King Buzzo - This Machine Kills Artists

Started by sleestak, June 05, 2014, 10:12:28 AM

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I just got my compound disc in the mail from amazon yesterday and I'm diggin on this so far.  Guy can play a guitar and there's loads of hooks on the entire album.

I really wish from the sound of this that he would have toured to my town or somewhere nearby on a weekend.  Either way check out the album.
Killing threads is my business and business is good.

Instant Dan

I put this on not knowing what to expect and honestly enjoyed it.

I look forward to seeing him live next month.


I would say it reminds me of Beehoover, but Buzz has been around a lot longer so perhaps Beehoover remind me of this. Either way it's pretty good.
Lemur Demands Back Scratches!


I'm stealing it from the Internets and then I'll buy it later
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