Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Went and saw Tragedy Girls at the indie theater. Went without knowing anything about it. Hated it at first, turned out OK. Still wouldn't recommend.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Deathgasm was really quite excellent. Think Waynes World with a bit of Evil Dead, Shaun of the Dead, and Bad Taste. They even do their own little recreation of Immortal's Call of the Wintermoon vid. Recommended if you want something light and fun.


Quote from: GeeZa on November 05, 2017, 09:48:37 PM

Deathgasm was really quite excellent. Think Waynes World with a bit of Evil Dead, Shaun of the Dead, and Bad Taste. They even do their own little recreation of Immortal's Call of the Wintermoon vid. Recommended if you want something light and fun.

There's some gold in the Dark Sky Films collection.

Somewhat related, maybe a little less tongue in cheek; Sean Byrne's The Devils Candy


Haven't seen Devil's Candy but it's on my watch-list. Might rectify that over the weekend.  :)


fucking Australian mind fuck...if you dug Big Bad Bubby, this is right up your alley. I dug Big Bad Bubby, so this was right up my alley.


Last night we watched Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago. Never heard of him, but he had a really interesting life in the early NYC rock scene (late 70's and 80's). Lots of great old NYC footage. He was a regular at Max's and CB's when he was only 16!
Focus on the riff.


Quote from: Lumpy on October 08, 2017, 02:44:00 AM

"Mother!" the new Darren Arnofsky film, is fucking terrible. It's like he dug up his old Dream Journals from 1st year film school, and made a big budget film around them with lots of brutal CGI and special effects. Really important themes you guyz, like how artists make sacrifices, the nature of creativity, the relationship between an artist and his audience, it's like super meaningful and stuff like that. It might have been a decent but embarrassing short film or animation, but they spent a lot of money on realistic special effects and hyperviolent practical effects, and the only thing worse than a bunch of meaningless explosions are when the explosions are really, really meaningful and symbolic and stuff. Yes, when reviewing a movie it does matter how much it cost to make --- that's why "Batman & Robin" is one of the worst films of all time, but this one gives it a real run for the money. Super tedious until the ultraviolence starts, and then it almost becomes another movie. I would compare this to dogshit, but dogshit exists for a reason, and there was no need for this movie to be made, unless maybe Darren Aronofsky is trying to get out of a contractual obligation. Think of the most brutal, nasty parts of "Requiem for a Dream" and combine them with the corniest, most cringe-inducing Deep Metaphors and Stuff That's Really Symbolic from an M. Night Shamalayan (sp?) movie, and you might start coming close to this dreck.

I booed to myself when it was over, I should have booed a lot louder. Not even worth a rental, unless you want to rubberneck over how bad this movie sucks. I've seen "Pi" "Requiem for a Dream" "The Wrestler" and "Black Swan" and this is complete garbage in comparison. 9 out of 10 Cringes. I wasted 16 dollars on this bullshit.

That's unfortunate. I own less than 5 DVDs and Pi and Requiem two of 'em.
Focus on the riff.


Might have dragged this shitty director out of the quag...damn, this was good. If you dug Unbreakable, which I did, you will love the ending. A comeback film, of sorts? I think it may be more to do with the very strong performances and a non-eyerolling ending, but worth your time.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

Bro. Righteous

Quote from: ron on November 19, 2017, 05:32:23 PM
Last night we watched Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago. Never heard of him, but he had a really interesting life in the early NYC rock scene (late 70's and 80's). Lots of great old NYC footage. He was a regular at Max's and CB's when he was only 16!

Thx for that recommendation, great viewing after a sweaty stoned jam tonite..[spoilers]

Big surprise seeing Monster Mag's Phil Caivano having him as a bud - wow.
Also showing what typically is stereotyped as a record weasel PR fuckwad as a cool shit.
....more importantly, unfuckingbelievable footage at end of him in the studio w/ 90's Heavy
stoner-rock stalwarts - Borgo Pass and ending credits using superior song of Burn the Devil's Hand.

Also imagine including this footage at CB's

I ain't drunk - I'm just drinkin...


going to be a love/hate opinion on this one. I loved it.


Didn't love or hate it. It was alright.


Quote from: retardgroove on December 23, 2017, 04:53:15 PM
Didn't love or hate it. It was alright.

Might be a spolier or two below and not seeing the spoiler/hide option

The pacing certainly would change opinions on's a unique piece, almost a modern day Kubrick in style in feel. The supernatural/spell element in the final act was pretty cool. Very surreal and original piece, right down to the intentional/uncomfortable robotic acting, unexplained subplots that maybe you question things you maybe shouldn't, and that it makes it all feel like an altered reality at times. I read a few synopsis' after watching it, and I like how everyone has a different angle on it.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: Lumpy on October 08, 2017, 02:44:00 AM

"Mother!" the new Darren Arnofsky film, is fucking terrible. It's like he dug up his old Dream Journals from 1st year film school, and made a big budget film around them with lots of brutal CGI and special effects. Really important themes you guyz, like how artists make sacrifices, the nature of creativity, the relationship between an artist and his audience, it's like super meaningful and stuff like that. It might have been a decent but embarrassing short film or animation, but they spent a lot of money on realistic special effects and hyperviolent practical effects, and the only thing worse than a bunch of meaningless explosions are when the explosions are really, really meaningful and symbolic and stuff. Yes, when reviewing a movie it does matter how much it cost to make --- that's why "Batman & Robin" is one of the worst films of all time, but this one gives it a real run for the money. Super tedious until the ultraviolence starts, and then it almost becomes another movie. I would compare this to dogshit, but dogshit exists for a reason, and there was no need for this movie to be made, unless maybe Darren Aronofsky is trying to get out of a contractual obligation. Think of the most brutal, nasty parts of "Requiem for a Dream" and combine them with the corniest, most cringe-inducing Deep Metaphors and Stuff That's Really Symbolic from an M. Night Shamalayan (sp?) movie, and you might start coming close to this dreck.

I booed to myself when it was over, I should have booed a lot louder. Not even worth a rental, unless you want to rubberneck over how bad this movie sucks. I've seen "Pi" "Requiem for a Dream" "The Wrestler" and "Black Swan" and this is complete garbage in comparison. 9 out of 10 Cringes. I wasted 16 dollars on this bullshit.

Finally watched...more out of curiosity than anything else. Also not "going in cold", after reading it go completely over Rex Reed's head and a few other synopsis's that tried to explain the biblical references and what not. For the record, this would have gone more than over my head if I didn't know what to expect. Soooo...knowing what to expect, I didn't hate it, but also struggled to like it and even enjoy it. I found it more in tune to watching a director implode, mentally, in front of my eyes. It reaches too far to gain relevance into what is "independent [art] film" and stumbles into a third act that feels every bit as tiring to me, as it seems Aronofsky was telling his story.

It couldn't end tidily. It couldn't end satisfying, imo...It could only END. I refer to the symbolic chaos of the earliest Ken Russell films, i.e. The Devils. I honestly feel this is what he was channeling as a director, and is dangerous territory when it gets this convoluted.

It is actually a film, now absorbed, I would sit through again. Not entirely sure why, but I would.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


"10 Cloverfield Lane" a waste of time. One of those movies that takes place in a phone booth, elevator etc (this time a fallout shelter). Last 10 minutes were good though (when we leave the fallout shelter). Afterwards, I was surprised to see a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and that people rated this higher than the first Cloverfield movie (which I liked). Not even a "Twilight Zone" episode here, more like "Tales From the Darkside".

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on February 12, 2018, 03:45:16 PM
"10 Cloverfield Lane" a waste of time. One of those movies that takes place in a phone booth, elevator etc (this time a fallout shelter). Last 10 minutes were good though (when we leave the fallout shelter). Afterwards, I was surprised to see a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and that people rated this higher than the first Cloverfield movie (which I liked). Not even a "Twilight Zone" episode here, more like "Tales From the Darkside".


Couldn't agree more. It's one, [looks like in hindsight] of some sort of ambiguous anthology and reminded me of a visual "short story" or even a play. Strange format, even stranger than the ratings, I agree. these things are costing nothing to film and Abrhams studio is making a shiny dime off em. The third is a turd [Paradox]. I'll give a cookie to anyone that can sit through that steaming pile of shit.



I somehow managed to have never seen The Thin Red Line.

Its on Cinemax or one of the other pay cables and sat down and took it in. That could very well be one of my favorite war films of all time. Take a back seat Olly, Stevo and Fran.