Recording: Mono, Stereo and Beyond

Started by clockwork green, October 24, 2011, 10:55:51 PM

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clockwork green

...well maybe not too much beyond.  Anybody experiment with doing an old school, in your face mono recording for some really heavy stoner/doom stuff?  I've also been really fascinated with extreme stereo panning like the Beatles did a lot with the drums all one side or QOTSA on You Can't Quit Me seems to help me focus on everything more and listen more attentively although an entire album of that might get a bit old.  I'm starting a new project and if I do record to tape, mono might be interesting.  The old mono stuff just sounds so big and punchy...not so good for the spacey stuff though. 
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Try balancing the band. Record to mono with one mic, or in stero with a pair. Room ambience is your friend. If your amps are too loud, move the drums forward so they are closer to the mic(s) :)

I used to play in a trio, we recorded in a basement, to tape, with one mic about two feet in front of the kick, me a few yards to one side facing the kit, and the guitarist a few yards the other side facing in too, sounded quite good.


Quote from: clockwork green on October 24, 2011, 10:55:51 PM
I've also been really fascinated with extreme stereo panning like the Beatles did a lot with the drums all one side or QOTSA on You Can't Quit Me seems to help me focus on everything more and listen more attentively although an entire album of that might get a bit old. 

I like the feel of the drums and bass pushed out like that. real life-like quality about it. You're right though, it seems like you have to keep it a bit simpler to maintain that effect. Probably wouldn't work well with multiple guitars or effects-laden business.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


my mind still ponders the doktor death "Circle of Death"  i've horsed around with 4-channel autopanning through my soundcard and with reaper. cheated using the volumes, but like a joystick would work well.   for my Psych Odelic Trance BAND (wink) i want to try a quad setup that everyone has to be inside the circle.

now you can fly shit all around. also do goofy stuff like flip the phase on one side for a sec and suck everyone's brains out their ear..etc.

low watt amps, camping generators, sub harmonic synthesizers,  doom ass place way up in the woods somewhere surrounded by trippy surround music...holeee shit.