payment question for black arts

Started by jibberish, May 06, 2014, 01:09:32 AM

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as long as this got resurrected, the led on the super pharaoh is subtle.

the pedal is pretty quiet too.  i'm glad I didn't get the sarcophagus as I would have found the LSTR overlapped my boss MT-2 too much.
the MT-2 is a weird distortion box, it sounds great with the distortion turned down(still does something) and monkey with the tones.


By quiet you mean not noisy, or that it doesn't have much of a boost?


oh sorry, quiet as in low noise.  it has plenty of output when cranked.  unity gain seems like around 10 o'clock on the pharaoh.

i'm really glad I didn't get a fuzz before this one.   getting to really like the different diode "colors" vs the no diode sound,which is also fucking awesome, like BIG, vs the dioides which are varying degrees of strangled and "clipped out".
very cool how the tone-base is set up by the diode choice then tweak a bunch more from there. like it is a bunch of fuzz boxes all in one, and then add even more tweaks not on other fuzzes

the mt-2 is actually somewhat quiet regarding output. unity gain is around 2 o'clock which doesn't leave much more beyond that.

so yay, now I have 2 pedals and I really like them both (super garbage dist doesn't count, special purpose, rarely used because it is harsh).  next comes the delay hunt, which should be a blast ast ast


Did you say delay?  Might I recommend this one?

No Focus Pocus


those are really crazy boxes. I even checked out the mini fooger demo videos. it has great sound and unique features from what I heard.  I would guess that plus the malekko is a great double tandem for the crazy shit.

I would love a memory lane II for myself like my son's. that thing is sweet, but it doesn't do the same stuff as the moogers from what I can tell from the videos, so a mooger would be a compliment.
also, those memory lanes are crazy expensive. the only reason my son has his is that he got chummy with the diamond guys at a NAMM show that he worked at, and they slid it to him for $300 at the end of the show. peasants have no business owning those haha

so I want to play with a malekko and a carbon copy. I also want to compare more the analog bucket brigade sound against the digital sound for processing full range synth material. I have read complaints that the analog delays take out detail that digitals don't. IDK whether this holds water. in general high freq doesn't echo, so it isn't really realistic, but neither are synths, so need to compare some on that aspect.


I'll tell ya,over here we have the Malekko, Carbon Copy, and Flashback.  All of which I own.  And waaaaaay over here we have the Moogerfooger if ya catch ma drift.  It's an instrument on it's own.  Don't see how the minifoogers can come close.  Not enough tactile controls (knobs).
No Focus Pocus

The Riffer

Glad you dig the pedal jibberish. Thank You.
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Quote from: The Riffer on June 06, 2014, 11:11:31 AM
Glad you dig the pedal jibberish. Thank You.
this thing is a tight little toy. you should be very be proud of it. 

and to reiterate, dealing with mark is a total pro experience.

rager, I catch your drift. those moogers are different.  I want a basic analog delay that gets crazy first.
here is something to consider regarding synth effects in general: pedals are compromises made for guitars. rack shit blows pedals away regarding performance and price. a nice lexicon will do all the post effects great for $200.
beyond guitar contouring, pedals are not really needed. i doubt if i will ever get those flanger/chorus/eq/reverb, and in general, post effects in pedal form.
i will work on pre stuff like dist boxes, fuzz, and special pedals that go beyond rack effects like the delay pedals.
black arts focuses mostly on pre stuff, which makes total sense. od->fuzz->dist, all needs to go first in the chain and really affects the actual guitar sound.
i wouldnt want to tackle outfits that already have hard core digital engineers doing intense programs. those are the guys with the amazing digital boxes.

anyway, that's how i'm seeing the big picture shaping up so far

case-in-point, for the synths, i'm going to buy a nanoverb from alesis for $99 when I order my keith McMillan 12-step MIDI foot-pedal board Saturday. nanoverb 2, very nice sounding for so cheap. you can get a lot of stereo reverb channels for cheap with those.

The Riffer

Quote from: jibberish on June 07, 2014, 02:09:36 AM

this thing is a tight little toy. you should be very be proud of it. 

and to reiterate, dealing with mark is a total pro experience.

Thank You.
IF you think getting a pedal from me is a  pro experience, you should try drinking w me. That's where I truly shine.
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New Horizons, Talkin' 'bout
a True, Defiant, Alliance


ahhh drinking in Georgia.

I have a doo whopper of a drinking in Atlanta story.
been a while, but it was in like sept-oct when they took down the berlin wall. that very day. wtf mid 90's? maybe a Tuesday?

I got done at the tradeshow at the center there, was staying at w/e little hotel is behind peachtree(I cut through the mercantile building to get to peachtree) ok, this is important : where I was staying: behind peachtree, like opposite of the college and the underground direction.

I always took my darts so I could hustle beers from bumpkins in non-hardcore dart towns.  so I get done throwing a few games and sitting down having a beer in one of the bars in the underground several blocks away from peachtree. then this berlin wall thing starts happening at 7pm ish and shot glasses appear in front of every customer at the bar.

a)i'm not really in the know that this was the big day for Germany, which is fucking sad since I was working for a german company haha
b)cosmic coincidence the owner of this bar, who was there that day, was german, and this was HUGE for him.

dude starts cracking bottles of jaeger and pouring shots. he's doing them. we all are doing them.   I never did jaeger before. it was fucking nasty BUT, I lived through a shot of slivovitz and I could handle it.
so after about 3-4 harp ales and idk, maybe 4 - 5 shots of jaeger I decide to explore the rest of the underground.

at this point things go fuzzy/acid dreamy but I went into another dance club. was doing ok until 2 goobs from the trade show start shooting their faces off about business and wtf,  I started getting a bit animated. I knew the gig was up when my beer was gone from the bar, so I just cussed these 2 assholes out when the 2 cops showed up to walk me out. they were laughing. I was laughing. I even ran back to the little window, as this place was on the uphill to outside and flipped the dudes off, the cops are like "hey!", so I 'm laughing, "i'm out of here" and leave.

I get to a bench outside and it all catches up. whoo.  I found my way back all the way to that little shit hotel behind peachtree on black out auto-pilot. I passed the gauntlet of bums and beggars like towards the bus station area. I , and all my belongings were intact.  that still spooks me that I could have gotten cleaned out and none would have been the wiser, not even me heh.

I was soo wasted the next day, I blew off work(scoping the tradeshow and stroking competitors etc. I was the product mgr for a line of electronics so I was the alpha and omega of its success. and fucking over competition any way possible was part of it.)


and mark, this is why I wont open your pharaoh box. I would dissect other people's shit as part of my job.

if i was building stomp boxes i would consider potting my products solid with opaque resin. i would also throw in dummy components to trip up anyone who actually would excavate all that potting to revers engineer my shit. haha. yeah, i saw the nasty side of industry all right.

does china make germanium transistors that you know of?  in 2014, I guarantee you we can make Ge transistors with very tight hfe ranges vs the 60's production methods, but i havent found any the couple times i tried searching.


No Focus Pocus


+ 1 for Disengage... love that band so much.
Last night I heard the ghetto bird circle.... as I was eatin' fish.... and watchin' Erkel...

The Riffer

Quote from: jibberish on June 09, 2014, 09:15:32 PM
ahhh drinking in Georgia.

I have a doo whopper of a drinking in Atlanta story.

and mark, this is why I wont open your pharaoh box. I would dissect other people's shit as part of my job.

if i was building stomp boxes i would consider potting my products solid with opaque resin. i would also throw in dummy components to trip up anyone who actually would excavate all that potting to revers engineer my shit. haha. yeah, i saw the nasty side of industry all right.

does china make germanium transistors that you know of?  in 2014, I guarantee you we can make Ge transistors with very tight hfe ranges vs the 60's production methods, but i havent found any the couple times i tried searching.

Drinking in ATL is always sketchy. ALWAYS for me anyway. Full disclosure: although technically in Ga., I am two houses from the Ga/Tn line, and spend my drinking time in Tn. Chattanooga has some good beer spots.

As far as  the resin/masked circuit stuff...Not my thing. I am hiding nothing nor have I reinvented the wheel. My thoughts on that are that people who goop their circuits, have something to hide, but its not innovation.

Unknown about Ge transistors, I wont use them. Price, availability and quality are problems I dont need. My personal opinion is that its alot of nonsense. If someone can hear the difference in NOS parts, handwiring vs pcb or even GE vs SI when stacked with modern pickups and modern amp gain levels,speaker differences and all of the other muckety mucks that alter the signals,they are a better listener than I. To me, it gets into splitting hairs and cork sniffing. But ya know, "The world needs ditch diggers too".
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New Horizons, Talkin' 'bout
a True, Defiant, Alliance


I just talk about stuff a lot, what if scenarios etc., so don't ever get mad at my musings.

I definitely wasn't suggesting for you to do that potting and trickery, or really anything different. I was just blabbing about the nasty world I came from. we did have proprietary stuff, and so did the competition.  i'm sure most of your circuits are out there already for cloning if desired.   I was most intrigued by the electroharmonix fuzz circuits using multiple op amps and then diodes for clip. Plus, the rockerverb 50 pre-amp section and some crazy ass amp philosophies I read about online gave me some ideas for a new sound from a box using harmonics + integrator/differentiator gain functions.

that whole NOS idea is unsettling to me. I want something that is in current production and I know I can get more of exactly that forever.
and I agree, those Ge transistors are a royal crapshoot and I would fuck with them for personal use, but how could one even think of maintaining a consistent product over (hopefully haha) thousands of units. #001 should work like #999. that's why I was wondering if china hasn't fired up a Ge fab. although maybe the niche pedal market for true cork-sniffers isn't worth it.

then top it off that a handful of clownshoes snapped all those Ge transistors up and are selling them for retarded prices now. like how some jackasses cleaned out all the Hammond organ amps and NOS parts. fuck them. although that shit does make the market move on when they re-appear as $2500 boutique amps.

I saw where you were on your address.  so you are closer to [a] Cleveland than one would think. I have eaten at that cracker barrel several times.
I keep wondering if there isn't a market in ohio for that crazy blood red dirt around there. I wrote a song "red dirt on your jeans" a comedy country song. even has a rap that was inspired by "eating cars and bars and Subaru's" she invented rap, not the homies heh.  "surf's up, tide's in..yada ya laundry detergent refernces..

how close has a tornado come to your house? every fucking time either going to or from atlanta there seemed to be a vicious storm north of atlnta on 75 about the tn border that flipped semis off the road and tore up a bunch of trees. i never really heard of atlanta itself getting torn up much, but that strip until it gets too hilly in tn is fucked up.

rager would dig stopping in to that giant rv place on 75. scope the competition. i know it;s in his blood haha. you can get those super custom busses there.


fwiw, I am getting command of the pharaoh.

I was toying with how massive delay would sound when I actually get a crazy one by using the crap behringer effects in the mixer. I ended up making an ambient piece set to a thunderstorm back ground. this is 1 guitar and one take. I can make it sound like 3 different guitars by getting the pharoah set just right and only playing differently (some gross volume swells in the song are from the mix, if you couldn't tell already)

but it's the tone man, the tone
[/tommy chong voice]

i'm stuck on the "boat sinking in a storm scenario", but I was thinking I could crash that jazzfest with inventions on top of various ambient tracks played from a laptop.  hopefully, people would be cool so they wouldn't seem uncool regardless of what crap I was playing.
if mortay was near clevo, I bet he would jump at the chance to slide some noisecore into the jazzfest too.