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Advice for Musicians

Started by Danny G, September 06, 2011, 11:24:33 AM

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Danny G

Post words of wisdom and things you've learned along the way that will help less-experienced players.

Drummers: Unless you are the only band on the bill, do not assemble/dis-assemble your drums on stage. This wastes ALOT of time during set change. Assemble the hardware offstage, put into place on stage, carry offstage to disassemble.

Guitar players: watch your stage volume. Be only as loud as your drummer. Some sort of solo/boost pedal can be handy if there are two of you.

Bass players: Low-mids are your friend and help you cut through the mix.

Be courteous and friendly with the sound tech. Even if he/she is a raging, bloated douchebag and are terrible at what they do. At least wait til after your set if you absolutely *have* it out with them. If you think your sound can't possibly get any worse, it totally can.

A good quote a friend has hanging on their jam room door:

Play the music
Love the people
Leave the ego at the door
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


To all players:

Don't expect to get rich.

To players in the US doing it for a living:

Join the musicians union or something, get health care.

Danny G

Have this system worked out with all band members, traveling crew, companions:

When one is talking to someone whom they cant remember their name but you really really NEED TO KNOW IT -- when another member comes up (motion them if need be), ask if they "Found the van keys." When system is in place, the other says to you "Yes I did", and to person you are talking to, "Oh hey I am so-and-so, your name is?"

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Discö Rice

Quote from: Danny G on September 06, 2011, 12:22:18 PM
Have this system worked out with all band members, traveling crew, companions:

When one is talking to someone whom they cant remember their name but you really really NEED TO KNOW IT -- when another member comes up (motion them if need be), ask if they "Found the van keys." When system is in place, the other says to you "Yes I did", and to person you are talking to, "Oh hey I am so-and-so, your name is?"

That's good.

Also the drummer thing is 100% true - all you should have to do when you hit the stage is attach your pedals and little bits of fine tuning. Toms on stands, cymbals on stands, doo-dads where they need to be before the previous band finishes their setAlso, don't tear down on stage! Take your pedals off your drums, and sling everything on to the floor, or backstage, or outside - whatever the case may be.

Singers that don't play an instrument - Help carry shit or your band mates will hate your rotten guts. They already do, because chances are you don't ever show up to practice, and contribute next to nothing when you do, so don't exacerbate things. Also, don't bitch about paying an equal share for rehearsal space you fucking cunt, or you will never eat unsoiled food on tour. God you people fucking suck.

Everyone should be constantly making an effort to load/unload with a quickness. If your shit's clear of the stage, help your band mates, don't be a dick about it, and make sure you're careful. Tube amps are fragile, guitars and basses have fragile parts

Drums, even though you might not think so if you don't play, can be completely destroyed easier than you think. A bent rim makes the drum impossible to tune until it's replaced. Same with a broken lug, bent shell, or damaged bearing edge. You may be able to get by without a tom, but a bent snare rim legally requires your drummer to stab you in the fucking neck. I've had people roll an 8x10 over my double kick pedal, drop a pair of toms (with expensive aftermarket rims) down three flights of stairs, and crack cymbals by knocking over cymbal stands onto concrete. Upkeep on a drumkit can break your drummer quick. If you crack a $300 cymbal on tour, break a $500 pedal, dent a 60 dollar rim, puncture a 40-60 dollar bass drum head, your drummer is fucked (to varying degrees, but still fucked).

Drummers - be careful with you hardware. Tubes are expensive, speakers are expensive. Not sure about grill cloth, but it will make you an enemy anyway. I've knocked my hi-hat stand into the same cabinet twice, each time taking out a different speaker and fucking up the grill cloth. Shortly after the second time, my guitar player hastily shoved my hi-hat stand into our packed van and put it through four of the six 6L6's in her Triple Rectifier. I lol'd.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


1)  Sex and Drugs will always be there.  Don't blow your big opportunity by being too wasted to play or screwing up your big solo by trying to show off for some Hottie you are trying to nail.

2)  You can't polish a turd but some songs are not meant to be polished either.  They are like a fine hand woven rug that has slight variations in color and thread size and maybe a few miss-tied knots here and there.  If you were to make it perfect however you would loose the soul and spirit of such a fine hand made creation.  We are humans, we are not Machines, we should not be trying to be perfect like Machines.

I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Drummers - please, if I fuck up, keep playing, for the love of god. Just make it look orchestrated. If I pop a string, you and the bass player, do some goofy lounge music, or something, while I change the fucker, or switch guitars. Don't listen to me, listen to the bassist. I adhere to the general structure of the song, but I don't always play the same shit.

Bassists - Please, don't try to embellish a simple riff, and make it complex and stupid. When a riff is supposed to be root notes, or powerchords or whatever, and I specifically tell you to do that for a reason... please do. There's 30 more minutes of song for you to fiddle with, when there's a straight forward part, play it straight forward. Also, be able to match my volume. IE own decent equipment. Your Ashdown practice amp doesn't match my Model T...

Guitarists - BRING. AN. EXTRA. FUCKING. GUITAR. I always, ALWAYS bring two, Two that I LIKE to play. Bring an extra distortion pedal you like. BRING EXTRA CABLES. I know I am super hard on all of my shit, and I have the biggest, most complex rig out of the entire band, so I always come prepared. Multimeter, extra tubes (preamp and power,) and all the tools I need to work on my shit. Zip ties, duct tape... whatever could be needed.

"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



It is healthy to think of playing music (and it's roll in your life) much as one might think of cooking.
Think of all the great food you've had with friends and family. Someone's mom or brother-in-law probably is not regarded as a dreamer or has-been for loving to share their talent with everyone. Sure some fantasize about being a top chef and own a chain of restaurants. Ultimately food and music are sustenance, music fills the soul instead of the belly. Even your most amateur attempt at burning water may prove satisfying to yourself and those you share with. Almost anyone who is hungry enough has it within them to cook something; whether the results should be inflicted upon others is another story.

I'm sure if I spent the time I could rattle off the analogies and whatnot but  I'm guess a few of you are smart enough to think of your own.

On the OTHER END of things...heh...heh...I've often said "I don't play music to win the approval of others. I do it for the same reasons that I take a shit. If I don't get it out of me it will build up inside me and make me sick. Sure it stinks, but it feels great to get it out."


Quote from: SunnO))) on September 06, 2011, 11:19:58 PM
Bassists - Please, don't try to embellish a simple riff, and make it complex and stupid. When a riff is supposed to be root notes, or powerchords or whatever, and I specifically tell you to do that for a reason... please do. There's 30 more minutes of song for you to fiddle with, when there's a straight forward part, play it straight forward. Also, be able to match my volume. IE own decent equipment. Your Ashdown practice amp doesn't match my Model T...
Grumpy bastard ;)

Though we'd make a good fit, I can root note 'til the cows come home, I love locking in on something and just keep playing it, trance-like,  and I am louder than your Model T. Guaranteed ;D


Quote from: neighbor664 on September 06, 2011, 11:55:44 PM
It is healthy to think of playing music (and it's roll in your life) much as one might think of cooking.
Think of all the great food you've had with friends and family. Someone's mom or brother-in-law probably is not regarded as a dreamer or has-been for loving to share their talent with everyone. Sure some fantasize about being a top chef and own a chain of restaurants. Ultimately food and music are sustenance, music fills the soul instead of the belly. Even your most amateur attempt at burning water may prove satisfying to yourself and those you share with. Almost anyone who is hungry enough has it within them to cook something; whether the results should be inflicted upon others is another story.

I'm sure if I spent the time I could rattle off the analogies and whatnot but  I'm guess a few of you are smart enough to think of your own.

On the OTHER END of things...heh...heh...I've often said "I don't play music to win the approval of others. I do it for the same reasons that I take a shit. If I don't get it out of me it will build up inside me and make me sick. Sure it stinks, but it feels great to get it out."

Great post.

Somewhat along the same lines, I hate the idea that only certain people can play music, and others can't. Everybody should play something, even if it's only in private. Off topic though, I guess.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Chovie D

Quote from: neighbor664 on September 06, 2011, 11:55:44 PM
It is healthy to think of playing music (and it's roll in your life) much as one might think of cooking.
Think of all the great food you've had with friends and family. Someone's mom or brother-in-law probably is not regarded as a dreamer or has-been for loving to share their talent with everyone. Sure some fantasize about being a top chef and own a chain of restaurants. Ultimately food and music are sustenance, music fills the soul instead of the belly. Even your most amateur attempt at burning water may prove satisfying to yourself and those you share with. Almost anyone who is hungry enough has it within them to cook something; whether the results should be inflicted upon others is another story.

I'm sure if I spent the time I could rattle off the analogies and whatnot but  I'm guess a few of you are smart enough to think of your own.

On the OTHER END of things...heh...heh...I've often said "I don't play music to win the approval of others. I do it for the same reasons that I take a shit. If I don't get it out of me it will build up inside me and make me sick. Sure it stinks, but it feels great to get it out."

excellent outlook and advice indeed.

I dont really have any advice...juts try to keep it fun i guess

johnny problem

When writing blocks occur, don't stop playing the instrument.  Check out other ways of playing, try to fix certain techniques, go back to practising scales and chords, concentrate on a different sound or tone different than what you're used to writing in (I.E take pedals out or plug straight into the amp).  Mainly, keep the attitude positive about your instrument and don't get discouraged.  Taking a couple days off is fine, but don't over do it.

With that said, I hate writing blocks.

Discö Rice

Quote from: Chovie D on September 07, 2011, 01:20:36 PM

I dont really have any advice...juts try to keep it fun i guess
Therein lies the challenge.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


If you backline, strike drums if possible.
Only backline, if there is room.
Keep your sets short. Unless you're closing the show and people ask.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on September 07, 2011, 08:05:15 AM
Quote from: SunnO))) on September 06, 2011, 11:19:58 PM
Bassists - Please, don't try to embellish a simple riff, and make it complex and stupid. When a riff is supposed to be root notes, or powerchords or whatever, and I specifically tell you to do that for a reason... please do. There's 30 more minutes of song for you to fiddle with, when there's a straight forward part, play it straight forward. Also, be able to match my volume. IE own decent equipment. Your Ashdown practice amp doesn't match my Model T...
Grumpy bastard ;)

Though we'd make a good fit, I can root note 'til the cows come home, I love locking in on something and just keep playing it, trance-like,  and I am louder than your Model T. Guaranteed ;D

I mean... I groove along, and jam riffs in trancelike states as much as possible. I even start using my fingers so I can match bass strum patterns... but, you know, some guys are like "E E E Octave E EFGBGbAGbfffffffffffffffffffffffff" in the middle of "E F G" chord progressions. Those are the annoying fuckers. Especially if it's supposed to be some kind of subdued. I can't say I'm not guilty of embellishing shit, but I know when to just fuckin' play the riff.

Good, maybe I can actually hear you! :D
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Danny G

If you can be content working a day job, don't even try to play music for a living.

Bass players: unless you are John Entwistle, MOVE AROUND ON STAGE. Stop being a pussy. Bass being a background instrument meant for introspective, shy shoegazers is a myth. You can bring as much onstage energy or more than a guitar player. Just sayin.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

Younger up and coming bands: Less is more, regarding set length.

You may think you are on top of the world cause your friends are rocking out up front. But everyone else may be at the bar on their phones. Keep set length shorter rather than longer, leave the audience wanting more rather than over-staying your welcome. Even if your friends want ONE MORE SONG, you are cutting into all other bands' set time. Not cool.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I dunno, I think it's fairer to say, unless you want to eat ramen for life, and always be worried about if you get sick or injured, don't try and make a living as a musician.

Don't go over your set time, but don't be way under it, that just catches the other bands on the hop, and pisses off the promoter

As to stage bouncing, you are remembering what forum you are on? I couldn't give a rats-ass how perky you look on stage as long as the riffs are coming along nice and heavy, unless you're a vocalist and unencumbered completely.


What if you're in a shoegaze band? How do you move around to Shoegaze?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Well it's called shoegaze, cause you gaze at your shoes ;)

Sorry, if I sounded a little vehement, many of the bands I love don't move around a lot, all of the bands (I like) in this genre that I know of, never see Buzzo springing about, nor Matt and Al, if it's good enough for them :)

Now punk bands on the other hand, I guess it's a style thing.

But I go to listen, more than to watch.

Danny G

No vehemency detected. Just peeves me a little when bass players don't do shit onstage cause that's what they think bass players are *supposed* to do. Just like singers that act like assholes cause they think as singers they are *supposed* to.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G

As a musician, stay as sober as humanly possible when you play. The drunker you get, the more drunk you sound. And the drunker you sound, the shittier then band as a whole sounds. Don't believe me? Have a friend run video next time ur getting trashed onstage.

You are not in the Rolling Stones. Tho they often sound like shit too, and they are the Rolling Stones.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


Quote from: Hemisaurus on September 08, 2011, 12:19:17 PM
Well it's called shoegaze, cause you gaze at your shoes ;)

Sorry, if I sounded a little vehement, many of the bands I love don't move around a lot, all of the bands (I like) in this genre that I know of, never see Buzzo springing about, nor Matt and Al, if it's good enough for them :)

Now punk bands on the other hand, I guess it's a style thing.

But I go to listen, more than to watch.

i actually love the fact that most bands i like DON'T move around very much. i used to be really into moving around when i was younger, until i realized i looked like a dick. i like bands like fu manchu, kyuss, and so forth: they move around with purpose! the power of Rock compells them!


Don't ever put your drink down at a venue.
Livin' The Life.


Quote from: Danny G on September 08, 2011, 12:40:11 PM
As a musician, stay as sober as humanly possible when you play. The drunker you get, the more drunk you sound. And the drunker you sound, the shittier then band as a whole sounds. Don't believe me? Have a friend run video next time ur getting trashed onstage.

You are not in the Rolling Stones. Tho they often sound like shit too, and they are the Rolling Stones.

agreed. I allow myself 4 beers at shows. that's it.

Discö Rice

No, Buzz doesn't jump around like a fool, but you can definitely tell he's into it.  I think that's all an audience expects.

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.