So, anybody got a new band in the works?

Started by Ranbat, September 30, 2012, 01:05:27 PM

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 I got together with the drummer from my last band Friday for some beers and show him the stuff I'm into now. He digs the vibe and we're gonna start jamming on a regular basis and work up a set. Need a bass player or another guitar player at least. Would love to have a keyboard player though. The sound? Instrumental surf. Tired of loud distorted guitar and totally lovin' the clean reverb drenched sound.  8)

So, who else is putting something together?
Meh :/


I've got the thing going with a drummer. We keep going back and forth about doing the two piece thing. We have a guitar player coming out on Tuesday to try out. And if he doesn't work out then we'll probably just forge ahead without one.

A guitar player that I've known for like 15 years got in touch with me a few weeks ago about putting together a cover band. The dude is a hustler and has a lot of local connections so getting shows wouldn't be a problem.
So he and I met with a drummer last week and he seems into it. The drummer has his own studio so we're going to have practice there.
Now when I say studio, I don't mean an attic with a few pieces of foam on the walls and a 4 track. I mean this dude has a real studio in his basement. I was floored when I saw the place.
Even though I'm not a cover band guy, I'm excited to play music that is out of my comfort zone and I'll be making pretty decent bank doing it.


Today I'm going to call the guy that has a basement studio in which my band that is not active at the moment recorded a full lengths amount of material about a year ago.  we only used one song from that incomplete session for a compilation.  I either want to go in and finish my guitar parts ie; leads and vocals or record a few tunes I've had kickin around all by my lonesome;  drums bass etc...  Gonna see if he has time for this.  that's about all I got.
No Focus Pocus


cool. yeah I've got something started, but it's turning out a bit different than originally planned. Here's some of the better recordings we've made in the last week. all improv. trying to figure out what works and keep doing it.

CV - Slender Fungus

clockwork green

Since the Worship of Silence is no more because of too many drummer changes over the years and just general static inertia.  The three original members (myself, the singer and the bass player) have decided to try recording a demo first and then looking for a drummer rather than holding up the writing process. I spent nearly a year trying to form another project but I wanted to not have completed songs because I want the drummer to have as much input as possible but I realized most musicians, especially drummers would rather be told what to play rather than be apart of writing from the ground up.  That doesn't mean I'll ignore any input from a drummer and all of the songs will have to be tweaked for whatever drummer we get to join.  I think part of it, is that it's just a bit hard to describe what we do.  We have older songs and they're not insanely different but we're not a completely formulaic band so they're just confused until they hear a complete song.  We're hoping that since our singer has joined a more popular band we'll be able to get some decent shows once we get going.  I'm getting frustrated with no having any shows or anything to really show for what I've been doing lately.  We're just now figuring out the recording software and still need a few more things to get going but hopefully this demo will lead to finding the right drummer that really gets what we're trying to do and has an interest in it. 
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"

Corey Y

I've got ads out looking for a drummer and guitarist in the area to start a straight forward 70s rock influenced stoner rock band. In the meantime I'm working on a new grindcore band with some friends. Just started writing yesterday, no practices yet.


Trying... A lack of inexpensive practice spaces and a lack of drummers is holding us back but mostly the practice space thing right now.  Not sure what we'll do.  Probably something doomy but could turn into punk rock or something different than that.  We'll figure it out when we start writing but we need to actually have rehearsals first... Which requires a space...  Which we don't have.

The Riffer

Got so many feelers out...I have 2 good offers, one in Nashville, One in Atlanta..Unfortunately I am 2 hours from each. I'd like to do something local..I made an effort to put together a Surf band, couldn't get that rollin..if I wanted to do country, gospel, or bar band stuff, I'd have more options that I could care to think of.
Black Arts Instagram
Black Arts FB
New Horizons, Talkin' 'bout
a True, Defiant, Alliance


First rule of new band is, we don't talk about new band :-X


Quote from: The Riffer on September 30, 2012, 09:39:06 PM
Got so many feelers out...I have 2 good offers, one in Nashville, One in Atlanta..Unfortunately I am 2 hours from each. I'd like to do something local..I made an effort to put together a Surf band, couldn't get that rollin..if I wanted to do country, gospel, or bar band stuff, I'd have more options that I could care to think of.
I would love to have a surf band.

I tried to start one a few years back but I didn't get any responses


Is a surf rock band full of non-surfers kinda like a stoner rock band full of non-stoners?  If so, I'm in!

Here's an old surf-like harmony central jam from a few years ago.  I haven't listened to this in ages.  Rad.


clockwork green

Jesus, I thought I was the only one into surf around here. I still swear that a surf band that does 80's thrash cover totally clean and with a ton of dripping Fender reverb would be awesome. Slayer surfs up really well. Maiden would also work really well.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


ive been recording everything on my ipod for this past year
of rediscovery just to hear what i did that night of jamming
me and the drummer rarely communicate about what were doin or what was done
totally lax
but recently its come up and we started revisiting some of the better nuggets
and im workin on puttin some together into"songs"
came up with a name and think a play out is in near future
only played in front of peeps once
so i think im holdin it back
never wanted to mention the surf angle
didnt think itd get much love round here
but walk dont run(ed:sorry,pipeline) is how i got my fingers back in shape after my long sabbatical
anyone remember JFA
also some high fuckin octane rock and roll, hopefullyhardcore and
whatever my hands and my brain let me crank out
had a couple other guitar players (one played bass)hang with us but they both live in nyc hours away
so i dont know if its a band
but we have a name, record,jam twice a week,and might play soon


I'm with zachoff. No place to practice. Can't wait to start playing again. But man I do not look forward to trying out drummers.


Quote from: ROWDYBEER on October 01, 2012, 07:54:53 AM
I'm with zachoff. No place to practice. Can't wait to start playing again. But man I do not look forward to trying out drummers.

if your in ny and feel this way, i can cure what ails you.
and youll never have to meet me personally if you dont want

clockwork green

When someone gave me a punk mix tape in the mid 80's it felt like discovering buried treasure. I also discovered skating right around find bands that combined punk, skating and surf it blew my mind. I always wanted a paisley JFA board. I wonder what the psychological connection between surf and stoner/doom is.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


I just got a few friends together to write some songs none of us would otherwise ever write/have a chance to play out a few weeks ago and it's going well. Everyone involved is/has been in bands in the same scene for a long time, and I've filled in on bass and almost joined two of the three other bands involved, so it made sense that eventually we'd all end up doing something together.

It's a lot of fun, we're writing stuff that's kindof like a mix between Quicksand and 90s post punk/emo. Not usually my thing, but I can definitely feel it exercising my playing ability, developing my chops, and learning to write and appreciate a totally different style.

I'm also currently preparing to audition for a really fucking awesome doom band. I don't want to get myself too excited or get ahead of myself, so if it works out I'll post about that later.


We're about 2 or 3 weeks out from releasing our split album.  It will be our first "real" release.  Pretty excited about it really.


Quote from: clockwork green on October 01, 2012, 01:23:57 AM
Jesus, I thought I was the only one into surf around here. I still swear that a surf band that does 80's thrash cover totally clean and with a ton of dripping Fender reverb would be awesome. Slayer surfs up really well. Maiden would also work really well.

Actually, we are gonna do some Slayer and Maiden stuff surf style. Maybe some Sepultura too.
Meh :/

Danny G

Slowly putting together Ocean of Stars, a solo band to play all the music I've been doing for the rpm challenge.

Have a drummer so far, still courting bass players and then the whole can of worms of getting a 2nd guitar player.

This music isn't super mathy but very involved musically, and all the good players are already very busy.

Would like to play occasional well placed shows hopefully in places with video projection capacity cause that would be bad ass and will make the music more of an experience.

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The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


With SANDIA MAN on hiatus, I was asked to play in a local band. Material is old school Doom/Sludge/Metal stylee with some twin guitar action. Have now played out with them 4 times and practiced 4 times.

Having finally learned all the material, I'm tightening up my parts.
Livin' The Life.


I've got a new project I'm participating in. I enjoy it. I get to play with a bunch of talented and awesome dudes. Couldn't ask for more. Well record soon.


Been practicing in a Danzig-Era Misfits cover band we have 3 shows lined up around halloween. It's been pretty awesome & every song is at least twice as fast as on the records.


How new is new ? With with them other husky boys off tending to their children's & jobs & stuff I started a new band about a year ago. I think just now we are starting to find our sound .


Quote from: grimniggzy on October 02, 2012, 10:35:31 AM
Been practicing in a Danzig-Era Misfits cover band we have 3 shows lined up around halloween. It's been pretty awesome & every song is at least twice as fast as on the records.

youre not in the northeast are ya
my girl is the last glenn danzig fan i know
we were gonna go see gwar for h-ween but i got a better shot at the butt
if i take her to your show