Started by JkFlesh, May 12, 2015, 11:54:28 AM

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Who's on board for this shit?  The reviews are starting to pour in, and people are absolutely losing their shit, using every superlative in the book.

Got my tickets for Thursday night at 8 p.m.  I've been waiting YEARS to see this shit.


I'll probably purchase a thesaurus later.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.


I'm definitely pumped to see it but this one seems to have a decided feminist leanings to it. Not a bad thing, but I'm not sure how down I am with that either.




Thunderdome sucked pretty bad. It could very well be another Thunderdome... with all the characters and action over-inflated. The series was better before all the hype.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


is snake plissken in this??


if Josh's pussy is wet on this, I'm in..


Dripping wet.

The Dissolve just gave it 5 stars, it's at 98 on Rotten Tomatoes, and I just changed my ticket to 7 p.m. in 2D because I've heard that's the better way to see the film.  

From The Dissolve's comments section:

Martin Jensen • an hour ago
Fuck, I'm seeing this film in just over an hour! Skipping out on a friend's barbecue... worth it.
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Nabokov_Cocktail  Martin Jensen • 34 minutes ago
Who in the fuck schedules a barbecue during the theatrical run of Mad Max: Fury Road? Your friend sounds like a real asshole.


Big whoop dee doo... Rotten Tomatoes also gave Thunderdome an 82%, and that was a turkey.

QuoteAbout 15 years after the events of Mad Max 2, nuclear war has finally destroyed what little was left of civilization. Grizzled and older, former cop Max (Mel Gibson) roams the Australian desert in a camel-drawn vehicle -- until father-and-son thieves Jebediah Sr. (Bruce Spence) and Jr. (Adam Cockburn) use their jury-rigged airplane to steal his possessions and means of transportation. Max soon winds up in Bartertown, a cesspool of post-apocalyptic capitalism powered by methane-rich pig manure and overseen by two competing overlords, Aunty Entity (Tina Turner) and Master (Angelo Rossitto), a crafty midget who rides around on the back of his hulking underling, Blaster (Paul Larsson). Seeking to re-equip himself, Max strikes a deal with the haughty Aunty to kill Blaster in ritualized combat inside Thunderdome, a giant jungle gym where Bartertown's conflicts are played out in a postmodern update of blood and circuses. Although Max manages to fell the mighty Blaster, he refuses to kill him after realizing the brute is actually a retarded boy. Aunty's henchmen murder Blaster nonetheless, then punish Max for violating the law that "Two men enter, one man leaves." Lashed to the back of a hapless pack animal and sent out into a sandstorm, a near-death Max is rescued by a band of tribal children and teens. The descendants of the victims of an airplane crash, the kids inhabit a lush valley and wait for the day when Captain Walker, the plane's pilot, will return to lead them back to civilization. Some of the children, refusing to believe that Max isn't Walker and that the glorious cities of their mythology no longer exist, set off in search of civilization on their own. Max and three tribe members must then rescue their friends from Bordertown and the clutches of Aunty Entity -- a quest that ends in a lengthy desert chase sequence that echoes the first two Mad Max films.

Do you even remember that steaming pile?
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I don't think it looks anything like Thunderdome.  Just read some of the reviews.  It's supposed to be wall-to-wall intense and it's R-rated.

If you think it's gonna suck, you're welcome to skip it, but assuming it's gonna suck based on a movie that was released 30 years ago and by all accounts looks very different (different look, different cast, great reviews, cinematographer John Seale, etc., etc., etc.) doesn't strike me as the way to go.  I'm going to do the sensible thing and watch the damn movie before I make up my mind.


It's at 99% on Rotten Tomatoes now.  EVERYTHING I have read gives me a major boner for this one.  George Miller firmly back in charge - he only half directed Thunderdome, because some friend died and he lost interest.  Check the credits, it is credited to two directors.  He has also stated that it is 90% practical effects, and that he wanted to make essentially one two hour chase scene.  Apparently they had the story boards before the script, and one review I read compared it to a silent film for the lack of dialogue.  I am expecting everything cool about the Road Warrior, distilled down and amplified to 1000%. 

The Shocker

Road Warrior is one of my all time favorites so I don't think this will reach those heights, but if it is R rated nonstop mayhem I'm down.

Fuck you!


Quote from: GodShifter on May 12, 2015, 05:11:48 PM
I'm definitely pumped to see it but this one seems to have a decided feminist leanings to it. Not a bad thing, but I'm not sure how down I am with that either.

My complaint when I watched the first trailer.  I'm not down with it to be honest, I want to see Mad Max fucking shit up.


It's really fucking great.  It is indeed a 2 hour chase scene, grim and unrelenting, with some of the craziest stunts I've seen.  Tom Hardy commands the screen even at a whisper and Max delivers lots of awesome violence, especially towards the end.  But the hype is also dead on -- Charlize Theron plays an incredible bad ass too, up there with Sigourney Weaver in the Alien films (and with a haircut to match), but why anyone would let that bother them is beyond me -- she's great, the action is great, the film is great, there are lots of moments of transcendent awesomeness.... It's mandatory if you have even a passing interest in action films.


Okay, I gotta see this flick.
Livin' The Life.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?

The Shocker

Mostly practical effects?

Fuck you!


Quote from: The Shocker on May 15, 2015, 07:49:41 PM
Mostly practical effects?

That's what they say (in interviews)

This looks kind of Thunder-dumb:

Quote from: RacerX on May 15, 2015, 04:27:39 PM

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I just got out of the movie and I thought it was good in an extremely over the top way. TONS of great action and, a couple of times, just had me shaking my head in disbelief at the sheer pandemonium going on. Well done; well done.

I do think it's interesting that I threw the "feminism"'thing out there as a kind of impression, but was right on. So much so, that I read a CNN article (after the fact) imploring men to boycott the film due to this aspect.

As crazy/retarded/awesome as I thought the film was, the aspect of the guitar/bass player playing a double neck axe with flames shooting out of the head stocks surrounded by a huge wall of speakers, while in chase, was kind of retarded. Pure camp? Pure fun? Perhaps, but still dumb, IMO.

Overall, very much an enjoyable film, but 2015 Mad Max is, stylistically and in terms of feel, a very different animal than Gibson's of the early 80's.

The Shocker

Jor el

I agree with gShift

I didn't really care aboot any of the characters.

What Would Scooby Do ?


Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV?


Quote from: GodShifter on May 16, 2015, 06:15:48 PM
As crazy/retarded/awesome as I thought the film was, the aspect of the guitar/bass player playing a double neck axe with flames shooting out of the head stocks surrounded by a huge wall of speakers, while in chase, was kind of retarded. Pure camp? Pure fun? Perhaps, but still dumb, IMO.

Yeah, the flaming guitarist dude took it over the edge into camp in a way that didn't sit well with me on the first viewing.  Maybe I'll change my mind after repeat viewings.  It's an image a lot of reviewers have favorably identified, interestingly enough.

Quote from: GodShifter on May 16, 2015, 06:15:48 PM
Overall, very much an enjoyable film, but 2015 Mad Max is, stylistically and in terms of feel, a very different animal than Gibson's of the early 80's.

I agree with this, it's a very different film in terms of its look and feel, although it's hard to explain in words exactly why, it's just something you have to see/experience for yourself.

Quote from: ez on May 17, 2015, 12:44:53 PM




My drummer saw went this last weekend.
The theater he went to had the seats rigged up for motion and stuff ala The Tingler and it's use of the  "Percepto!" device on theater seats.

He dug it as much as y'all.
Guess I may have to brave the unwashed masses and scope this out.
At Least I Don't Have The Clap.