using mega watt tube amps for guitar (SVT, Bassman 300, Classic 400, etc)

Started by liquidsmoke, November 21, 2012, 12:47:03 PM

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I can just slave that same 412 out from my 60 watt combo for a 3/4 stack and the volume difference is substantial, like WAY louder.


Getting a good loud straight 4x12 will be my next purchase.

Sadly there is something wrong with my Ampeg because it used to be louder but I don't think I'm going to spend any more money getting it looked at. Techs at two different places said they couldn't find anything wrong.


Found a Crate BV300 head not that far from me for only $450, might have to get it tomorrow, just because.



It would make a really heavy power amp to lug around if nothing else.


He's obviously too far gone for help.

Let him have at it. Some people need to learn the hard way.
Livin' The Life.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Nah, the BV300h is a fucking beast of a head. 6 6550s, 10 preamp tubes for three channels? I'm sure it could be modded to complete usefulness, it has iron to handle 6 6550s, three moddable channels... at 450$, he may be onto something, or... he may just sound bad loud.

If one came up close and cheap? I'd buy one. You're thinking of the Shockwave, Choves.

... and for real, they only made a few of these. Less than a hundred, from my research.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on November 27, 2012, 09:52:04 AM
Nah, the BV300h is a fucking beast of a head. 6 6550s, 10 preamp tubes for three channels? I'm sure it could be modded to complete usefulness, it has iron to handle 6 6550s, three moddable channels... at 450$, he may be onto something, or... he may just sound bad loud.

If one came up close and cheap? I'd buy one. You're thinking of the Shockwave, Choves.

... and for real, they only made a few of these. Less than a hundred, from my research.

yeah, I want to say those were built with someone specific in mind? megadeth, maybe?


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



As a firm believer in things like evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, and such; I have to imagine that if things like 100+ to 300 watt guitar tube amps actually were a useful tool then there would be many, many more in the marketplace in which to choose from. But there is a reason that the trend in amplification is less and less watts. Even sparce and inexpensive PA systems these days do a great job compared to past decades. When's the last time you went to a show at even a shitty dive bar and thought "Gee, that metal band wasn't nearly loud enough"...? Me neither.

There are exceptions to this theory though. I know some people can coax a good (and manageable) tone out of things like Model Ts and Marshall Majors. But a BV300 sure as shit ain't one of those.

PS - And it's not that I don't love a great, loud-as-balls rock show. You bet your ass I do.

Instant Dan

Yeah, those BVH's were made for Marty Friedman and I think Pat from Cannibal Corpse used them.

Mr. Foxen

Quote from: Jake on November 27, 2012, 10:33:10 AM
As a firm believer in things like evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest, and such; I have to imagine that if things like 100+ to 300 watt guitar tube amps actually were a useful tool then there would be many, many more in the marketplace in which to choose from. But there is a reason that the trend in amplification is less and less watts. Even sparce and inexpensive PA systems these days do a great job compared to past decades. When's the last time you went to a show at even a shitty dive bar and thought "Gee, that metal band wasn't nearly loud enough"...? Me neither.

There are exceptions to this theory though. I know some people can coax a good (and manageable) tone out of things like Model Ts and Marshall Majors. But a BV300 sure as shit ain't one of those.

PS - And it's not that I don't love a great, loud-as-balls rock show. You bet your ass I do.

Problem with that is the sounds people are after change. Like the advent of the White Stripes making utterly shit guitars suddenly very expensive. Plus massive amps are expensive.


Quote from: Jake on November 27, 2012, 10:33:10 AM
But there is a reason that the trend in amplification is less and less watts.

The reason is that more and more guitar players are getting into tube amp breakup and want it at lower volume levels. I already know that doesn't work for me with this band.

I have the type of distortion pedal that would probably sound good into a home stereo system or straight in a PA. All I need is more headroom than I currently have. I have not abandoned the 4x12 idea.

I'd probably snag a Sunn Model T in a second for $450 by the way.

The good thing about Guitar Center is their return policy.


Quote from: RacerX on November 27, 2012, 08:55:45 AM
He's obviously too far gone for help.

Let him have at it. Some people need to learn the hard way.

I'm all eyes here. You folks did educate me on the importance of speaker efficiency.

I've learned many things the hard way in life and have found the lessons to be far less bitter when the don't cost very much. Owning a 300 watt tube amp for guitar is probably a bit like riding a V8 motorcycle and sometimes ya just gotta be that guy.

80 lbs is a lot for an amp although so is 100+ for a cab.

Quote from: Chovie D on November 27, 2012, 09:19:10 AM
solid state ???

baby jesus is crying :'(

He's been crying for awhile because I've been using a solid state amp for most of the year.



Pretty sure a V4 at $450 is cming with an equal maintenance bill.

I've played geetar through a Fender Bassman, a more modern one (1980s?) that ran 300 watts out 6 6550s and yeah, it was bad ass. I also had to use a preamp to make it sound like guitar, and I had the controls at about 5 on the power amp and 3 on the preamp and it was fucking ridiculous. Hey actually I have video of it. I think it was a Line 6 4x12 with...obviously a lot of power handling.



Quote from: eddiefive10 on November 27, 2012, 12:32:15 PM
For $450, from experience I would look for a Ampeg V4

A quick check on ebay reveals that they seem to go for between $300 and $600 or so but there are different eras. Otherwise I know little about them aside from that some are said to be about 80 lbs which seems odd for a 100 watt amp.


"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



                                                          ^ box kitty rules

clockwork green

The reason that smaller amps are popular is that people are just getting fucking lamer. There are a million threads on the gear page about guys looking for super quiet amps that won't disturb their precious neighbors or their sensitive soundmen at the weekly blues jamboree. Aside from a studio, you just can't recreate the sound of a great, large, cranked amp with any small amp because part of what we love so much is that volume. A 1-watt amp with all the power tube distortion in the world won't thump your chest and it won't give you the dynamics of a pushed speaker. Even places with great PA's never sound as good as the standing right in front of the least not yet.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"