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The Ol' Overdrive thread

Started by Baltar, February 22, 2011, 05:34:36 PM

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I've suddenly delved into the goofy world of boutique overdrives.  I'm mostly a fuzz guy, but for my first 5 years of playing I had a Boss ROD-10 and I really liked the OD on it.  Anyways, just wondering if anyone has some of the high-end OD's like the Tim, Klon, or a Rockbox Boiling Point.  I've played the Tim V1 and it's pretty cool but I couldn't justify over $300.

Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.

Instant Dan

The best overdrive I have played is an Austone Millenium OD. That thing is the most touch sensitive and responsive to your picking dynamics. Gets the early ZZ Top tone to Rhythmeen. Sad thing is the guy who made them in Austin passed away and now they went from $150-$200 and no one touching them to seeing one hit $500 on ebay. The one at the store I was at was asking $299 plus tax, I just couldn't justify it. Hopefully someone will start up the company again later on but I doubt it.

I believe Lil'Jay on used the Austone fuzznutz in front of his JCM800 basshead and Marshall 4x10. Wonder what happened to that dude.

I have an earthquaker devices Monarch OD on the way I am excited about and I still want to try the Catalinbread SFT.


dano transparent overdrive version v1. youtube it. supposedly a TIM or TIMMY clone-ish pedal?

sorry, i have nothing to add to this . . .

johnny problem

I love overdrive.  Was the first pedal I purchased.  I would love to get my hands on a Catalinbread WIIO.


I have the EQD Monarch. It's a really nice OD. It's supposed to be a copy of the preamp/tone stack from a vintage Orange. I've never owned an Orange but what I like about the pedal is that it's not super compressed like a lot of OD pedals. It also maintains good clarity with the gain maxed, which is really nice.

This guy is my latest obsession. I'm gonna have to wait till I get this SG paid off, but it's definitely going to be my next purchase. Actually...I might just pull a little money from my tax return to pay for it.

By my side I keep my things that I ne-uh-ed! Rest in peace is gonna set me free!


i got a zvex woolly mammoth and its by far the best bass overdrive ive ever owned.  i dont use it for everything but its got a great tone.

clockwork green

I have one of the newer Timmy's...they're not expensive at all but the 6-month waiting list means that people will wait and buy one only to put in on ebay for double what they've paid.  It's a great sounding pedal though and capable of quite a bit. 
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


for the longest i had a friends yellow dod 250, i think he bought it in 97 or 98, worked well with my svt

h.p. lovecraft

Nothing fancy here but the 'ol SD-1 works like a champ for me. YMMV.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." -- Me


The Fulltone OCD was my only stab at boutique overdrives. It's an awesome pedal that responds well to dynamics. I also have a Modded Digitech Bad(der Bass) Monkey that is an great overdrive. I'm sure the the stock one is well worth the $45 that they're going for.
For now though, they're both off the board, my RAT is the only dirt pedal I'm using at the moment.

I'd like to try out a Way Huge Pork Loin or DBA Intersteller Overdriver a lot though.

Chovie D

I have:
ts808 tubescreamer reissue
Way huge Pork Loin
BYOC overdrive II

I lke them all, i use the TS808 the most. I like the way huge alot too. Its very versatile and sounds good.
Theres something about ye ole tubescreamer tho that makes it my go to overdrive.

For me, the best way to use an overdrive pedal is to use it overdrive your amp. seems logical no?
So while alot of people will crank the gain all the way up and tehncomplain it sounds fizzy or un-natural, what I prefer is to have the gain low and the output high and let the amp do the talkin, not the JCwhatever chip. I put the gain around noon.


Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.

Instant Dan

I've been looking at the Fulltone Fulldrive II, seems to be up my alley.


see toadworks meat jr thread. 
Problem solving whiskey!


I use the Zvex Box of Rock. Unlike many od's it has lots of low end and you can adjust the highs with the tone knob, the boost is great too. I like it but I've been looking at other od's as well, Crowther Hotcake, Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver, Catalinbread SCOD & WIIO Lovepedal Les Lius... there are just too many.


Quote from: Baltar on February 22, 2011, 05:34:36 PM
Anyways, just wondering if anyone has some of the high-end OD's like the Tim, Klon, or a Rockbox Boiling Point.  I've played the Tim V1 and it's pretty cool but I couldn't justify over $300.

I don't own the originals (because of the cost and waiting time), but I have built clones of the Timmy and Klon pedal.

I prefer the Timmy as a boost pedal. It is perfect to get a "more OD" rhythm sound out of an already overdriven amp. The knobs are really interactive and have a wide range so you can dial in lots of different sounds. It always sounds a tad bright though, but that works great when used as a "more OD" type boost to get some grind out of your amp. It is also great as a low gain standalone overdrive pedal, but it starts to sound a little weird if you crank the overdrive knob.

The Klon does one thing, but does it extremely well, that is to provide a fat mids boost. Boost your overdriven amp with a Klon and you get lots of balls and great definition. I use it a solo boost. Don't use the Klon as a standalone overdrive though, because it sounds like ass that way. When you turn up the gain knob, you also get more mids and compression, which makes it sound bad at high gain settings. But when used as a boost with lots of volume and a bit of gain/mids/compression added, it is about as good as it gets. The Klon can make about any overdriven amp sound huge.

As for medium gain standalone overdrive pedals, I like the MI Audio Blues Pro and Boss OD-3. They have more gain and bass than your typical Tube Screamer type pedal and really are not expensive and can also be used as boost pedals. I also like the Fulltone OCD when used as a standalone overdrive. It sound pretty dynamic. I don't like it as much as a boost, because it makes an overdriven amp sound muddy. It does not like buffered pedals after it though, because it makes the OCD sound brighter. Also keep in mind that there were four versions which sound a bit different. Use google for details.

The Fulltone Fulldrive is also excellent. The flat mids setting works well when playing into a clean amp, but do watch out for different versions. The MOSFETS are said to be brighter sounding. I have an older non-MOSFET one and it's not too bright at all. In fact, it's pretty fat sounding. Also note that the 'Boost' function can not be used separately. You should see it as a second gain knob that adds to the first gain knob instead of an actual boost circuit. The box really doesn't need to be that big.

Quote from: Chovie D on May 04, 2011, 01:37:04 PM
For me, the best way to use an overdrive pedal is to use it overdrive your amp. seems logical no?
So while alot of people will crank the gain all the way up and tehncomplain it sounds fizzy or un-natural, what I prefer is to have the gain low and the output high and let the amp do the talkin, not the JCwhatever chip. I put the gain around noon.

That does seem logical. When boosting an overdriven amp with your overdrive pedal, you need to turn the volume up and the gain low. Tone knob to taste, depending on how bright you want it. The advantage of using an OD pedal for boost instead of a clean boost is that it adds a little compression, which makes for smooth sustaining lead sounds. Pure clean boosts tend to muddy up your sound.

Also, don't worry about the JRC4558D chip. The chip only makes a really small difference that pretty much disappears when playing through a cranked amp with a band.


I've played a few high end boost pedals.. and a few stick in my head as being pretty great, like the HBE Germania, which is an awesome old school treble booster thing.

But to my ear they're not spectacularly different, or discernably better than the stuff you pick up for forty bucks or so?  Especially all the boutiquey tube screamers around, and there's a bee's dick of difference between most of em.

When it comes to distortion pedals (as opposed to OD) there are a few pedals that are very noticeably different from your average dist pedal.. they offer something uncommonly articulate and responsive under high gain.. like the MI Audio Tube Zone, or some of the Wampler pedals.  I can see the fuss over those.


The first version of the Danelectro Transparent Overdrive is supposed to be a clone of the Timmy. Danelectro changed the circuit (so, there's a version 2) after Paul C. complained.

Side by side video comparison below. According to a commenter on YouTube, he gets the pedals to sound identical at 5:45. Before that, the Timmy sounds clearer to me... Timmy does sound great, at pretty much any setting. Read the comments to get other opinions. A lot of people think the Danelectro sounds great, and just adds more color than the Timmy.

Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've been using a Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret V2.  I use it like an OD should be used.  Amp all the way up Gain on pedal down Volume up Tone at around 12 oclock.  Makes my amp sound like more of my amp.  No fizzy distortion.

Also a go-to is a good ole SD-1.  Pretty much a tube screamer and can be had all day for less the $35

Once in a while I will use this old 70's MXR Micro amp.
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: black_out on February 22, 2011, 09:50:07 PM

This guy is my latest obsession. I'm gonna have to wait till I get this SG paid off, but it's definitely going to be my next purchase. Actually...I might just pull a little money from my tax return to pay for it.

I picked up one of those Interstellar Overdrivers about a month ago. It sounds great with my Marshall. Very happy with it. Bass player in my band loves using it, too.