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Started by bitter, October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM

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Let's talk about some fucking dirt!

I'm always interested in other folk's approaches to gear. I want a really nerdy discussion. Plus there isn't nearly enough discussion of people's rigs on here  ;D

So here's what I'm interested in...

1) How are you guy's getting your primary source(s) of dirt?

I'm talking from end-to-end, pick attack to speakers. Pickups, stompboxes, preamp and/or power amp gain, a combination of all that, ect...

I want to know how you setup your amps and effects to suit your needs.

2) How are you controlling your dirt, how complicated is your setup?

Are you guys "set it and forget" players that just plug 'n play with stuff always on/engaged?


Are you tap dancers, bi-amping, channel switching, rolling off the guitar's volume knob?


are you like Sunn 0))) with load of Baby Ass Turtles!!!TM crawling over your board turning shit on/off randomly?

3) Finally, what's you dirt related philosophy on gear?

What drives your approach to gear specifically related to dirt?

how do you take an idea and make it something tangible. Is it just so-and-so used this or is it a never ending process?

I know it's asking a lot, especially for you guys with multiple rigs... But the more insight you provide the richer information we can yield. I wanna learn and be inspired, and get a little gear boner going.

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Easy enough.

1. EMG tele set to > EHX Soul Preacher (always on) > Qtron > EHX POG > BAT LSTR (main dirt) > BAT PHARAOH (boost dirt) > EHX Cathedral Reverb set HOT > Boss Giga Delay > EHX Deluxe Memory man (this is my secret extra grit, for leads, set to a long delay and a short feedback, level on the pedal CRANKED) > Then a Boss RC2.   

Sunn Model T > JCM800 both set "dirty-clean."

I do lots of knob rolling because of the Qtron, as opposed to having a real wah pedal, I use the Qtron because it forces me to play dynamically.

I'm constantly changing out everything, no matter what. BAT has me covered, and very happy, so I don't see much of a change in the "main dirt" department, unless Nick's FAC OFF pedal sways me, once I buy one , sometime after I'm not unemployed.

"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



1. Reverend Ron Asheton sig (w/ 3xP90) - Budda Wah - Devi Ever SM - Deluxe Meathead - Keeley RAT - Box of Rock - Fulltone Choralflange - Red Witch Phaser - Deluxe Memory Man - Phase 90 - Chicklet Reverb - Orange Od120 - Orange 4x12 (w/ v30's)

I run my amp fairly clean with the master up and set the volume with the gain. My dirt comes from the Meathead and the RAT mostly. For leads I use the boost on the BoR and/or the DMM (which I have set too boost a bit).

2. Tap dancing and rolling off the guitars volume.

3. I don't have a specific tone I'm looking for so I'm always buying and trying stuff. We record our albums ourselves so there's a lot of time to experiment with sounds and gear, it's always about finding the sounds that fit the song. We use a lot of different pedals and stuff, but often it's just the guitar straight into a cranked amp. My rig is setup so I can get similar sounds live that we have on record.


Build whatever amp suits my needs.

Only partially true

I am currently trying a lot of different pedals in front of a very clean amp. I am building Core9s (well finishing) and I am going through different heavy fuzzs

I dont roll down my guitar volume unless Im muting it.

The biggest and most important thing IMO is how you setup your amp, how much clipping are you going to get once you engage your pedal. Will the amp go into blocking with heavy OD. Theres sort of 2 strats, either use a pedal like a pharaoh through a slightly dirty amp or use something like a LSTR through a very clean amp.

So since I am always building new amps I already have a new idea for a better setup neways. One super clean amp and another gainy enough to just push a little with a boost if needed

Danny G

Bass and Guitar player here, so this answer will be twice as long.


1) How are you guy's getting your primary source(s) of dirt?

1979 Ibanez Iceman w/SD Custom 5 + Gibson 57 Classic --> Boss TU-2 tuner-->DIY modded Boss BD-2 Blues Driver-->DIY EA Tremolo (which can double as a lead boost when playing opposite another guit player-->R28 toggle switch-modded Phase 90-->whatever Wah that is currently working

Iceman came with coil tap switches which I am still trying to find uses for. Neck switch takes tone cap in/out of circuit, can go to/from "woman tone" at flick of a switch. Bridge switch taps bridge pickup. Which I never really use.

For strings, I've acquired few dozen sets of DR strings, from touring with King's X and from friends leaving them behind discarded. My own stuff is in D standard (preferred tuning) or E standard. Like the 11-52 sets for D and 11-50 for E. Also have lots of 9-42's but too damn light, even in E.

Use green dunlop .88 tortex picks, pick attack can be pretty hard.

1981 JCM800 2203 which I modded: brite cap clipped, replaced cheap Lego caps with Sozo Caps (Mustard cap replicas), added a "gain focusing" mod to add more honk to mids, use a 12at7 instead of 12ax7 for V3 (lowers overall gain a hair but sweetens up amp's overall response). Currently getting retubed with JJ E34-L's. Was using NOS Mullards for pre's, but they have all given up the ghost and cant afford replacements. Current pres are whatever I can wrangle + the Ruby 12at7

Have 2 Marshall cabs, one w/V30's and one with stock G75's. When running full stack had them w/V30 and G75s in an X. Been running mainly one cab lately so all V30's in bottom cab.

2) How are you controlling your dirt, how complicated is your setup?

Run head loud and clean like an old nmv Superlead (hence my mods to make it perform like one), and use the modded BD-2 for dirt. It sounds very close to my amp by itself dimed, but I can actually control my stage volume.

For clean I either click off the BD-2 or switch to neck PU with vol rolled back. Dirty to clean at flick of a switch. My fave effect on my board is the Phase 90. Use R28 on for slower rates for long swishy phase, turn off and increase rate for more Univibe sound.

Setup very simple, and like to keep it that way. You can use Phase/Trem/Wah in a variety of ways for a variety of tones. Only thing I'm thinking of adding is maybe a MXR Carbon Copy analog delay.

3) Finally, what's you dirt related philosophy on gear?

For dirt, less = more. Too much gain/dist chokes your tone and covers up mistakes for you. Too much low end on guitar competes with bass frequencies, only add in enough to just fill out the bottom end. Also, keep your amp only as loud as your drummer.
The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins

Danny G


1) How are you guy's getting your primary source(s) of dirt?

2000 USA P-Bass with SD Quarter Pounder --> Boss TU-2 tuner-->Fulltone Bassdrive-->Phase 90(stock)-->Snarling Dogs Whine-O Wah (only wah I have that currently works)

mid-70's Ampeg SVT
rack w/Power conditioner and Shure wireless unit

Mergilli Innovations replica Dietz 2x15
Dietz 2x15

Going back and forth with my 2 cabs, have a set of EV's (which are stock Dietz) and a set of Emi Deltas. Obviously the EV's sound better. Now trying to see which cab sounds better ;)

I like 45-105 guage strings, use mainly Daddario's cause they are affordable. I play bass full time and a set lasts maybe a week. Currently talking to DR about endorsement.

2) How are you controlling your dirt, how complicated is your setup?

Mainly run amp dry. Clean and loud but on the *verge* of breakup. Bassdrive adds a little dirt and volume boost for choruses and guitar solos. Prefer to run amp just a hair louder than it needs to be and ride my volume control on the bass.

Use my fingers for picking, mainly index and middle. Pick mainly behind the pickup cover, but move up to close to fretboard for mellower sound in quieter parts. Volume increases with pick attack so more dynamics.

3) Finally, what's you dirt related philosophy on gear?

For me I don't need a lot of dirt for bass. Sounds cool for other musical applications.

I prefer to have my cab mic'ed if need be. DI sounds like ass, for me at least. My tone comes from the amp. Why am I lugging around a 90-pound bass amp to have it bypassed into the PA?!? You don't do that for electric guitar.

For bass, low-mids are your FRIEND. I hate scooped mid clacky bass. Just not my taste. That, and be as loud as your drummer. Tube amps > solid state, tho most bass amps are SS or maybe hybrid. Sad.

The less you have, the less there is to separate you from the music -- Henry Rollins


I've gone to a 2 rig setup since my brother moved out and only took his 4X12 I've reinherited my Ampeg 4X10.

Anyway, for Guitar...
Mexican Strat from '00 w/ 3 single coils
3 Leaf Proton > EHX QTron > RAT II (Early 90's) > Prunes & Custard Clone > Fromel Shape EQ > First Act Chorus > VT Bass
Amps setup is Sunn Coliseum Bass > Sunn 215B
Slave out to Both input on Sunn Beta Bass > Ampeg 410HLF (Non-USA)
Speakers are all stock as far as I know

For Bass...
American P Bass w/ S-1 Pickup, Squier Classic Vibe P, Mexican Fretless Jazz or Ampeg Plexibass
Same Pedalboard minus the VT Bass most of the time now that I got a 370.
Amps are the same except I use an Acoustic 370 instead of the Coliseum.  

Most of the time I run my volume wide open on the guitar/bass (Only exception is the Jazz Bass b/c I run the bridge pickup slightly lower). My RAT is actually set in overdrive territory so not using a ton of distortion there but I do have the volume dimed. Most of my gain comes from my axe + spikes from my QTron into my RAT. Prunes & Custard will be used sparingly but when used it resembles a fuzz to my ears most of the time, kinda wooly. Fromel Shape EQ comes after the dirt and everything is at least slightly bumped up. The VT Bass also has a ton of gain on tap I try to control that when using it for Bass but tend to let it fly for guitar.

The EQ on the 370 is quite fun to use. I could ditch my pedalboard and just dime both EQ's but I choose not to most of the time. My Beta hardly ever has the drive turned up too much anymore, if it is it'll be on one channel and not the other.

Picks when I use them for bass are the bigger Big Stubby's
For guitar its basically whatever I have around that isn't them.


Just the dirt causing stuff:

Can't remember the exact string sizes but mostly from a 7 string set on my 6 string Epi Paul Junior Special tuned down to G(fairly floppy, action has to be quite high for definition) > Super Distortion pup >

route 1: through my pedalboard into my Laney GH50L with both gain knobs all the way up, bass 10, mids and treble about 4 > Stage Craft 2x12 diagonal slant cab > Eminence Governors, soon to be Eminence Swamp Thangs because the Governors break up way too much

route 2: Bobble Distortion old Muff clone(tone 12, distortion full) > Sansamp bass driver(gain full) > Fender 100 watt SS combo, soon to be something else with more power to run into 2 15" Bugera bass cabs

We don't have a bass player.


Quote from: bitter end on October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM
1) How are you guy's getting your primary source(s) of dirt?

Dunlop 1.0mm Nylon Standard -> D'Addario EXL115W -> Gibson Les Paul Studio Vintage Mahogany -> Boogie Mark V (tuner out to Korg Pitchblack, MXR Carbon Copy in the FX loop) -> Mesa 2X12 3/4 Back Cab -> Black Shadow

Channel one, clean mode, bold switch for thick clean tones just on the verge of breaking up when I really dig in.  Good for blues/jazz stuff.

Channel two, mark I mode, thick switch for raunchy, uncompresssed, sustaining dirt tone.  Graphic EQ always on, making a frowny face.   Fuck scooped mids.   >:(

Channel three I don't use much with my Paul.  I've got an Ibanez RG 7 string that I've been dialing in a more compressed Mk IV "shred" tone, but I can't get the low-end how I want it.  May be the cab more than anything, tho.

Re: gain structure, I run the amp at 10 watts, which means I get a little of both pre and power amp breakup.  Like all that herm/tranny pr0n in Gen Disque, it's the best of both worlds...  :-*

Quote from: bitter end on October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM
2) How are you controlling your dirt, how complicated is your setup?

More of a two-step than a tap dance, these days.  Switching b/w channel one and two, fx loop, verb, and tuner mute.  Trying to go for a more minimalist vibe.

I'm not coordinated enough to do much volume rolling while playing, so I "set it and forget it" at 9/10 and control dynamics with my pick attack.  Thankfully the amp's real responsive.

Quote from: bitter end on October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM
3) Finally, what's you dirt related philosophy on gear?

For me, it's a lot of dialing in and dicking around; nothing's set in stone, especially with the overwhelming versatility of the Mark V.

I get great tones plugging straight into the amp (and I'm too broke to buy pedals anyway) but I don't have anything against getting dirt from pedals.  Diffrent Strokes and whatnot.

Some day I'd like to get another rig going similar to RacerX's: myriad fuzzes -> tube pedal pre -> tube rack power -> big fuck-off cabs, but that's a long ways off... :(

Quote from: bitter end on October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM
I know it's asking a lot, especially for you guys with multiple rigs... But the more insight you provide the richer information we can yield. I wanna learn and be inspired, and get a little gear boner going.

Awesome thread idea (and title).  Good luck w/ that boner.   ;)

"Why don't you take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut? Why don't you take a flying fuck at the mooooooooooooon?"


Awesome responses guys. Its interesting to see how you guys do things differently and similarly to one another.

Quote from: dunwichamps on October 26, 2011, 09:15:10 AM
The biggest and most important thing IMO is how you setup your amp, how much clipping are you going to get once you engage your pedal. Will the amp go into blocking with heavy OD. Theres sort of 2 strats, either use a pedal like a pharaoh through a slightly dirty amp or use something like a LSTR through a very clean amp.

So since I am always building new amps I already have a new idea for a better setup neways. One super clean amp and another gainy enough to just push a little with a boost if needed

Thus far I will say this is speaking to me most in terms of how I already setup my rigs and where I'd like to go in the future. My rigs kind of in limbo at the moment (hence the thread idea).

I run a hagstrom super swede and Agile al-3000 into a scattered pedal setup. I need to get my board in order but I usually like Guitar >ISP decimator >maxon od9 or Catalinbread manx fuzz >amp.

I prefer to run the verellen on the crunch channel with preamp @ 7 or so. At that point its def crunchy but not overly saturated. The crunch is extremely transparent and clear so rolling the preamp from 7 back to noon generally yields a clean breakup. From there I just juice it with a pedal. Running the fuzz like an OD pedal is the way to go. There's just something about using moderate (responsible) pedal and amp gain to create a massive hi gain sound that I like. Doesn't overload either, which is nice.

I usually just leave everything on, pedals atop the amp. I don't even use the amp's footswitch anymore.

My philosophy has always been that of Jack LaLanne, juice it! Find a nice balance of internal and external dirt to create the sound you want. Lately, I've been wanting to add a clean rig to the boosted rig and run full fuzz along the OD for the most powerful raw sound I can muster.

Quote from: I,Galactus on October 26, 2011, 01:38:55 PM
Awesome thread idea (and title).  Good luck w/ that boner.   ;)

I thought folks might like it. Still picked up an overnight-smite, what are you gonna do I guess? But I am glad to see all the responses! Please keep them coming!!!  :)
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Quote from: bitter end on October 26, 2011, 02:53:33 AM
Let's talk about some fucking dirt!

I'm always interested in other folk's approaches to gear. I want a really nerdy discussion. Plus there isn't nearly enough discussion of people's rigs on here  ;D

So here's what I'm interested in...

1) How are you guy's getting your primary source(s) of dirt?

I'm talking from end-to-end, pick attack to speakers. Pickups, stompboxes, preamp and/or power amp gain, a combination of all that, ect...

I want to know how you setup your amps and effects to suit your needs.

I have a Marshall Supafuzz MKII clone.  I have been rolling my guitar vol back.  I run GFS pups in my Eastwood Corona.  '59 PAF bridge, Dream 180 neck.  Very clean pups.  My amp is an old Bogen PA amp.  50 Watts, total Bassman rip-off, but it breaks up earlier.  As a result of this new set-up, I'm on a booster kick.  I just traded my Torn's Peaker to Iron Mtn. for his LPB-1.  I've been a Big Muff guy since '96 and had a Sunn Sceptre, but I had to sell it and now I'm getting more into overdriving the pre-amp. So I used to be an all or nothing fuzzhead, but now I'm digging the "layer" approach.  It's fun to turn knobs.

Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.

El Zombre

My guitar averages rather than sums the combined pickups I think. In any case, I've got the neck pick up on kind of low, both to control the output of the bridge pickup and to add some heavy. When I flip to full on bridge, the extra dirt makes for a good fuzzy lead. Other than that, just plug straight into an amp if I can help it - my Laney AOR30, Red Bear Cub, or Sovtek Tube Midget all have plenty of pre-amp distortion on board. I used to have a Meathead but sold it, still have a lot of effects but going through a nothing but guitar and amp phase right now. Makes me have to work harder for my extra-musical noises.


Quote from: Baltar on October 26, 2011, 07:30:21 PM
I have a Marshall Supafuzz MKII clone.  I have been rolling my guitar vol back.  I run GFS pups in my Eastwood Corona.  '59 PAF bridge, Dream 180 neck.  Very clean pups.  My amp is an old Bogen PA amp.  50 Watts, total Bassman rip-off, but it breaks up earlier.  As a result of this new set-up, I'm on a booster kick.  I just traded my Torn's Peaker to Iron Mtn. for his LPB-1.  I've been a Big Muff guy since '96 and had a Sunn Sceptre, but I had to sell it and now I'm getting more into overdriving the pre-amp. So I used to be an all or nothing fuzzhead, but now I'm digging the "layer" approach.  It's fun to turn knobs.

I've been following your recent gear developments. I'm curious to see how you like that booster. You said you were a long time muff guy, I wonder how you'd dig something like a pharaoh fuzz? kinda best of both worlds (muff-esque fuzz w/ boost option). If I hadn't grabbed that manx I would have gone that route. But I'm happy.

Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


My approach is pretty simple and old school.

Old beat up Marshall Super Bass >Catalinbread DLS>78 Les Paul Standard with og T tops
                  <overdrive pedal is barely on.  I'm relying on tube overdrive mostly through sheer
                    volume and rolling off the volume to clean up. The amp is pretty much dimed.

Old very nice Orange OR120>78 Les Paul
                    Anyone that's played a real Orange knows that you don't need any dirt pedal when
                    this thing is turned up.  Pedals would get in the way.  Roll back the volume to get chimey
                    slightly overdriven cleans.  dial it up to get almost fuzzy saturation and massive bottom end

My philosophy.
                   Dimed overdriven single channel amps.  Not into channel switchers.  Rolling back the guitars
                   volume to get your cleans.  this is called hillbilly channel switching, old school.

                    As I get older I seem to like less saturated distortion and more amp driven gain and overdrive.
                    My sound is probably way to clean for some of you.  It's all about pick attack and hearing the
                    old expensive amps and guitars than the effects for me.
No Focus Pocus


MY tone comes exclusively from Peavey amplifiers that have the badges removed.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



I can spot Peavey tolex a mile away.  Nice try ;D
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: RAGER on October 27, 2011, 11:32:20 AM
I can spot Peavey tolex a mile away.  Nice try ;D

Shit's indestructible. The tolex on the Butcher, I swear, is made of some sort of synthetic steel.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: bitter end on October 27, 2011, 12:19:15 AM
Quote from: Baltar on October 26, 2011, 07:30:21 PM
I have a Marshall Supafuzz MKII clone.  I have been rolling my guitar vol back.  I run GFS pups in my Eastwood Corona.  '59 PAF bridge, Dream 180 neck.  Very clean pups.  My amp is an old Bogen PA amp.  50 Watts, total Bassman rip-off, but it breaks up earlier.  As a result of this new set-up, I'm on a booster kick.  I just traded my Torn's Peaker to Iron Mtn. for his LPB-1.  I've been a Big Muff guy since '96 and had a Sunn Sceptre, but I had to sell it and now I'm getting more into overdriving the pre-amp. So I used to be an all or nothing fuzzhead, but now I'm digging the "layer" approach.  It's fun to turn knobs.

I've been following your recent gear developments. I'm curious to see how you like that booster. You said you were a long time muff guy, I wonder how you'd dig something like a pharaoh fuzz? kinda best of both worlds (muff-esque fuzz w/ boost option). If I hadn't grabbed that manx I would have gone that route. But I'm happy.

I'll try to post some video after I get the LPB-1!!  Hopefully next week!
Friends don't let friends play solid state amplifiers.


I'll keep an eye out for that Baltar.

Hey Rager, are you practicing at those volume levels? What happens if you playing low volumes , do you have to fiddle with setting/stompboxes? Both amps are NMV right???
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan


Yes both are NMV.  Yes we practice and play at full volume.  i usually play through another amp if I'm just riffin upstairs.  If I play low volumes on the Marshall or Orange i have to dial up the dirt pedal and it sounds less like the amp and more like the pedal which is ok for just noodling.  It's more so this way for the Orange.  It really gains its voice from volume.  Not to discount the Marshall.  It sounds best dimed but it's the one I'd rather play at low volumes if I had to.

Let's see if I get some of the comments I'm anticipating.
No Focus Pocus


Well I've heard people say that about the orange/matamps over the years around here and the old site. Guess you gotta air them out some, let them breathe. That's kind of why I stick with MV amps; of course the amps sound best as the volume increases but it doesn't kill the tone at whisper volume for practicing.


On a side note, you have any opinions on the new Catalinbread DLS (MARK II)? I've heard nothing but positive reviews on this series of pedals, but the frequent updates and changes makes me skeptical at $150+. Def would like to find a replacement for my tubescreamer. 
Oh Andy I'm gonna go over to mount pilot and worship Satan

Discö Rice

Volume - That Reverend Ron Asheton Sig. is the tits. Wow. I don't normally like V's but that thing sounds killer.
Somebody's gonna eat my pussy or I'm gonna cut your fucking throat.


Expensive tone you got there, moron. :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



Quote from: SunnO))) on October 27, 2011, 04:34:15 PM
Expensive tone you got there, moron. :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

There's one
No Focus Pocus


Quote from: Discö Rice on October 27, 2011, 04:03:42 PM
Volume - That Reverend Ron Asheton Sig. is the tits. Wow. I don't normally like V's but that thing sounds killer.

Yeah, it's a nice guitar with some cool features. Love the 3 P90 setup, because you can combine them for a fatter more humbuckerish tone and less noise. Another great feature that all reverend guitars have are the pin-lock tuners, saves a lot of time when changing strings.