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Dirt and modulation

Started by SoupKitchen, October 30, 2011, 04:36:02 PM

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Listening to "Blue Tile Fever" made me realize some of the possibilities of distortion/fuzz combined with various modulations. I'm curious if any of you use the two together and what do you use? I've got a Small Stone that I like and an Voodoo Labs analog chorus. I have an ancient DOD chorus that almost gets a vibe tone on slow speed and maxed depth. I'd love to get a vibe. One of my dream tones is to make a guitar sound like Jon Lord's organ, or Garth Hudson's tone going into "Chest Fever". Am I full of it? That overdriven-Leslie-on-slow sound.


I'm not familiar with the sounds you mentioned but I friggin love the sound of a phaser when my amp is really overdriven. It's not good for rhythm but it'll make a guitar solo jump right out and slap ya.
I am not going to lose another fucking child and another fucking woman, because of cocaine and killing dogs!!! - Ricky

Chovie D

modulation will sound different if its placed before or after your dirt. Before dirt is more subtle, after dirt is more aggressive.
I tend to prefer a phaser and place it before my dirt.

van halens phase 90 before his dirt is one of my fave modulation and heavy gain sounds. hendrix's uni vibe is another.
Gilmour on dark side of the moon? think maybe thats a small stone? I dunno...
I dig the sound of distortion and a choppy tremolo like on Love Battery's-Between The Eyes
alex lifeson from rush had that 80's chours and distortion thing goin on, like on Signals album...sometimes it worked for me other times it was cloying.
the 80's kind of totally ruined chorus pedals for me, I never use chorus anymore. Flange Id want to use once every ten years or so, no more.
Theres that chorus effect called 'detune' on some pitch shifting pedals (Boss PS6 digitech whammy etc)...thats a real 80's sound to me, hence I dont use that either.

uni vibe is awesome with fuzz, try the cheap dano chicken salad for a uni vibe pedal.

That covers modulation except for my vibrato pedal...which is an odd and rare bird and i sound I cannot use often.

for organ tones the pog2 is unbeatable but very expensive.

Ive always wanted a real leslie cab for guitar , like those small fender vibratones or leslie 75's for guitar.
Ive foolishly passed on a couple leslie 75's over the years.

clockwork green

I love a good, rich fuzz like a Super Fuzz with a slow a marijuanaut rocketing through space.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"

Corey Y

I'm fairly certain the tone on that album would be fuzz pedal > Amp > Phase 100 in the effects loop. That's only based on all the videos Bob has done detailing his setup, but he's always made a point to say they use modulation in the effects loop because it gets really iffy with fuzz pedals in the chain.


My favorites are vibe and wah with fuzz, sounds so much more tripped out than without fuzz. Delay is great too and I want a Phase 90 as well.


Big muff followed by Phase90 is my buzz.


A Phase 90 followed by a Big muff or a high gain amp is Heavenly.  Rotorvibes are awesome but to me almost too tweakable I spend all day fucking with it but with the phase 90 it dials in and sounds awesome super fast.

I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


I love my Bassballs after my Supercollider. Super trippy & spacerock-ish when both enabled, I run it with the distortion switch on.
"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



Hmm, bassballs...I have a Dr. Q, which is also an envelope follower. I've barely used it, but now I have a compressor. Or are they two different things? Does anyone use the Dr. Q? I've seen many a Bassballs, but I don't know if I'd ever use one. I'd listen to them, but I don't currently have access to youtube.


Quote from: SoupKitchen on November 02, 2011, 09:39:38 AM
Hmm, bassballs...I have a Dr. Q, which is also an envelope follower. I've barely used it, but now I have a compressor. Or are they two different things? Does anyone use the Dr. Q? I've seen many a Bassballs, but I don't know if I'd ever use one. I'd listen to them, but I don't currently have access to youtube.

The Bassballs is definitely more unique.


Quote from: MichaelZodiac on November 01, 2011, 08:19:03 AM
I love my Bassballs after my Supercollider. Super trippy & spacerock-ish when both enabled, I run it with the distortion switch on.

I can second this post.


Gonna have to try a bassballs this evening at practice.


^^makes anyone want a bassballs

Chovie D

I always buy old EH effects when i see em cheap, so naturally I have a baseballs and an old Dr. Q.
The old Dr. Q is a great envelope filter, its really fun. But since I dont play funk or blues or jam rock...I will probably never use it.
Baseballs is aweome. the distorted setting is so chewy.

I handt considered either to be modulation, but I guess both are modulating a filter of some sort?