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post your rig of doom!

Started by matador_sound, October 11, 2011, 03:16:12 PM

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I'm curious to see what sort of gear you guys have. so, post it up! guitars and amps/cabs!

solid body swamp ash
controls - CTS 500k/concentric 500k/500k, mini toggle 2 way switch for tone cut for Model 1, 3 way toggle switch (series/single coil/parallel) for coil tap for X2N-7
dual outputs
Badass III bridge string thru body
black Schaller straplocks
tummy cut and forearm contour
finish - sunset orange

Canary p bass style neck w/ Canary fretboard
standard back contour (chunky as hell!)
21 frets
Stainless Steel 6115 frets
Hipshot ultra lights w/ hipshot D-Tuner
black block inlay
Graph Tech Black TUSQ XL string nut
raw neck (^_^)

neck position - Dimarzio DP145 Will Power Model One
middle position - Dimarzio DP146 Will Power Model P
bridge position - Dimarzio X2N-7

the cab I'm currently using is a 4x10+6.5"/1x18 fridge style cab. the 4x10 is sealed, and the 1x18 is ported for better low end extension. the two heads are a Carvin X100B and an SWR Workingman's 4004. since I have dual outputs, I run the highs (p-pickup/X2N-7) and mids through the Carvin X100B, and that goes to the 4x10. the SWR carries my lows and low mids (Model One pickup), and that goes to the 1x18.

the whole rig is about 6' 1", or so on stage...just barely taller than me. looks menacing, for sure, and sound 10 miles wide.

here's a bit of music a friend and I made using this cab:

others, post up! let's see those rigs!


Engh, that pickup combo makes me happy..
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



HA! yea, it sounds pretty incredible, too. it's the only non-Ric bass I've ever heard that sound like a Ric. pretty crazy. you can get about 4 different signature sounds out of it (EB-0, P-Bass, Rickenbacker, Musicman), as well as a few others that you can't quite pin down when you fool with mixing pickups, coil tap, and the tone controls.


Custom build, obv, who did it? Looks like great work...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



the wood was made/shaped/routed/painted by Warmoth. I put the thing together, though. they sent me the neck and body, and I sourced all the hardware and put it all together. after about a year, I had the frets professionally leveled, and I do all my own setup work on it. the only thing I didn't like about the fret leveling job is that the guy made the frets pretty flat. I wasn't happy about that. I got some tall stainless steel frets installed so the intonation would be more spot on, and he flattened the crap out of them. didn't notice it till about a week later, and it was sort of too late to say anything then.


what kind of covering is on that cab?


Yeah, lots of hacks out there... that's why I learned to do my own fretwork...
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



tweed. I was looking at different sort of tolex, but tolex tears easy, and I realized that I never saw any Fender Bassman's or other tweed cabs that had huge holes in them...finally figured out it was a lot stronger than tolex, and it looks pretty neat in person. it just scratches a little, but no tears or rips.


That LDS reminds me a lot of the BLKARM, wonder what they would sound like up next to each other. Anyway, I'll post my rig-o-dewm when UPS gets of their ass and delivers my headbox.  >:(


I think the difference is my cab is separated internally, and the midrange driver. the top half is a sealed structure for better mids and clarity, and the bottom half is ported for better low end extension and frequency handling.


That's actually really cool. I think since it'sa a 4x10/1x15 it would work really well with a baritone guitar. At least, that's what I hope.  :-\


old ass pic but...

I've upgraded heads but still have 2 Concert Basses.
I still take my oldest Concert Bass out to jam since I wouldn't mind if it got destroyed (if thats even possible).


I still wish the controls on your concert lead were in spanish.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



If they were I'd be more inclined to get it fixed and use that sucker.


it's an 18" on bottom, not a 15". and this thing sounds beastly with a guitar through it, for sure. I actually have a design for a guitar cabinet that is designated for baritone guitars, or basses. it's a vertical 2x15 design that uses a guitar and bass speaker. the bass driver is for the lower frequencies, and the guitar speaker is there for the mids and top end. the trick is, there's a high pass filter on the guitar speaker to prevent over excursion. it's also a ported design. haven't built one yet, but I'm talking to some local artists about building it for them. should be pretty nasty.

also, grim...nice! love old Sunn stuff.


Quote from: matador_sound on October 11, 2011, 04:29:38 PM
it's an 18" on bottom, not a 15". and this thing sounds beastly with a guitar through it, for sure. I actually have a design for a guitar cabinet that is designated for baritone guitars, or basses. it's a vertical 2x15 design that uses a guitar and bass speaker. the bass driver is for the lower frequencies, and the guitar speaker is there for the mids and top end. the trick is, there's a high pass filter on the guitar speaker to prevent over excursion. it's also a ported design. haven't built one yet, but I'm talking to some local artists about building it for them. should be pretty nasty.
Derp, yeah, six feet tall, makes sense that it's a 18"... Sickness makes me slooooow. Anyway, I'd like to hear one of those some day. I think I could really get into that. Though I dunno if the Hovercraft I'm getting will be able to power it justly. Would have to stick to the betas for something like that.  :P


hehe. nah, the cab isn't 6ft. with both heads it's just over 6ft. the cab is something like 48" tall without caster, or something. not much larger than a 8x10 cab...just a little wider and deeper than one, I think. the cab is at the practice space, so I can't get measurements right now. surprisingly, it's not bad with the amps I'm using. the Carvin is only 100 watts (tube), and the SWR is 400 watts (solid state). both are ran at 4ohms. each half is good for 800 watts each, so I haven't had any problems with them being underpowered, at all. I feel you on the sickness part...I somehow got strep throat, and I've been dealing with that since some medicine yesterday, and I'm starting to feel a bit better, thankfully. totally forgot a friend had a clip of it up on youtube.

I also checked out Hovercraft amps on youtube...those things sound pretty damn awesome!


Oh yeah, I know, but the fact that it was six foot with those two amps atop it could only mean one thing... 18" of speaker was staring at me yet makin' me think it were fifteen. Pshaw. Take advantage of my headcold, will ya? FFS.

Well, my Hovercraft is the baby Andromeda, 18 watts of high gain win. So I doubt it could do justice for a cab like that. 2x12s all the way.

I'm so glad this is just a headcold, though there's no food in this house so I'm sitting here starving because of that. Shit sucks. xP

I don't think this recording is giving enough oomph for the cab to shine. Though changing some settings around it seems to help bring out the sound. Either way, I think that cab sounds awesome so far.


I rewired this bass stereo. The two switches next to each other are single coil/humbucker switches.
Im not sure why more basses are not wired like this, It sounds AWESOME!
T-40 def has a ric sound.


T40!!!!!!!! those things are insane. I played one once, but the strings on it were beyond dead, so I wasn't able to really tell what it sounded like. although, I've heard they're a great Ric clone, as far as the sound. I remember them having a similar weight to a dying star, though...

stereo basses are the shit, though. it should be standard on every bass, for sure.


That LDS cab is absurd. I probably would have went with 2 separate cabs (old guy) or a tilt-back setup. I don't see any wheels.
Rock & Roll is background music for teenagers to fuck to.


the wheels are removable 3" casters. DEFINITELY a smart decision. they don't lock, but the cab doesn't move. as far as two different cabs, it turns out this was a better choice. it fits in the back seat of your average sedan and truck, and fits PERFECTLY in the back of the van my band uses.


There was something broken in the other 'Post Your Rigs' thread? ???


oh...I didn't see it...I was just trying to start a dialogue on here about gear. I'm a gear head, and I'm just curious to see what other people are using.


I don't have an updated pic of my shit. I'll take some tomorrow!

I just got to look at that bass on my computer, jesus christ it's even more beautiful than I expected. That neck = beauty.

Is that Carvin the X-100B????

Gangster head, if so.
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G