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Started by ROWDYBEER, February 02, 2011, 03:39:02 PM

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Under a bill. Closer to half a bill, actually.

She's minty, OHSC, light/resonant as hell, the pickups are re-damn-donk, all original, etc.

Worth every dolla.


Under a bill meaning a hundy? Or a grandy?


Quote from: apekillman on December 08, 2011, 04:52:51 PM
Under a bill meaning a hundy? Or a grandy?

i'm assuming he means a G.


A bill is a hundred bucks.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Metal and Beer

"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

Instant Dan

Very nice price drop on my DMM on the last price.


I know a bill is a hundred, but I didn't know those were going for close to a grand. 


Total Les Paul killer, it's worth it.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.

Instant Dan



Got some pedals for sale. Any of you NYC/Brooklyn people I could even deliver to you. I have a huge studio in Sunset Park where you can try them out at deafening volume. Non nyc people interested get in touch and we can work out shipping. Cheers!


Quote from: I,Galactus on December 03, 2011, 05:56:48 PM

Awesome, versatile analog-synth based effects pedals for stage and/or studio.

They're gathering dust and I need the cash.  My loss of interest is your gain!

MF102 Ring Modulator - $200
MF105 MuRF w/tap tempo pedal - $200
MF107 FreqBox - $250

Moogerfooger rack mount kit - $30
EP-2 Expression pedal - $30

- OR - Get the whole kit & kaboodle for $650!

MXR M169 carbon copy - $75

The 105 is missing some knobs for the filter sliders and has a scratch on the cheek but works great. The carbon copy has a paint chip on the base plate screw hole from battery swaps.  More pics available on request.

Moog pedals include wall-warts.  The Moog FS-1 tap tempo footswitch doens't work but I have a Yamaha electric piano sustain pedal that works great.  I'll include the original as it may be an easy fix if you're handy with a soldering iron.

SRLives bros get first stab before these go up on cracklist and evilbay.  Prices include CONUS shipping.  Holla!

Last chance fuckers.  This shit's going on eGay on Sunday.

The deals ain't gettin' no better... my plaid jacket got lost at the cleaners.
"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Selling my Copperburst Tele. If interested, hit me up and we can discuss a Jam Roomer discount. (and maybe exchange boner pictures :-*)



Quote from: Jake on December 30, 2011, 07:03:51 PM
Selling my Copperburst Tele. If interested, hit me up and we can discuss a Jam Roomer discount. (and maybe exchange boner pictures :-*)

My kingdom for $400 plus shipping to Barrie, Ontario.  Dammit.  And I have no more vinyl to sell.
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


I'll be putting a lot of stuff here in the coming days. It's stuff I do not, repeat, DO NOT want to sell...but have to because I'm moving far far away.

Up next we have a 1981 Yamaha SGB500. Looking to get $650. This guitar will kick your ass and fuck your girlfriend. Its that badass.





Quote from: Jake on December 30, 2011, 08:40:04 PM
Would be retarded to ship, but alas...

That's would be devastating. Those Peavey heads are by far the biggest and loudest heads that I have ever heard

the diddler

Quote from: Jake on December 30, 2011, 08:21:24 PM
I'll be putting a lot of stuff here in the coming days. It's stuff I do not, repeat, DO NOT want to sell...but have to because I'm moving far far away.

Up next we have a 1981 Yamaha SGB500. Looking to get $650. This guitar will kick your ass and fuck your girlfriend. Its that badass.

WTF?!?  You moving to a land that forbids awesomeness?  Why in fuck's sake would you do that?


Dibs on the 800 that I can't afford in any way shape or form (seriously don't.)

(Are you moving over this way?)
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: Jake on December 30, 2011, 08:21:24 PM
I'll be putting a lot of stuff here in the coming days. It's stuff I do not, repeat, DO NOT want to sell...but have to because I'm moving far far away.

Up next we have a 1981 Yamaha SGB500. Looking to get $650. This guitar will kick your ass and fuck your girlfriend. Its that badass.

FUUUCKK!!!! Why now in the winter when very little money is coming in and I already have another Les Paul on layaway.  i want one of these sooooo bad.
No Focus Pocus


I, Galactus - PM on the expression pedal.

The copper burst Telecaster is sexxxxy. Where you moving to Jake, some place without electricity? Interested to see what else you're selling, you have some nice gear. Not that I need to buy anything...  ::)
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


Thanks for asking fellas.
Moving to Denver this spring. More news on that later, as details unfold. Likely won't have anywhere near the space I have now, hence the fire sale.

Also for sale:

1984 Marshall JCM800 2204
• $1,100
• 50 watt, Green Vinyde w/ cheque front
• Goddamned loud enough to drown out Jucifer

Peavey Musician Head + Cab
• $250
• SS multipurpose guitar/bass/vox head
• Matching 2x15 w/ customized baffle
• I used for bass & baritone

Earth Super Guitar G-2000
• $300
• Black tuck 'n roll, USA-made
• All tube, no bullshit.

I'll probably also be selling my upgraded-as-fuck Chinese Les Pauls eventually. Silverburst Custom & Goldtop P90.
(If I do, it will not be for profit. Whatever I paid for the guitar and upgrades. No markup, because a fella's gotta sleep.)


Instant Dan



Behringer Ultra Feedback/Distortion (I may not be smart enough to operate this pedal. Obtained in prev. trade, looks mint) $20 shipped
Behringer Chorus Space-C (Boss clone, mint) $20 shipped
Digitech Death Metal (keeping a DOD version -- don't need 2). Box, mint condition. $20 shipped
BYOC Tube Screamer - built by someone else, I was told it cuts out sometimes. I never use it. I never got it to cut out when trying it though, it seems totally fine. Unpainted. $50 shipped.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.