How serious/deep is your music?

Started by Pundan, September 14, 2011, 02:07:26 PM

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Pretty much directed towards those guys out there who write lyrics. How deep is your stuff? What do you write about? Personal stuff? Beards? Boats and hoes?
And, do you have open conversations about the lyrical themes/meaning of shit in your band? Time to cry out!

I've gone from writing about the pretty much generic stoner theme with the occasional occult influences to being more and more into writing about shit that has happened in my life.
Can't say that I've had a bad childhood or anything, but I believe all people have some dark shit lying around.


Don't push me, cause I'm close to the, eeedge...


i write about shit that happens, i guess. most times the lyrics are a story that is so vague it only makes sense to me.

lately i have been using a lot of turn of phrase type stuff in my lyrics, if you were to read them it would seem funny, such as saying "a smile and coke" instead of "a coke and smile".

i don't know what i'm doing, really.


I've been noticing a lot of the songs I like, the lyrics don't make any particular sense, so I've stopped trying to have a straight narrative or have lyrics that make a kind of sense ;)


humor-sarcasm for the most part, but occasionally i call one like i see it and it gets deeper

"the bigger the town, the colder the ice,
   a million people all alone.
man dies in the street, no one looks twice
  it's not in their personal zone"

thats about as deep as i go heh.

i tend to wallow in this type of deal: example: evil weird al version of beatles "i feel fine"

"baby said to me, how great our wedding'll be
i said "i dont think sooo"
been single all my life and that's just fine...

then she starts to cry, if i dont change she's gonna die
i said "i dont think sooo"
i like the way i am and that's just fine

I'm so glad i didn't tie the knot
woulda got cleaned out and left alone to rot
but i saw the warning sign
and i got out just in time
ya i think sooo
i like the way i am and that's just fine..etc

(lots more)...


i will also say that i try to shy away from rhyming words. in the music i play, it really doesn't matter anyway.

DAMNIT! that rhymes!  ;D


I find the easiest way rhyme orange, is with orange. The same applies to other difficult fruits like banana.


clockwork green

"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


So far I've mainly written lyrics about and/or inspired by short stories, elements of books, movies,(S&S, fantasy, horror) occult stuff, etc although I did write one original historical fiction song(with fantasy elements) and an original fantasy type song, well or lyrics for a song that hasn't yet been written. If I was going to write more personal stuff I would probably try to conceal certain aspects. I have some political/social ideas for songs but I would like to write them in a way that complements the other songs we have.

How serious/deep is it? Well we aren't a joke metal band and we also aren't a super serious overly cheesy metal band although I do occasionally have an emotionally reaction from the intensity of the songs while rehearsing them.


the music i play is cathartic. i exercise some demons.


a) never use the word orange...roll with tangerine lol

frank zappa was allowed to use things like door hinge, not for us mortals.
like in the song truck driver divorce, he talks about "go ride the bull" then

..."and when you fall off, you can eat the mattress too"  no rhyms no nuthin', but it still rules


dammit what is that song with tangerine in it???

Justin, I hope someone is paying you for exercising the demons, otherwise I'd just exorcise them and have done with it ;D

I agree with the cathartoc release, but it's usually from the music, not the lyrical content. I'd rather go to a Sunn show than a Clutch show, but that be me.



Quote from: Hemisaurus on September 14, 2011, 11:49:48 PM
Justin, I hope someone is paying you for exercising the demons, otherwise I'd just exorcise them and have done with it ;D

yeah, that was supposed to be humorous. which early 90s comedian was that had the "exercise the demons" line?



As soon as I saw the word tangerine posted I read it as TaaaAAAngerine.


deep? no

serious? about writing great songs and rocking hard, yes
CV - Slender Fungus


Our shit is way deep dude. On the surface it sounds like we're just noodling around minor pentatonic scales and figuring out workable chords that ebb and flow with swells of energy, but deep down we're curing cancer and explaining the origin of matter. Not easy when you're an instrumental band.  ;)
Vinyls.   deal.


Quote from: eyeprod on September 15, 2011, 01:59:23 PM
deep? no

serious? about writing great songs and rocking hard, yes

yep me too

I like to write about stuff I actually care about.  Which is usually cars and pussy and drinking.  Or telling people that I don't like to go away.  I make a deliberate effort not to be too oblique with it - I want people to connect with it.  I used to play guitar in a band where I wasn't singing, and the singer wrote these deep emotional lyrics about his inner torment etc.  Which is all very well I guess, but it felt pretty false and confected to me.

clockwork green

Whenever I see this thread I can't help but think of the Bee Gees:
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


We don't have any vocals, and the set we're playing now chronicles an event I experienced, so the song is 30-35 minutes depending on how long we fiddle, and it chronicles my mood from the time the event happened until I finally broke down about it.

I was working, driving home from the boonies. Between these two towns, there is this bridge, it's about two miles long, of varying heights over a flood plane, and a river.

Movement one: Driving - Sounds kind of like Earth, meandering, repetitive, and clean mostly.

Over the crest of the bridge, I encounter a doe looking confused and lost, it had about half a mile to get off the bridge. I stopped, and got out of my truck. I started to coax the deer the half mile to the end of the bridge, all was well. Then a logging truck BLEW BY us, horn honking and everything. The deer flipped the fuck out, bolted, and jumped over the edge. 60 feet to rocks at the edge of the river. I heard it. Didn't bother to look. I knew what happened.

Movement two: Bewildered anger - Sounds kind of like Grief/Crowbar, angry and terse. Noisy and distorted

I started hauling ass, I just wanted to get home and go to sleep. I was weeping uncontrollably, flying through little town after little town. Had about 60 miles to go, 2AM with no music or anything. Just one headlight that worked and the yellow lines separating me from the oncoming lane.

Movement three: Flying - Fu Manchu typical stonerrock complete with leads and gallops.

I had to pull over, shit like that happens to me a lot. I don't know why it effects me so much, I saw people die every day I worked in the hospital, and I watched kids grow up to be shitty adults when I worked at the school. None of that bothered me, but seeing dead animals completely guts me. Seeing one die right before my eyes, and ears, such a shitty way... immobilized me.

Movement four: Pacing/Doe - Long, repetitive post-rocky with delay and lots of wash from reverb.

I turned my truck off, and just sat on the hood for a good hour trying to get control of my eyes, and my mind. It was racing, not only about that Doe anymore, about everything. It was a triggered release, and I couldn't really stop it.

Movement five: Floodgate - Sounds like a french-post-black-metal band named Alcest, and it's german counterpart, Lantlos. Wanky clean compressed lead over a plodding bassline. Then it breaks into a big harmonized chord progression triggering, at least when I play it, all kinds of emotions and whatnot. I usually turn around toward the amps so I can bend some big notes while playing it.

Movement Six: Catharsis - Jazzy chord progression over the same riff from Pacing/Doe. Very ethereal sounding. We only play it for a short time before we kick on the big guns and crank our amps. There's a good 3 minute lead throughout this part. It's very revealing, and completely improvised. I made it that way so that it would imitate my mood after the gigantic clusterfuck I just put myself through, mentally. It's all over the place, but I have a defined end for it, because it all lead to the same conclusion.

Movement Seven: Everything Sucks - Dropping to A, lots of feedback and a sample explaining the things that will kill us, all of our loved ones, and nothing we can do can change it. After everything dies I out from the other two, I usually play a big open riff, then hang my guitar in front of the amps, and switch on the standby.

You don't need lyrics to be deep, or serious, you just have to be able to effect people's mood. By people, I mean your own mood. I write songs based on how I feel. Deep/Serious? You decide.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



i just like to make sure the riffage is top notch and my band is fucking on it.
No Focus Pocus


But in actuality its only about 3 am and 3 niggas done got hauled off in an ambulance (sliced up), two niggas start busting (wham wham), and one nigga took his shirt off talkin bout "now who else wanna fuck with hollywood court?"

Quick anyone? What song and how deep?

Can't gamble fiend on that dope money, might not be sufficient.