Can't help yourself movies

Started by The Bandit, January 02, 2013, 10:23:46 AM

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The Bandit

I plan on going to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D this weekend fully expecting it to suck donkey dick.  Still I have to see it in the desperate hope that it might actually be enjoyable.  I am also this way about any Friday the 13th or Alien series movies.  Anyone else this way about certain movies or series?


i'll watch pretty much anything x-men. i'll hate half of it, but i'll still watch it.

The Bandit

Quote from: strangelight on January 02, 2013, 11:55:01 PM
i'll watch pretty much anything x-men. i'll hate half of it, but i'll still watch it.

Are you into comics and superhero movies?


anytime Can't Hardly Wait is on I will usually watch it. For some reason the movie makes me laugh a lot and that is a good thing.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Quote from: The Bandit on January 03, 2013, 09:38:10 AM
Quote from: strangelight on January 02, 2013, 11:55:01 PM
i'll watch pretty much anything x-men. i'll hate half of it, but i'll still watch it.

Are you into comics and superhero movies?

sort of. i watched the early 90s x men cartoon growing up and loved it. i'd like to get into comics now, but... meh. i read a few but it doesn't stick.


I had a reprint of the initial issue of the original x-men when I was kid. I was like, "why is the Beast a normal dude"?  ;D

The closest thing I have to offer would've been those Twilight movies. I was only vaguely familiar with the books and figured the movies would be watchable since I like fantasy and werewolves and vampires. I saw the first 2 or 3? movies before I realized it wasn't going to get good. Fucking baseball and all kinds of nonsense. The things little girl get off to, I guess???
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

The Bandit

Quote from: bitter on January 03, 2013, 02:49:54 PM
I had a reprint of the initial issue of the original x-men when I was kid. I was like, "why is the Beast a normal dude"?  ;D

The closest thing I have to offer would've been those Twilight movies. I was only vaguely familiar with the books and figured the movies would be watchable since I like fantasy and werewolves and vampires. I saw the first 2 or 3? movies before I realized it wasn't going to get good. Fucking baseball and all kinds of nonsense. The things little girl get off to, I guess???

I guess, but don't most of the Twilight fans like and think the movies are good?


I don't care what they think about that garbage. I just sent it back to netflix where it came from.
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Quote from: The Bandit on January 02, 2013, 10:23:46 AM
I plan on going to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D this weekend fully expecting it to suck donkey dick.  Still I have to see it in the desperate hope that it might actually be enjoyable.  I am also this way about any Friday the 13th or Alien series movies.  Anyone else this way about certain movies or series?

I loved the first one but I hated the remakes, the sequels, etc. Even the one the one with Dennis Hopper as the Sheriff; that movie sucked balls.
"Ginger People"


Everything post the original TCM was crap.

And I don't watch it every time but I was did watch Cocktail the other night and it was even worse than when I saw it in the theater, if that's possible.  All that pseudo-wisdomy bullshit that Bryan Brown spouts is delightfully horrible. 

The Shocker

I have a soft spot for TCM 2 cause of Stretch.


Texas Chainsaw 2 is pretty awesome, as long as you don't mind mixing some comedy with your horror.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I've never been a comedy-horror mixer a la TCM 2. 

Something like Evil Dead 2 I like because I don't consider it real horror (just gross-out or weird-out at times). 

But I've always thought it's so hard to actually generate horror than trying to be funny too just kind of kills it. 

So to speak.

The Shocker

Went and saw TCM 3D.  It was more fun than it had any right to be.  Certainly better than the Platinum Dune ones.  3D didn't add much, but I'm not a fan of 3D.  Wife also thought it was better than she expected - her expectations were that she would hate it.

the unibonger

i think shakes the clown is  hilarious and have have seen it at least 9 times and would watch it again.

leave me alone milkman scum.   

mexican lucky.


Dead/Alive is a good example of horror/comedy. It's good to have some laughs (sometimes) as a way to relieve the tension.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


I think the original TCM set out (and was extremely successful) to be a legitimate horror movie. When somebody takes a film that groundbreaking and introduces a bunch of shlock and camp, it goes horribly wrong.

And I love comedy w/ my horror, if it's intended from the beginning. That's why I can dig Evil Dead and the like, the first installment sets the tone of the subsequent movies, even if 2 is a remake of 1 in that case. 

The same is true with Dead/Alive or Bad Taste, going in the audience (me) isn't predisposed to expect anything but absurdly over-the-top splatter comedy. To this end, I can even dig 'Devils Rejects' far more than anything else I've seen from the dude. Some of the face palm moments in that movie are terrific, and that can make for some fun viewing.

After thinking about it a bit, films that are soooooo ahead of their time and/or genre defining (TCM, Jaws etc..) really have no where to go but down. Maybe sometimes a director realizes this and says 'to hell with it, I'm going to run it into the ground with comedy'?
"Shut the fuck up." - socket, Administrator

Jor el

TCM would be perfect if you cut oot everything involving the wheelchair dude.

Shaun of the Dead is the best horror-comedy mix.
What Would Scooby Do ?

Demon Lung


Smokey & the Bandit
Cannonball Run
Thin Red Line
Star Wars (4,5,& 6) many

Demon Lung


Anything Terence Malick ...

Why? I don't know.


I laughed a bunch during "Ishtar" which was once claimed to be the worst movie ever, etc. (It's a comedy).
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

The Bandit

How about dark humor in a horror movie?  I thought the John Carpenter Thing had some funny lines.


That's just humor which is great (a movie likes JAWS has a lot of humor).  But when it's too much and subtracts from the horror, I get bumped.