Wino's pedal board with the hidden hand

Started by Instant Dan, February 25, 2011, 12:51:32 AM

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Instant Dan

I forgot how huge it was. (That's what she said)

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The Riffer

Nice. I took those pics. He was a cool guy too, was willing to talk gear for as long as I wanted to.
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Instant Dan

Awesome, so was it a Sunn Model T into a Orange 4x12 and a Marshall 1960B?

The Riffer

Black Arts Instagram
Black Arts FB
New Horizons, Talkin' 'bout
a True, Defiant, Alliance


I've got a couple shots of his more recent boards. First is, Solo tour from '09. Second, Original Shrinebuilder tour. Last, most recent Shrinebuilder gigs.

If anyone has gear snaps of the Spirit Caravan stuff, I'd love to see 'em.

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Instant Dan

I remember reading on the old board some guy said he was using a Green Big Muff through his Model T and a Hiwatt 4x12. Most pictures I have seen from Spirit Caravan shows him using Marshall 1960 cabs, I think I hear a Foxx Tone Machine, a big muff, and his Tycobrahae Wah.


That coulda been me. I've read in a few interviews about the basics around that time, Green Russian, Model T/Hiwatt in the studio etc. But I've never seen any really clear pics from that era.


soul benderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ha ha, nice pics, the fulltone is the one that i remember from years back


Spirit Caravan came through AZ about ten years ago when I lived there.  I had some friends (Rob and Cheryl) that knew Wino and they came and hung out at our house after the show.  Wino was super-rad and I showed him my Memory Man that I had modded w/ a Snarling Dogs Wah bolted to it.  So we started talking about modding pedals and he told me about a Fuzz Face that he had put the guts of a Crybaby in so it just had one knob.  He said he used it as a filter for solos.  Right from the source.  The dude is really smart about his tone
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


Quote from: Baltar on March 01, 2011, 08:47:44 AM
Spirit Caravan came through AZ about ten years ago when I lived there.  I had some friends (Rob and Cheryl) that knew Wino and they came and hung out at our house after the show.  Wino was super-rad and I showed him my Memory Man that I had modded w/ a Snarling Dogs Wah bolted to it.  So we started talking about modding pedals and he told me about a Fuzz Face that he had put the guts of a Crybaby in so it just had one knob.  He said he used it as a filter for solos.  Right from the source.  The dude is really smart about his tone

cool story brother

had the chance to buy a q-zone many years back, wish i had because i now loved the sound of a cocked wah...................i said cocked

i might try that because i rarely plug my wah in and its to hard to get the exact position every time


Glad to see I'm not the only pedal-peeping tom at shows haha. Is that a bluebeard fuzz?

Instant Dan

Yeah, that's been his main dirt or fuzz tone since The Hidden Hand.


Yeah, though he has other stuff flit through here and there, the heart and soul of that sound is damn simple. Muff, Model-t, LP (with/without super-distortions)