Taco Bell to serve Cap’n Crunch donut holes

Started by peoplething, June 07, 2015, 07:37:11 PM

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Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


i read somewhere that they were going to start serving alcohol too..


Some days chickens, some days feathers


At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


Do you promise Von Zombie Cranky Fest 2017 will include that Taco Bell as an add-on.

Some days chickens, some days feathers


We got a Whole Foods to replace the Dominic's - it has a bar in it! A good place to get Zumba moms drunk during the day.

The store will open in mid-July with a theme of "home," Mr. Stewart said. "We design the store to [fit in with] the area the store is going into." The designer took into consideration the historic homes and the Metra station, to come up with that idea.

"We want it to feel like home," said Tony Lesley, construction coordinator at Whole Foods. In the front area there will be a café and a pub offering local microbrews, and, while there will be televisions, they will "generally be silent," he said.

Some days chickens, some days feathers


You better hope those televisions are silent and not tuned to the Oprah Channel or your milf hunt will be a bust.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.

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Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?

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