Catching Hell on ESPN's 30 for 30

Started by The Shocker, September 29, 2011, 12:50:18 PM

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The Shocker

I'm a big fan of the 30 for 30 series, but Catching Hell has to be the best one of all.  For those of you that don't know, this is about Steve Bartman with some Bill Buckner added.  Just fucking amazing footage throughout.  They study the footage like it was the Zapruder film.

I still feel bad for the dude, especially after watching this show.



His fault, don't fuck with Alou.
I can't believe that him or all those people around him trying to grab the ball didn't know that foul balls almost always come back towards the field. If I were anyone in the first few rows I'd have been jumping back at least 3 rows hoping Alou would scale the wall and grab it even if he had no chance. I mean, you're a Cub fan, your team hasn't won a World Series ever in your lifetime + like 70 years and you're going to do something to prolong that even by one out.
Now I don't believe the fact that they lost lie's on him really at all. But that was one hell of a chain reaction. I'd almost blame Alou's shit fit the same as I would him because I believe that that is what really took the air out of the ballpark. Again those two things can only really be taken into account for that game alone. The next one is just the team not performing.
Also, if he was 6 foot 4 and wearing a leather those meatheads most certainly would not have been throwing beer on him. Which IMO was pretty cowardly b/c all they saw was a mark wearing a turtleneck & glasses.


Also forgot to add I thought they did a good job with this, haha.

P.S.-Alou still claims he would have caught that ball. It didn't really look like it in most of the angles they showed but who the fuck am I? He was there.


I haven't seen this yet but my sister works in the same company/building as Bartman and she was on a team w/ him once she said he's really nice and everybody likes him.  I know the company fired an employee for giving him shit afterwards.

The 30 for 30 series is gold - The Greatest That Never Was and the one w/ Vlade Divac are absolutely riveting.


Worked on this flick. They choked. No one to blame but themselves.

Cubs fans are such victims.

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I will show you the life of the mind.

The Shocker

The lesson I took from it is everybody looks for scapegoats.  Don't be a scapegoat.


This was definitely a top 5 of all the ESPN documentaries that i've seen.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I liked this one a lot. I realize that championship droughts can bring this sort of emotion out of the fans, but it's mindblowing how people can turn on, first with Buckner and then Bartman in such ways. Seeing alot of the old stills/footage from Buckners misplay and then the footage from inside the stadium as Bartman was whisked out brought back a lot of memories.