Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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..odd is all I can say. Watch it.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


I thought Get Out was pretty weak. It wasn't the worst... but it was just kind of stupid. A racial thriller? So?

I also saw the The Big Sick in a "real" (ripoff) theater today. It was a romantic "comedy" - It wasn't terrible but I can't see myself recommending it to anyone. Kumail is hilarious at times but it was way too long. A sweet true story, but also not fucking funny enough. Too sappy.

Oh yeah, saw Bokeh, too. It was beautiful but it fizzled - HARD. Don't waste your time.

Saw It Follows a month or so ago, I liked it. Kind of corny at times, but good.

Oh yeah, also Raw about 2 months ago. Also good.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Yeah, Didn't like Get Out at's message got lost in stupidity.

Boekh---felt the same way about it. Beautifully shot and starts off well and good, then well...nothing? Turns weepy and sappy, overly melodramatic. Could almost hear the sound of that one hitting the wall.

It Follows is a love/hate thing with people and purists...I just happen to be i the latter. I adore this film. Here's a column to check out, and makes you want to watch it again.


Quote from: whoshotthefrog on July 02, 2017, 07:16:13 AM
Quote from: EaterofBirds on July 01, 2017, 11:14:12 PM
Quote from: whoshotthefrog on July 01, 2017, 04:43:56 PM

I felt like slamming my head through a wall when the credits rolled, for not shutting it off when I first thought to. Terrible flick.

I didn't think it was a completely horrible movie, but it didn't keep my attention either. So, I ended up doing the work I brought home from work this weekend while watching the movie.

I didn't love it either but I kinda thought it was better than Alien: Covenant in that at least it didn't have all the expected egg/facehugger/xenomorph iconography.  Sadly, they both had the watery "alien POV cam" which served no function at all.  In JAWS, the POV was at least closing in on the shark's victims (and during the 4th of July sequence, it was a trick because it didn't have music, unlike the other times but at least you understood what its purpose was so you were on edge).  Ryan Reynolds was his usually jokey, smirky self, Jake Gyllenhall was too ponderous and "deep" and that fake-out about who was landing on Earth and who was spinning off into space was dumb.  Also, the two actresses resembled each other too much, I have no idea why the black guy needed paralyzed legs and why the fuck couldn't those stupid boat natives at the end see that something was wrong inside the capsule so don't open it? 

Okay, it was pretty stupid.


Quote from: socket on July 09, 2017, 01:59:03 AM
I thought Get Out was pretty weak. It wasn't the worst... but it was just kind of stupid. A racial thriller? So?

I also saw the The Big Sick in a "real" (ripoff) theater today. It was a romantic "comedy" - It wasn't terrible but I can't see myself recommending it to anyone. Kumail is hilarious at times but it was way too long. A sweet true story, but also not fucking funny enough. Too sappy.

Oh yeah, saw Bokeh, too. It was beautiful but it fizzled - HARD. Don't waste your time.

Saw It Follows a month or so ago, I liked it. Kind of corny at times, but good.

Oh yeah, also Raw about 2 months ago. Also good.

The Big Sick was worth it for the 9/11 laugh alone. 

And it reminded me Zoe Kazan looked great topless in Reservation Road:


The big sick was cool, a little long maybe?


Quote from: EaterofBirds on April 14, 2017, 09:56:05 AM

was in the mood for something big and dumb, and this is exactly that. I mean, we did need some real updating over the original and the failed reboots of the last 30 years. I didn't hate it at all. I usually make it an hour or less into this stuff and shut it off, but I watched it I want to do the sex stuff to Brie Larson. Stay through the credits for a tease of what's coming.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Fun movie, nice acting and car chases, good soundtrack. Only minor complaint is that movie tries a little too hard to be cool.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Not a very good film. Just okay. Felt like a standalone episode of The Walking Dead than anything resembling well made cinema.


Entertaining but a little predictable. Everybody was having a laugh making the movie and it shows. Nothing special though,


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.



"Mother!" the new Darren Arnofsky film, is fucking terrible. It's like he dug up his old Dream Journals from 1st year film school, and made a big budget film around them with lots of brutal CGI and special effects. Really important themes you guyz, like how artists make sacrifices, the nature of creativity, the relationship between an artist and his audience, it's like super meaningful and stuff like that. It might have been a decent but embarrassing short film or animation, but they spent a lot of money on realistic special effects and hyperviolent practical effects, and the only thing worse than a bunch of meaningless explosions are when the explosions are really, really meaningful and symbolic and stuff. Yes, when reviewing a movie it does matter how much it cost to make --- that's why "Batman & Robin" is one of the worst films of all time, but this one gives it a real run for the money. Super tedious until the ultraviolence starts, and then it almost becomes another movie. I would compare this to dogshit, but dogshit exists for a reason, and there was no need for this movie to be made, unless maybe Darren Aronofsky is trying to get out of a contractual obligation. Think of the most brutal, nasty parts of "Requiem for a Dream" and combine them with the corniest, most cringe-inducing Deep Metaphors and Stuff That's Really Symbolic from an M. Night Shamalayan (sp?) movie, and you might start coming close to this dreck.

I booed to myself when it was over, I should have booed a lot louder. Not even worth a rental, unless you want to rubberneck over how bad this movie sucks. I've seen "Pi" "Requiem for a Dream" "The Wrestler" and "Black Swan" and this is complete garbage in comparison. 9 out of 10 Cringes. I wasted 16 dollars on this bullshit.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I don't normally pay attention to Rex Reed (film critic for the NY times) but after seeing "Mother!" I checked out the reviews (I walked into it cold, which I recommend, if you insist on seeing this turkey). He said something like "I hate to call this the worst movie of the year, when it might be the worst movie of the century".

Also, produced by Harvey Weinstein. Another reason to hate his guts.

Darren Aronofsky is married or in a relationship with Jennifer Lawrence. Half the movie is a close-up of her face.

Jennifer Lawrence plays 'mother' while Javier Bardem plays 'him'.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.



The Pilgrimage...[imdb snips their photos], pretty good period piece of sorts with the religious themes and the willingness to die for faith, as one of many themes. Violent and well told story as it is well done for the budget. If you dig Vahalla Rising/Black Death, this is in the wheelhouse.


Was looking forward to S. Craig Zahler 's genre follow-up to Bone Tomahawk...this is a good one. Think low-rent Winding Refn/Saulnier, as he's clearly banging the 80's noir drum here. Violent and entertaining as it is awesome. Vince Vaughn sucks at everything. Until now.


Saw a free screening of this last night, hard watch and made me realize what vets kind of go through day to day. Miles Teller did an amazing job.

Living a Burt Reynolds lifestyle on Mac Davis budget




If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.



Timecrimes! Need to watch that pretzel logic shit again. Was fun.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.