Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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I like Burton and I like Depp - but these last few years it's been a bit much much, almost as if they were conjoined at the hip or something.
Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?


Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Fascinating, captivating movie, and not a single spoken word or subtitle throughout.


Loved it but not as much as Baraka.

The Shocker

Quote from: bitter on February 27, 2013, 08:50:54 PM


Watch this shit!


The funny faded at the end, but still pretty good.  Rob Riggle is fucking hilarious.


Quote from: bitter on February 27, 2013, 08:50:54 PM


Watch this shit!


Picked up the Apple TV remote, quick search and hit play.  Can't resist a reccomendation like that.  Opening credits right now.  Of course, it helps that I really like Oswalt's standup.


Aaaaand... promptly slept through the whole thing.



You didn't miss anything beyond the constant screaming.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Quote from: The Shocker on March 01, 2013, 02:08:11 PM
Quote from: bitter on February 27, 2013, 08:50:54 PM


Watch this shit!


The funny faded at the end, but still pretty good.  Rob Riggle is fucking hilarious.

A miserable mess. Parts of it were funny, but for the most part, it was a groaner.

Demon Lung

Saw flight. It was a mess but at least we got full frontal from the Mexican girl from my name is earl



GS, yeah it was like turning an amp to 11 and walking away to let it squeal for an hour and a half. It's just loud and obnoxious. I bet the had a blast making it, though.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Quote from: Demon Lung on March 03, 2013, 03:58:15 PM
Saw flight. It was a mess but at least we got full frontal from the Mexican girl from my name is earl

I didn't realize that was her until you mentioned it. What a hot piece of ass.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: bitter on March 03, 2013, 06:41:30 PM
GS, yeah it was like turning an amp to 11 and walking away to let it squeal for an hour and a half. It's just loud and obnoxious. I bet the had a blast making it, though.

I think, if anything, it needed to be almost more absurd than it was for it to truly work. Anyway, it made me laugh some and I loved the nod to Vanishing Point with the naked blonde on the motorcycle (but, mostly, I just liked the idea of a naked woman riding around on a motorcycle)  ;D

Rob Riggle kicking in the globe was pretty funny. That whole sequence was, in fact.


SXSW Film has begun, and I plan on seeing a fuckload of films. Didn't make it into see Upstream Color tonight, which was a pretty big bummer but not totally unexpected. (This is Shane Carruth's first film since Primer.) Will hopefully get to see one of the other screenings, but there was probably a Q&A with Carruth tonight. :/  What I did see -

We Cause Scenes - A doc about Improv  Everywhere, the group behind the No Pants on the Subway thing, and the Grand Central Station freeze thing. Always thought they were kinda douchey, but I had a feeling it would be a good doc. And I was right....on both counts lol. It really was a more interesting story than I would have thought, and the video footage puts it over the top. Lulls a bit near the end, but pretty heartwarming throughout and overall a pretty dern good doc.

La cinquième saison (The Fifth Season) - Gorgeously shot and deliberately paced, this Belgian drama nearly blew me away and put me to sleep (maybe it was the comfy seats). It's about what happens to the odd characters in a small village when Spring doesn't come. Pretty wicked. Gloomy and beautiful. This crowd might dig it.


this was ok. i skipped the 3D and the graphics in 2D looked a little video-game-ish to me, but not too bad. james franco stoners his way through this, but everyone else does a pretty decent job. you could definitely take a 7 year old to this movie. i don't know why i was hoping this would be a little edgier or grittier or something. maybe because i was hoping for the same from snow white and the huntsman (and similarly disappointed). mila kunis looks like she's going to spill out of her dress for half the movie and, sadly, that's probably the most exciting part.



Before Midnight (sequel to Before Sunrise and Before Sunset) - Been looking forward to this for 9 years now and it did not disappoint. More of the same...just what I wanted.

Prince Avalanche - This one was kind of mixed bag. It's David Gordon Green's movie, starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch. I think it's a remake of an Icelandic film, shot in Texas after recent fires, and set in Texas after huge fires 25 years ago. Only problem I had with this was that our two protagonists sho don't look like they're from Texas to me. Or the 80's (except for some OP gear). Probably not a big problem for most people, and they make up for it (and maybe make an allusion to it?) at the end. Odd and quirky, fun and pretty solid overall.

Mr. Angel - Documentary about Buck Angel. Some people here probably already know who he is, but for those who don't he is a buff transexual pornstar man with a vagina. Basically used to be a chick but only got the breast surgery and hormones, kept the snatch. Then did porn. Decent.


Quote from: strangelight on March 09, 2013, 09:26:19 PM

this was ok. i skipped the 3D and the graphics in 2D looked a little video-game-ish to me, but not too bad. james franco stoners his way through this, but everyone else does a pretty decent job. you could definitely take a 7 year old to this movie. i don't know why i was hoping this would be a little edgier or grittier or something. maybe because i was hoping for the same from snow white and the huntsman (and similarly disappointed). mila kunis looks like she's going to spill out of her dress for half the movie and, sadly, that's probably the most exciting part.

I agree with you except this was a much better movie than 'Snow White & the Huntsman' which had a non-existant plot. I thought the story was interesting but too many CGI effects (paticularly in the beginning) and not enough of the human factor make this whole thing ho-hum. James Franco smiled way too much in this movie which made me question his acting ability. The most interesting character to me was the Porcelin girl; Its strange but she is a CGI creation and yet she had more soul than any of the live actors on the screen.
"Ginger People"


Quote from: jmucke on February 21, 2013, 01:34:38 PM

I seriously liked this. Don't know the book but the movie was directed by the author who got it right it seems. Emma Watson would be on my shitlist for the rest of her career for being involved in this Potter-dreck but she's is great here. She might have a future as an actress. Rest of the cast is spot on too. Ezra Miller was scary in that Kevin-movie but shows a total different side here. The story starts like your typical coming-of-age-comedy-drama but actually has some depth and a good twist.

I didn't think I would like this movie but I really enjoyed it. Probably one of the better movies I've seen in a long time. I wish I had met a girl like Sam back in high school. I would have married her. (No I wouldn't because I would have never worked up the courage to ask her out.) Anyway, she was smoking hot, super cool and had a dynamic personality. Didn't seem like the type of chick I would tune out after a few minutes. Anyway, not your typical high school teen movie which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Got to see Upstream Color a couple of nights ago and have been thinking about it since. Shane Carruth is my favorite filmmaker. If I were rich I would give him a lot of money so he could do whatever he wants. Just bought a ticket to see a screening at Sundance London next month and can't wait to see it again. Plus Carruth should be there, and maybe I can think of a brilliant question to ask between now and then. The lead actress was present for a Q&A at the screening I attended and she was something else, as in kinda out there. I liked her.

Swim Little Fish Swim is about the struggles of being an artist and flirts with being an "indie" "art film," but doesn't come off as pretentious at all. I enjoyed every minute of it. About a musician whose wife wants him to settle down and do a commercial for some $$, and this hot chick aspiring modern artist who is the daughter of a successful established artist.

Sound City (Grohl's doc) was pretty decent. Stevie Nicks is a bad bitch, huh?

Haunter is the new one from the guy who made Cube. Not quite sure how I feel about it. Definitely interesting and worth at least one view. Can't really explain the plot, sorry. Someone else called it Amityville Groundhog Day. I plan on checking it out again. Just not quite as badass as I wanted it to be. Kinda like Cube in that way. Ending was a bit of a groaner. Looks like IFC picked it up.

Demon Lung

The man with the iron fists was the most enjoyable movie that I've seen an a while


Echoing the refrain about Perks.  Surprisingly well-made little flick.

Quote from: astroman on March 15, 2013, 08:11:43 AMUpstream Color

Excited for this.  I greatly enjoyed Primer.  Applauded for sci-fi that makes you think.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Thought this would be "Drive" as done by the guy who made "Blue Valentine". It is in a way but the story makes some unexpected turns and the whole story has a much bigger scope than you would think from the trailer. Spot on cast although Gosling should really look for different parts. Right now I think he is great but a couple more of these moody-silent-loner-roles and he can phone them in.


Haven't seen it but I saw the trailer and our sergeant on Blue Bloods, Robert Clohessy, is apparently the sergeant or captain in that one.



Gosling certainly has some skeletons in his closet. Looks like he auditioned for a Home-Alone-sequel at some point: