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Super 8

Started by CanookieWookie, June 16, 2011, 06:44:38 PM

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I went and seen it at the drive in. It was one of the better movies I have seen in a very long time.  I liked it much better than the new X-Men. 

Also watched Kungfu Panda 2...not as good as the first.


Super 8 is "Stand By Me" crossed with "War of the Worlds". Tons of nods to other movies, too. Director from "Cloverfield" and produced by Spielberg, if that gives you any indication. Really annoying at many points, but manages to keep your interest with some clever dialogue, mostly good grand-scale action, mostly good acting, etc. Definitely a big dumb summer blockbuster "ride" movie, seems to be targeted to 15 year old boys. It's better than a lot of other crap in this genre (transformers, x-men, whatever). It's not a great film by a long shot, but it's entertaining when you aren't rolling your eyes. It's kinda like 3 different clichéd epic movies crammed into 1. The plot is a huge sprawling mess, yet it's been distilled down into a tightly paced and snappy package. At the end, I said "WTF" and shook my head, but I wasn't bored. I give it a B or B minus. There are a few legitimate laughs too... that didn't hurt. A big element of 70's nostalgia in this, which is weird to me, since it seems to be a movie directed mainly at teenagers.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Wow. Hahahaha, I liked it better than that.  But your points are very valid.


How dare you contradict me.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I didn't find it "big and dumb" either. Not close to it actually.


im skipping this one. i had high hopes when i saw the first trailer way only showed the train crash. apparently the whole movie is a trainwreck.


That's too bad you think or heard this.

It's one of the better movies I have seen the past year.


this was an ultimate movie and I m expecting there must be sequel to this because teenagers already had liked it so much. it was mind blowing.


A drive-in? Are you a time traveler?


Quote from: neighbor664 on June 30, 2011, 01:10:11 PM
A drive-in? Are you a time traveler?

No, but he's Canadian.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Yes. We actually have drive-ins around here.

Bring your own beverages, food etc...


can you bring weed and beer??


What do you think?

The Shocker

Canada sounds awesome!  Bet it's not 98 degrees with 90% humidity there either.  The drive-in in my hometown showed pornos.

Miss that place, sniff. 

Jor el

Yeah, we had a porn drive-in as well.
You could see it from the expressway.
What Would Scooby Do ?


that fuckin rocks..