Earthbound Audio Supercollider

Started by MichaelZodiac, July 15, 2011, 07:07:54 AM

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So yesterday I bought one of the last "regular" Supercolliders (Mark from Earthbound Audio is throwing the towel in the ring), I'm really excited as the reviews and soundclips I heard sound huge. Will go great with my 2000S cab I'm building this summer. Does anyone of you have one and what are your thoughts on it? I will have to wait to fully test it since the cab is far from done and my "Sunn" Mustang 70W combo will probably not cope with it very well (one of the best lowbudget combos to use with guitar though, gets a real nice Kyuss-ish sound without much tweaking). Also: how long did you have to wait to recieve this pedal?

"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick



I had one, took a little less than 2 weeks for him to get it to me.  Great sounding pedal but I ultimately sold it because I just prefer the sound of my Roger Mayer Mongoose so the supercollider just sat around collecting dust.


I have one. It's thick as fuck. I dig it.


A dude that used to jam with us used one and I thought it sounded nasally and annoying, but that could have just been how he was using it. He and I definitely had different ideas as to what a guitar should sound like.
By my side I keep my things that I ne-uh-ed! Rest in peace is gonna set me free!




I recorded this with a supercollider and it is my main dirt/fuzz. Its awesome. Can be a little muddy playing fast and with palm mutes. But thats ok because Mark is building me a custom supercollider with more controls. My first one took about a month but he was up front with the wait time on his blog and in an email. He said a month and I had it in a month.


I Bought mine back in fall '08 (#79), I believe shortly before he really started producing the beast model. It took a little over a month, which he was up front about, but then there was some additional delays due to some paint touch up and drying.

As for the pedal, I've never really loved it... Probably more of a personal thing but I've noticed that nasally tone too. The pedal is kind of muddy, especially as you increase the depth knob. That was a bummer, as the depth not only adds lows but emphasizes the fuzzy characteristics of the gain. also, the volume knob tends to add this box-ey, woofy sound. The only way i can describe it is like the volume has a certain amount of headroom, most of which produces a dirty signal. However, there is that additional headroom that remains clean and airy. It gets too farty for my liking and sometimes overloads at low amp volume. I normally remedy this by keeping the volume under noon and letting the gain do the heavy lifting.

Until recently, I couldn't put my finger on why I really didn't jive with the box. That was until I purchased a Catalinbread Manx fuzz. The eq is different than the Supercollider, and much easier to get a nice setting. Also the manx has a lot more presence, whereas the SC always sounds like its lurking back some. the Manx requires less eq'ing and gain, while also producing better midrange quality. I wont say it shuts the SC out completely, but the manx's voicing is far warmer and vocal, and the SC is darker and has a bit more of an edge.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Been my go to bass fuzz lately. It's a pedal that I get bored of and put away for a while. Then when I start jamming with the right band I bust it out and fall in love with it all over again. When I play guitar I still prefer a Little Big Muff over it for a fuzz pedal but when I play a guitar I prefer to crank an amp and throw a mild overdrive on it anyway.
I can't crap for shit.


I have one I might be willing to sell.


Quote from: rayinreverse on August 13, 2011, 11:23:44 PM
I have one I might be willing to sell.

How much? Does yours have the mids knob, or the switch? Interested in trades?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on August 14, 2011, 03:02:28 AM
Quote from: rayinreverse on August 13, 2011, 11:23:44 PM
I have one I might be willing to sell.

How much? Does yours have the mids knob, or the switch? Interested in trades?

Not really sure. Don't know what they are going for. It has the mid switch. Trades might work.


I have one with the switch, possibly looking for a knob version. Great fuzz pedal.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


It wouldn't be too hard to make the mids control with a pot