Metal Evolution

Started by grimniggzy, December 15, 2011, 11:29:00 AM

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How do you guys feel about this show?
I think it's alright, I liked the early UK & US episodes. Especially the Sabbath and Deep Purple parts.
I thought they'd spend a little more time on Punk rather than just talk to one dude from The Damned, and let Steve Harris say it was garbage for a half hour. I mean, if the MC5 & Stooges apply why would you skip over Punk completely?
Can't wait till they waste episodes on Nu Metal & Metalcore instead.
Seems like they're making footnotes out of some stuff that influenced a lot of things down the line.
Also, I'm genuinely bummed there was not one mention of Thin Lizzy even though we've already made it to NWOBHM and this week is Glam.

The Shocker

I keep missing episodes, but I try to watch it when I can.  Man, Deep Purple mk 2 fucking killed.  And I'm a huge Sweet fan, but Andy Scott looked fucking ridiculous.  How he or anyone talking to him could keep a straight face, I'll never know.


Quote from: deaner33 on December 15, 2011, 02:56:01 PM
I keep missing episodes, but I try to watch it when I can.  Man, Deep Purple mk 2 fucking killed.  And I'm a huge Sweet fan, but Andy Scott looked fucking ridiculous.  How he or anyone talking to him could keep a straight face, I'll never know.

ah shit, that part was hilarious.

johnny problem

Shit, I completely forgot about this show.  At least I have some catching up to do.

Metal and Beer

I've only seen the first two (?) parts but it's okay I guess. I dug the Detroit segment and the Dick Dale part, but if that was the first episode then dude should have hit the blues and left the surf alone (IMO). I also could have done without a long piece on that shitty "Beth" ballad...
   Was Andy Scott the old creepy Brit guy with the hilarious hair ?  haha
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"


I only saw one episode, and I'm not even sure where it fell in terms of the series. It seem to kind of go all over the place, really. I thought it was good but, overall, it really didn't cover anything that I wasn't aware of.

That being said, this deal seems a good primer for young people interested in metal, but most true, long time fans know most of what is being showcased here, I'd think?


^I think most of it is old hat to folks like us.  I haven't seen hardly anything I didn't already know. Also, it's covering so much history it's like an encyclopedia that just offers blurbs, which I guess is ok for those not in the know.  When it starts to focus on bands who were "down with the sickness", thats when it will be unknown territory for me.


Didn't waste my time on the Glam episode.
I'm thinking about quitting on this since I probably already know or won't care about anything else that's going to be featured.

The Shocker

Quote from: grimniggzy on December 20, 2011, 12:48:45 PM
Didn't waste my time on the Glam episode.
I'm thinking about quitting on this since I probably already know or won't care about anything else that's going to be featured.

Fuck, that's the episode I want to see.  I love glam.


I should have been more specific, its glam-metal/butt-rock in the past episode. I caught some of it last night. There was one part towards the end where they talk a little about G n R & some grunge bands that was pretty alright, I guess.

The Shocker

Quote from: grimniggzy on December 21, 2011, 09:17:55 AM
I should have been more specific, its glam-metal/butt-rock in the past episode. I caught some of it last night. There was one part towards the end where they talk a little about G n R & some grunge bands that was pretty alright, I guess.

Ugh, 80's metal? 


Yeah, the stuff with the guy from Sweet (when they mentioned T-Rex & Bowie) was pretty much the only time they talked about any glam at all. I don't know why they skipped over so much of what was going on in the 70's.

The Shocker

And the 70's was the best time for heavy rock.


This show sucks. During the grunge episode they interviewed Creed. :-\

Demon Lung

People like us need to be the people that make this show


I'd just constantly go "So how to you feel about....THE WIIIIZAARD?" during interviews.