Getting a pedal steel tomorrow...

Started by VOLVO))), June 26, 2011, 11:16:37 PM

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"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



The long, hard road, or so I have heard. The thought of it intimidates the fuck outta me.

Have fun/practice a lot.

Livin' The Life.


I was scurd until I played one the other day. I was able to get usable sounds out of it once I learned the mechanics of everything and did a little BOOK LEARNIN'.

Not bad for 250 bucks, considering I thought my only option for a starter steel would be 800+
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



False. fucking. alarm. Someone offered him 350 for the fucking thing, and he sold it right out from under me. Looks like I'll never get a pedal steel, after all. FML.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Super shitty dude :'(

that would have rad.  i have always wanted one.  If I remember right Chovie is a fairly accomplished player of these right?

that dude that sol it out from under you is a chode licker for sure
No Focus Pocus


Yeah, he is. He is actually what prompted me to get into it. I've been watching videos for the last couple months, I'm pretty infatuated with it. This popped up, and I even got to the dude first. I was gonna meet him at 11, but he said another guy offered him 350, and was on his way over. I should have went over and beat his fucking teeth in.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

Im still a hack on the pedal steel. Probably always will be.

Can i ask what kind(brand and model) of pedal steel this was?


MSA Red Baron... : \

I really, really fucking wanted it. I could finally have some interesting leads, I though. baaaaah.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

ah the red of the better student models from the 70's I beleive, could be mistaken. that was a pretty good price on that if it was in perfect working order.

Keep searching , maybe you'll run into a large chunk of money or a cheap steel one day.
My dad died and left me enough money to buy one...thats the only reason I have one today.

You can hop on one and make some sounds pretty quickly and they are alot of fun, but a very demanding instrument.
Best of luck out there, if you ever need any advice on a steel your lookin to buy hit me up.


Yeah... Fuckin' Eh. I'm pretty upset aboot it.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Jor el

If he calls back and says the deal fell through, and offers it to you for 350....
What Would Scooby Do ?

Discö Rice

Hey Chovie - what does a decent Pedal Steel run, price-wise? I know nothing about them, but I'm interested.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Chovie D

Quote from: Discö Vanderslööt on June 27, 2011, 02:04:39 PM
Hey Chovie - what does a decent Pedal Steel run, price-wise? I know nothing about them, but I'm interested.

tough to say but I will try:
Pro Model $1500-$3000
Student model $500-1200

The improtant thing to remember  when seeking out a pedl steel is you NEED 3 pedals and 2-4 knee levers minimum, ten strings minimum.
Many of the older student guitars will only have one or even NO knee levers, or only 8 strings and this severly limits you.
Avoid the carter starter (newer) and the sho bud Maverick(vintage), these can be found cheap ($500)and there is a reason...they have severe design problems.
Avoid Older Fender Pedal Steels. They are for people who enjoy mechanical work and collecting antiques, not for someone who wants to learn to play.

This is Supposedly the best beginner pedal steel guitar being made today:it costs $1000
You may also find a used MSA, Deckley, or other known vintage pro brand for around $1200-1000.
If your lucky and find an insane deal, lemme know the brand and model and I will advise further.


Yep, I'm pretty much fucked.

If he called me back, I'd tell him to eat my dick.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

yall can get lap steels for $99-$350. Not the same thing at all, but will get you some slidey sounds.


Quote from: SunnO))) on June 27, 2011, 02:22:14 PM
Yep, I'm pretty much fucked.

If he called me back, I'd tell him to eat my dick.
Good man.  I'd do the same.  I'd actually fuck with him a bit first.
No Focus Pocus

Discö Rice

Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.

Chovie D

anytime, i meant it, if any of you find anything steely and need a semi-learned opinion on it, Id be happy to provide what info I can.

I undertsnad these are expensive items and for a long time it prevented me from "going there' but when you stop to think about what other instruments cost, flutes, pianos, violins, these are relatively cheap. even a new les paul is $1200 right?

The differnce is you cant go down to guitar center and buy a Squier or Rogue Pedal steel. They dont have starter packs etc.
Then once you get one you find out you need an $80 bar, a $50-300 seat, a $120 volume pedal, and likely a different amp than your guitar amp.

meh, the price you pay for entry into the game. If you buy a decent vinatge steel MSA, Nash LTD, Dekley, Sho BUd, Emnmons, s may other can always resell for more. If you buy a new student model, its like buying a new car, once it leaves the lot its instantly devalued by 50% or more.

keep your eyes on craigs list or try and find a steel player in your area who can help you locate an affordabel guitar. THATS the way to do it honestly and how I got mine for so cheap.


I have been, it's just having a lump sum of cash in hand. Luckily I have damn near everything but the steel. It's hard to find that kind of money. You're always going to be my "go to" guy for this type of advice.

I never plan on making money with it, or any of my music, so it's not a "it'll pay for itself" situation.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Chovie D

well once you start playing it, you can make money on it.
But yeah its not lucrative or anythign unless your gonna be a dedicated studio guy. even then theres there people in town who would get that call before they called me.

find someone who plays locally and talk to them, go to a country bar where you know there will be a steel player, they love to talk about their instrument and usually very cool and helpful.

I know its I said I waited for so long wanting one. good luck brother.

Chovie D

what Ive discovered only just now about playing pedal steel live is that i cannot tolerate the gear, the rig, the hauling the setup and tear down, the switching mid set from steel to guitar and back. shows werent fun anymore so i quit my country rock band last night. I dont know where that leaves me with this instrument. playin in my bedroom and the very rare studio session i guess. Maybe i will seek a job in a band as a dedictaed guitar....that might be easier for me to handle. I dunno..I hate being in bars now. I might be done with live music for a while, but every time I say that a yera later Im back. :-[


  This may not interest any of you in any way; but in case it might, here goes...
'Seven doctors couldn't help my head,
They said, "You better quit, son, before you're dead".'


i really can't play guitar worth a shit, but i would love to have a pedal steel.  i think.


A wooly man without a face, or a beast without a name.


those are the same exact pictures and price as the one from here... smells fishy...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G