true grit

Started by lowdaddy, January 01, 2011, 10:29:37 PM

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just saw this thing.  verdict: meh.  i think coen brothers films have to be judged on a different basis than most films.  this thing is better than 99% of the films out there but it's a long way from their best work.  it's nowhere near the level of no country for old men...but what is?  it's a little dull.  there are some cheesy, emotional moments that seem a little contrived or unnatural.  overall it's a decent film but if you're expecting something that stacks up to no country or miller's crossing or blood simple you may be a little disappointed.  i actually think the movie was too short (it was about 90 or 95 minutes).  seems to me they could have added some texture and character development.  it seemed a little rushed.  anyway...not bad but not great.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.

The Shocker

Man I hate to hear that.  When they are ON, they are the best movie makers out there.  Still plan to see it.

deleted account

thanks for the review.  the original wasn't all that hot to begin with, so I was thinking the Coen bros. would have to "No Country-ize" it to make it worth the bucks to go see it.  I'll wait for Netflix


If you liked the book, you'll love the film.  I'm a big Charles Portis fan, and thought the Coens were spot on as far as the pacing, humor, phrasing and characterizations in the book.  It "felt" like Charles Portis to me, and I hadn't expected that.  I felt like the Coens throttled back a bit on their usual style, in order to stay true to the feel of the book, and I enjoyed that. 

Long-assed but really interesting article on Charles Portis' body of work:


shows how much i know...i didn't even know irt was based on a book.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.


I thought it was pretty good, mainly because of the girl. Totally forgot it was a Coen bros thing until the end credits...


Felt more Spielberg than Coen Bros., and noticed his mitts WERE in it...go figure

Most overrated film of the year.


wow, that's saying a lot. have you not seen Black Swan or Inception?


if thats at me, I have seen Black Swan, and thought it was a pile of shit. Inception has been sitting on my computer for months, and still havent bothered with it. Just lost interest, and will eventually watch it.

They're all overrated, imo..I watched the Golden Globes and the thing that caught my eye, was that True Grit wasn't up for anything, which I truly had no problem with (after just having watched it a few nights before) almost gave the GG a level of credibility to not include this film. A few weeks later the Academy is up and down the nutsack of True Grit..

I didnt like the way the story developed, didnt care for the way Brolin's character was handled (one second he's this ominous outlaw, they get to him, and he's the low man in a gang, kind of the opposite of the built up reputation he had early on) The last 3rd of the film felt rushed. The part in the cabin refuge was the best part and thats not saying much.

I'm a Coen Brothers diehard..I love everything theyve done, right down to their worst (Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty) but this one fell flat

The Bandit

Toy Story 3 was best movie I've seen this year.


Quote from: EaterofBirds on February 12, 2011, 08:38:18 AM
if thats at me, I have seen Black Swan, and thought it was a pile of shit. Inception has been sitting on my computer for months, and still havent bothered with it. Just lost interest, and will eventually watch it.

They're all overrated, imo..I watched the Golden Globes and the thing that caught my eye, was that True Grit wasn't up for anything, which I truly had no problem with (after just having watched it a few nights before) almost gave the GG a level of credibility to not include this film. A few weeks later the Academy is up and down the nutsack of True Grit..

I didnt like the way the story developed, didnt care for the way Brolin's character was handled (one second he's this ominous outlaw, they get to him, and he's the low man in a gang, kind of the opposite of the built up reputation he had early on) The last 3rd of the film felt rushed. The part in the cabin refuge was the best part and thats not saying much.

I'm a Coen Brothers diehard..I love everything theyve done, right down to their worst (Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty) but this one fell flat

i agree with this 100%.  this may be the coen brothers' weakest film to date, but i'm still a huge fan.  also, inception may be overrated (i don't really know what kind of critical acclaim it's garnered.) but it's still pretty engrossing the first time through.  it's only on subsequent viewing that the structural defects start to come out, for me anyway.  first viewing - very cool.
jon eats a whole raw potato to take himself out of the mood.


Quote from: The Bandit on February 12, 2011, 09:19:52 AM
Toy Story 3 was best movie I've seen this year.

Not to hijack the OP movie thread, but MOON was probably the best movie Ive seen in some time.


yeah I agree that True Grit is overrated, but I liked it better than both Black Swan and Inception, which both seem to be praised even more highly than True Grit. I plan on watching the rest of the Best Picture nominees soon. The Fighter is up next.

Moon was the shit. Watched it a second time the night I first saw it. Probably my most recommended film of the past year+.


nice. Ive watched it twice very recently myself. Love the atmospheres, story and acting by Samwhatshisface.

Felt so desolate and his isolation was captured perfectly on film. Nice buildup, great plot twist.


The Fighter, I did like, but once again, it's pretty hyped up. Without Bale, this film might fall flat a bit. Bale totally nails it and the accolades are well deserved


Watched it last night on Netflix, I liked it a lot. I will fight you.® I actually watched it twice, does that make me weird?

The girl did a great job delivering her lines. She smoked it. Jeff Bridges was obviously great. Matt Damon was the weakest actor of the lead characters -- he couldn't get the rhythm right or somethin'. Sounded like he was reading his lines, whereas the others sounded more natural. I'm guessing there is some anti-feminist subtext mixed way down deep in there, but I don't care, it was a fun adventure story. I read the book when I was a kid, and it was interesting how some sections that took pages and pages to describe were over in a flash, when they happened in real time.

Not an important film, but an enjoyable movie, know what I mean? One of the best 'Westerns' I've seen.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.