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Cabinet advise needed

Started by Jaijair, September 07, 2017, 05:09:52 AM

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Hi !

Stopped playing few years ago but i'm back at it, I recently bought a second hand Jackson Kelly MIJ (don't even know the model or year of making)  for very cheap, a second hand orange micro terror and a boss fz3 for fuzz.  I'm now looking for a nice second hand cabinet.

Today I found 4 that are cheap and seems good:
- 4x12  Framus Dragon (vintage 30) for 200€ , can't go wrong with V30 right ?
- 4x12 Vox ( wharfedale GSH 1230) for 250€ , from what i found those speakers are a copy of  Celestion G12H30
- 4x12  Huges & Kettner Vortex ( rockdriver celestion junior) for about 150€ and has a funky electric blue color. I can get the head too for very cheap
- 4x10 Laney Power Bass (a 20+ years old bass cab) for only 90€ 

From this list what would you recomend and why ?


Framus or Vox, but preferably both.

Reason: the combination of Vintage 30s & G12H30, is great for Stoner, Doom, & other downtuned heavy rock. Each covers some territory that the other lacks. That said, you might want to get a more powerful head if you want to go that route.

If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably go with the Framus, if only because those are real Celestion V30s. I'm not super familiar with the Wharfdales, so I can't really give you much more than that.

With only 4 options, might as well try 'em all out with yer Microterror & see what you get. Who knows? You might like the Laney best & save some money.
Livin' The Life.


Thanks for your answer  :)

I'm saving for a better amp. But for now budget is tight and I know I can always keep the Micro Terror as a backup amp latter. The sound is already very good in my headphones, can't wait to hear it in a proper 4x12 cabinet  ;D
The Vox isn't available anymore. I've tried the Huges & Kettner and I wasn't satisfied so I'll probably go for the Framus.
Do you know if the greenbacks are any good ? There's another H&G with 4 of them, but it's double the price of the Framus so I wonder if it's worth the extra money.
Sorry for noob question, not familiar with speakers yet. 


Greenbacks are great speakers, but not the best for really heavy stuff imo.

I happily use my 1x12 Greenbacks cab for everything from blues through rock & roll & even into AC/DCish hard rock, but even though it's in a closed back cab, the bass response isn't very strong and lacks clarity. For Stoner/Doom, there are plenty of more suitable speakers out there.
Livin' The Life.



I don't believe many of you are local to me, so I'm not trying to pitch these to you.
Can you tell me if this is reasonable? These cabs have toured the country with the weevil band, that funk has gotta be worth a few $.


You should probably make sure of the type of speakers in the Marshall. Uncertainty on Craigslist probably doesn't result in sales. Take photos of the speakers, even. Both cabs, maybe.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on September 15, 2017, 05:24:12 AM
You should probably make sure of the type of speakers in the Marshall. Uncertainty on Craigslist probably doesn't result in sales. Take photos of the speakers, even. Both cabs, maybe.

I have no reason to believe that there is anything but the original stock speakers in there. Best I can tell that's what they put in them. Too many screws to fuck with unless challenged. I'd be more concerned if I believed they were something more desireable.  I can't imagine someone coming at me like "you sure there isn't anything better in there?"


Good luck with the sale!
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I wasn't wrong, and now my wrist hurts. Damn you Lumpy!


Get a screw gun, they're like $20 now (made in China).

Celestions are a selling point, the cabinet is just a box...

You could probably tack that tolex down (don't listen to me).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Lumpy on September 16, 2017, 01:01:31 PM
You sold the Crate cab pretty quick!

Get a screw gun, they're like $20 now (made in China).

Never had a Crate anything, ever.

I can't buy anything! I am deep in debt and in danger of being homeless. $20 is gas to get to work.


I meant Carvin, I got confused (it's two separate listings, oops).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Lumpy, I really do appreciate the tips. I don't do hustle and sales type stuff well, too much fucking headache.
I usually avoid craigslist like the plague. I don't have much choice right now though.
BTW, listed these on ebay too now.


"Celestion" is definitely a key search term for people.

When I first started using Ebay like 20 years ago, i studied peoples' ads. Why did something sell for $250 here, but this exact same item only got $175? The ads with lots of clear pictures and a good description always sold for more. I think if you give a good description, it increases the buyer's confidence that you didn't just pick this up at a yard sale, and you have no idea if it even works. Also, people can be lazy, so if you explain some things more, it's more enticing. A person who knows what they're talking about is less likely to sell something that sucks, or charge the wrong price.

You could put a little sizzle in your ad, like "this cab has been road-tested, and is damn near indestructible". Describe the speaker characteristics... scooped, strong mids, they excel at classic hard rock, whatever. You can Google that info, if you aren't sure. Find out what other people say about the cabs (excellent for brutal death metal, or whatever). Talk it up a little, with the specs and use a few buzzwords that make your cabs sound kick ass. With the GT-75's I think you can say the cabinet can handle 300 watts (I think that's right?) and easily handles anything you throw at it. People like to get the backstory too, so say how long you've owned them, why you're getting rid of them (I played hundreds of rehearsals and dozens of heavy rock shows between 2007 and 2014, and this workhorse cabinet delivered the goods every night with no issues). Cross-link your Craigslist ads (Marshall cab listed here) and on Ebay say "check out my other items". If the Marshall doesn't sell after a while, you might try painting the bare wood flat black, and glueing the tolex flaps down.

Don't lie, but explain why this cab is worth $350 to a teenager who is starting his first rock band. That's probably who's going to buy it.

I also recommend Reverb for selling, the fees are like half of Ebay's fees.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Oh yeah, doom and stoner rock are cool with the young people now, so you could say these cabs kick ass for doom and heavy stoner rock (don't lie if they don't).

Also say "I don't have time to be in a touring band any more" or something like that. That explains why you're selling, and makes the cabs sound road-worthy.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've been selling and buying on ebay since it's inception. It's changed. It just seems that people these days are too web savvy, needy, jaded, critical and they both don't read instructions or read more into what's not stated. It's just seems a lot more work than it once was.


Yeah ebay is definitely different these days. You have to be REALLY clear on what is for sale. I took a return once in 18 years on the site. As long as you are upfront on the listing, things go well.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.


Ebay is good for buying and selling socks and underwear now, not for bigger ticket items. They take too big of a cut. 10% of $4 is 40 cents, no big deal. But 10% of $1000 is 100, there's no way Ebay deserves 100 bucks for helping you sell a guitar. (I think it's 10% when you combine Ebay and Paypal fees, and they're owned by the same company).

You still need to write a sexier ad though.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Probably more like 12-15%. Ebay rules but also sucks.
Don't feed the trolls... and don't be a pussy.
