archives to give our fans a glimpse into our relaxed free-form jams, a very psychedelic improvised musical exploration of song ideas. Yes, there are mistakes, missed drum hits, wrong notes, etc. but the journey is there - a raw yet sublime document of our times playing together in the basement over the years. Also included is the live remix jam version of "The Fall Of Altrusia" from 2009.

If you dig it, please consider purchasing the download as we start gathering funds to record the studio follow up to "Altrusia" hopefully to be released in 2012.


We have decided to give away "The Fall Of Altrusia" for FREE download once we get 1000 "likes" on our Facebook page. we have a ways to go but we'll get there. Spread the word and make sure you are on the list...