Lets Collaborate! Cover song? Original?

Started by everdrone, December 26, 2016, 02:26:28 PM

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 lets collaborate AND DOMINATE! PM me. I am looking for MASSIVE ACTION people and not retreaters.

Think Big     8)


I look forward to collaborating!

In the meanwhile...

I finished my cover of Interstate Love song just now,

by Stone Temple Pilots:


no collabs yet lol!   I recorded and mixed this original song yesterday and today, it is an acoustic unplugged song with an Alice in Chains vibe:

Any Constructive Criticism is Great!   



I like that song!  I might have double tracked the acoustic guitar and panned them hard left and right for a bit of thickness in the mix but you've already made a good track.  Bonus points for using the SM7B mic.


cool thanks brutha :)

that SM7B is a tough one to work with on acoustic since its quiet so I turn up my preamp and compressors but that does not enhance the tone,

fortunately new years sales are here!  I pulled the trigger on the Audio-Technica AT2020 for $74 yesterday for better acoustic guitar recordings.  I might switch out the acoustic guitar on that or double track,

thanks for the constructive criticism, cheers :)


I hope to start a collab with yall soon!  finished a quick cover just now of "Black Hole Sun" by soundgarden:


Everdrone, are you still on Bandhub? I joined it recently and noticed an ancient (relatively speaking) thread on here about it, but nothing recent.


Jor el

   Are you in an Apartment?

   Because that would be awesome.

What Would Scooby Do ?


Im in an apartment, I recorded all my songs in here

Im on bandhub, I just got a good webcam so Im gonna start killin' it:  https://bandhub.com/everdrone#/collabs

lets collab! 


I'm down - open to any covers you have in mind or if you've got some original riffs you can put to a click I can lay down drums for them via BandHub or otherwise.

I've got some sad abandoned collabs on BandHub too... not much of a doom community on there.


cool!  nice fade to black cover.  Ill hit you up!  I followed you on bandhub.

I need to figure out how to reserve drums to you on it, thats probably easy to do though.


Thanks! Yeah, you can specify someone to reserve an instrument to when you set up collab preferences & pick instruments.


Ok I have got nyarlathotep marked down and reserved as the drummer, but I need some guitar and bass tracks uploaded if anyone is interested in collaborating:


so far the songs are

Soungarden "4th of July"  ...its a doomy song


did some collabs in person today:

Collective Soul - Heavy


the collabs are continuing on this forum, yay!

Submarine from this forum did this mix for my song, it sounds amazing!  thanks brutha




Pentagram song Vampyre Love!  BASSIST NEEDED to complete the online collab: https://bandhub.com/s/584b93e49c39f3986033fccf

(nyarlathotep is the drummer, I am the singer)


This sounds like a fun project. I haven't written or played anything in years but lately been thinking about recording a new demo. Contemplating whether I should meetup with my old drummer or just try out new people,but if anybody here can play drums like Bill Ward/Bonham, I would like someone to lay some very heavy drum work on this cover of Kraftwerk...

At the 6:40 mark is when the guitar solo kicks in with some heavy rhythm guitar. I always wanted some drums there. That's an old video also,and I do not have access to my old Youtube account anymore. I do not plan on using that Cosmic Conflict band name for my demo. Thinking in the lines of Drowsy Nurse or something.

Btw, I am in close circles with people like Dale Crover, Bob Daisley,etc... I can get them to hear the demo once its complete.I am also very close friends with Bruno the bassist from Flipper whom I actually see in person on a rare occasion.  Heck I might shoot an email to Bob tonight and ask him if he would be down to contribute some bass,not sure he'd play on a Kraftwerk cover though lol. Also I have way better video making skills today than before. I'd love to get some newer recordings on Youtube.

Anyways just thought to put this idea out there. I need to buy a new guitar amp though soon in several months though. I recorded my old demo on  Tascam 424 4-track,not sure how I should record my new demo. Suggestions for what type of recording equipment would be awesome. Nothing too expensive though,I'm working on a low budget. So yea I am down to try out this online thing.



we need a bassist to finish our Soundgarden online collab for "Rusty Cage", will you help??? :-) https://bandhub.com/s/586c716f2fe0644ff585f25d



Here is our Dragonaut-Sleep cover, that Sleep show was really inspiring!!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77CB8XFMMjA