This forum sucks

Started by MadJohnShaft, June 07, 2013, 07:19:37 AM

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This forum sucks, we should be ashamed.
Some days chickens, some days feathers

Demon Lung

We need less pictures of brahs on bicycles.


We need people to listen to stonerrock and type about it.
Some days chickens, some days feathers

The Bandit

If you ain't the solution, then you are the problem.


You are the solution to a non-existent problem.

We should all review StonerRock CDs like in the old days - we have all the same people - 'I drank some brewskys at O'reilly Irish Inn with this band's bassist and their CD is awesome. Don't be gay, you should buy it. Only a douchebag wouldn't'

Those things wrote themselves, come on dinger you can do it.

Some days chickens, some days feathers


MJS; would you like me to write a review?
Lemur Demands Back Scratches!


Someone's got to do something - my username is on all the album review threads as the last post - which is a bad sign.

Uncle Acid sat up top on the list of album review posts like we're the goddamned ghost town that is The Obelisk.
Some days chickens, some days feathers


Quote from: MadJohnShaft on June 07, 2013, 11:14:45 AM
Someone's got to do something - my username is on all the album review threads as the last post - which is a bad sign.

Uncle Acid sat up top on the list of album review posts like we're the goddamned ghost town that is The Obelisk.

I accept the challenge, just not this evening, I've drunk too much wine already.
Lemur Demands Back Scratches!


You scared everybody off with your constant mocking of 'Compound Disk Reviews'. Make up your mind.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Probably. I'm saying - do more bad reviews
Some days chickens, some days feathers


So like, you want me to take my already exquisitely poor live reviews on a blog, put them in an album context, and post them on this site? 

I talk about about music enough as it is man, so much that I've been quoted by bv apparently, so I'm not looking to start a reviewing album career, more a making album covers career/gig flyers too .

But if this is a drill from Shaftral I'm going to be pissed, because I do believe in Operation: Doom Over The World and album reviews are indeed and a healthy part of that, I love reviews myself, as 1/2 the time I may buy an album before ever hearing it based on a good review, and I mean a good review itself too, well-written, profound, journeying to an apex. 
Burn Everything Ash

Cinders Smolder Life

Fresh Crop Harvest

Eat. Sleep. Stonerrock.

Dylan Thomas

Quote from: MadJohnShaft on June 07, 2013, 11:04:51 AM

Those things wrote themselves, come on dinger you can do it.

Sorry man, I've wasted enough of my life on this music, there are more important things I'd rather be doing.

Besides, I don't even listen to stoner rock or doom much anymore.  I can't relate to it, so I'm not going to be able to write about it.  You should probably ask someone who actually cares.

Edit: On second though, I hope nobody does write reviews for here.  It actually saddens me when people take time out of their life to write about music, especially if they can actually write and connect with people well.  There are so many things that could be written about something that actually matters, that would perhaps make a difference in life, change things for the better, make the world a more joyful, peaceful place.  Writing about stoner rock CD's?  As one who's been there, I gotta agree with Shaft, that's a waste of time, resources and talent (not that I ever had any to begin with;))

The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.

Jor el

What Would Scooby Do ?


He's one of the original awesomegaydouchebag CD reviewers though, that doesn't wash off with soap and water.
Some days chickens, some days feathers

Dylan Thomas

Quote from: MadJohnShaft on June 09, 2013, 05:20:49 PM
He's one of the original awesomegaydouchebag CD reviewers though, that doesn't wash off with soap and water.

You're right, I had to use sandpaper and sulfuric acid  ;)
The fact that I kept setting my own boats on fire was considered charming.


C'mon, you got one more in you.   Do it for Boston.
Some days chickens, some days feathers


Why don't you write some reviews, Shaft? You have the gift of gab, and an awesomegaydouchebag Compound Disk collection. Or maybe assign an intern at work to do it.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Hey guys, I'm new here. Doesn't look like people post here too often but I figured I'd give it a shot. I really enjoyed the old forum and was pretty bummed when it went away.


The professional awesomegaydouchebag CD reviewers from the old website are all still at it on The Obelisk, because they have sticks up their butt about it and cannot be forced to stop.

Some days chickens, some days feathers

Chovie D

Quote from: Dylan Thomas on June 09, 2013, 10:27:08 AM
Quote from: MadJohnShaft on June 07, 2013, 11:04:51 AM

Those things wrote themselves, come on dinger you can do it.

Sorry man, I've wasted enough of my life on this music, there are more important things I'd rather be doing.

Besides, I don't even listen to stoner rock or doom much anymore.  I can't relate to it, so I'm not going to be able to write about it.  You should probably ask someone who actually cares.

Edit: On second though, I hope nobody does write reviews for here.  It actually saddens me when people take time out of their life to write about music, especially if they can actually write and connect with people well.  There are so many things that could be written about something that actually matters, that would perhaps make a difference in life, change things for the better, make the world a more joyful, peaceful place.  Writing about stoner rock CD's?  As one who's been there, I gotta agree with Shaft, that's a waste of time, resources and talent (not that I ever had any to begin with;))

as long as the art is good, the subject matter is not of central importance. who are you to say what "matters" to other people?

we have differing views on what an artists does i guess.


I have to agree with Chives here. What if someone enjoys writing reviews for things? Be it this 'shitty' forum, a blogspot, or someone else. One man's filet mignon is another's shoe leather (or something to that effect).


or what if someone enjoys and feels themselves to lead a life changed for the better by a compound disk, found through a review written on however shitty a forum by however shitty a reviewer?

someone better write a damn review, jack.

('chives' is good, let's keep that)
let's dispense the unpleasantries


Feedback from reviews are definitely an important part of the process. Newer bands need to know that somebody is listening, besides their friends...
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Quote from: Dylan Thomas on June 09, 2013, 10:27:08 AM
Quote from: MadJohnShaft on June 07, 2013, 11:04:51 AM

Those things wrote themselves, come on dinger you can do it.

Sorry man, I've wasted enough of my life on this music, there are more important things I'd rather be doing.

Besides, I don't even listen to stoner rock or doom much anymore.  I can't relate to it, so I'm not going to be able to write about it.  You should probably ask someone who actually cares.

Edit: On second though, I hope nobody does write reviews for here.  It actually saddens me when people take time out of their life to write about music, especially if they can actually write and connect with people well.  There are so many things that could be written about something that actually matters, that would perhaps make a difference in life, change things for the better, make the world a more joyful, peaceful place.  Writing about stoner rock CD's?  As one who's been there, I gotta agree with Shaft, that's a waste of time, resources and talent (not that I ever had any to begin with;))

That post saddens me, I'm sure you used to really enjoy writing therefor it was worthwhile, and I always really enjoyed your reviews. People write about music because they love it, people should do what they love, and all the writings contribute to keeping the scenes blood flowing around healthily, I love blogs/reviews etc and getting on to new music through them, it's also interesting to know what other people think, we love this shit don't we?

MJS is right we should rev it up here!

And I would write about something that I think is really important, and that would make a difference (animal rights, factory farming, meat, slaughter, the environment) but I'd get slated to fuck by loads of people and start loads of arguments with people insulting one another and therefor wouldn't last long doing it.

And besides, music is important and does make a difference..


Well, we won't know if reviews change someone's life for the better, or if like on El Danno land, they destroy StonerRock, until we try.

Some days chickens, some days feathers