Recommend me some gear prescriptions.

Started by Hemisaurus, August 23, 2011, 03:34:34 PM

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do that then.

but really, none of you can come up with a simple gear combination that sounds good, one you think is the epitome of the genre? Like I said, it seems ridiculous to keep discussing one part of a chain, when it's only a tiny part of the whole. I mean if we wanted to get really finicky, we could add in playing style, gauge of pick, where you pick, etc. etc. but that would be taking it way far, but discussing a pedal, without mentioning the amp and guitar or a bass amp without mentioning the pedals and cabs, is pointless, or at least very difficult to reference.


Quote from: Discö Rice on August 23, 2011, 08:06:53 PM
I think we can all agree on loud amps, loud drums. You did say not to mention brand names, and then everybody started to mention brands, model numbers, etc.

I don't think there is an ideal setup. I mean, I'll take a '66 Jaguar tuned to D standard into a Super Fuzz, a DD5, and a half dozen Quad Reverbs, but that isn't going to work for Sunn O))) (the moderator or the band). What a weird thing to try to homogenize...

It's a list of parts that work together, so there's one.

It's like you can't fit a Hemi into a Fiero, well not without taking out the firewall, and that's a whole different discussion, but you can shoehorn in a SBC. Which is better in a Ranchero, a Windsor or a Cleveland?

Or like Clockwork Green says, maybe we should list what doesn't work together.

Either way, I thought we'd have some cool lists, but maybe not.


  • Tall can of PBR
  • Mexican brick weed
  • Metal (lamp parts) pipe
  • Gibson SG (or knock off) w/13 guage strings tuned to drop C or lower.
  • EH Bigmuff, Dunlop Wah. Boss TU-2 tuner
  • Single channel 100W tube amp.
  • Two mismatched 4x12 speaker cabs.
         -Beat to fuck 90's Marshall 4x12 with a stencil of some band you never heard of.
         -Orange or Matamp 4x12
  • Cheap Ear Plugs


Just returned from the garage in which I was playing the following (at near criminal volume levels):

• Ovation Ultra GP – a friend of mine's on loan: Tuned to drop C

Signal split into:

• Sunn Model T Reissue – dry signal
   • Powering: Marshall 4x12 (long ago stenciled with "Hollowbodies") + Orange 2x12
• Marshall JCM 800 – Way Huge Swollen Pickle in front
   • Powering: Orange 4x12

That may be Mr. Predictable Riffrocker setup to a tee, but dang, it sounded mean. Like...really, really mean.

clockwork green

There are so many variables that hard, fast, rules that work all of the time are rare and few. X might sound great with Y and Y sounds great with Z but A and Z might sound awful together. So recommending something is always dependent on so many thing and changing any one of them might radically change the overall sound. I don't always expect the laundry list when someone recommends something but I personally try and run a piece of gear through a few different things when I bring it up. This is always why we have a rigs thread to see the whole package.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


The drug prescriptions are more interesting, IMO.

Take enough drugs, and all the gear sounds the same.
Livin' The Life.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on August 23, 2011, 10:41:05 PM
Jake gets it, you don't, that's cool.

I hope you're not patronizing me. Strange as it might sound, I don't really feel as though I subscribe to the stereotype. Even still, at least I've got a sense of humor about it.


No, you just went with it, why not whats so offensive about saying X,Y and Z sound good together.

For guitar:

Guild SG > DOD 250 > Fender 85W Solid State combo
Dual Humbucker Strat type > Crate G130CXL > beat to shit Crate 4x12

NB the Crate can sound good on bass too with a different cab, say a 2x15


Quote from: RacerX on August 23, 2011, 10:43:25 PM
The drug prescriptions are more interesting, IMO.

Take enough drugs, and all the gear sounds the same.

Unfortunately I can only applaud you once an hour.


Stoner Uke prescription.

Vapor Bros knock off
1/4 Oz of Blue Dream
Dirt cheap tenor ukulele w a low G.
Piezo pick-up made from a re-purposed dollar store greeting card.
Boss FZ-2
Califone public school turntable w/built in "PA"

oops, i keep forgetting the OP's insurance only covers generics.


Quote from: Hemisaurus on August 23, 2011, 09:01:19 PM

but really, none of you can come up with a simple gear combination that sounds good, one you think is the epitome of the genre?

kinda gratuitous really, there's quite a lot of ways to get there

as cool and useful as it is to have a grasp of what people have used and what is gonna sound like what, once you start focusing on "one ideal rig" it becomes a fetish really.  i mean, they're just objects.  often the stuff we really like is the stuff that influential players have used.. and they themselves are often happy to use all manner of other bits of gear.  often without sounding perceptibly different.


We can go with my setup:

Peavey T-60 - Spaceship pedalboard that I only use the distortion pedal on - JCM800 - Musicman 4x12

Kramer Stagemaster Impedal Aluminum necked bass - Boss DF2 - English Muff'n for a preamp on a Sunn Beta lead - Fender showman 2x15


Ovation Ultra GP - Dirty fuzz - Ampeg V4 - 4x12s - shitty attitude

Things that don't mesh with RIFFROCK:

Dual Rectos
VHT Pitbull lead channel
5150 Red Channel
Metal core pedal


Sunn Model T's weren't always 1500 dollars, yknow?
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G



"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


clockwork green

So how exactly is this different from the "here's my list of shit" threads unless you're assuming that people own a bunch of shitty sounding gear they don't like or are solely in jazz-fusion bands and come here solely for the insight of using a bass cab for guitar or how to match speaker impedances?
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


I'll tell you the recipe that I used that got the most compliments.

Fender HRR Strat into a Creepy Fingers Fuzz Face into a Marshall MG100 into a Fender Roc Pro 4x12 Cab.

I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


I will stab you Herb.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


clockwork green

Did I hit it again? If so it was an's always in my way when I'm using my phone.
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Nah. I know your story. Hahaha.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
"I like a dolphin who gets down on a first date."  - Don G


Metal and Beer

Line 6 Exxxtreem
Hurtlocker 4x12 Beatdown Series cabz
Ibanez 9-String Hangman loaded with Poison Ear-Spear pickups, Jagermeister tuners and barbed-wire inlays

Walk on home, boy!!
"Would it kill you fellas to play some Foghat?"

clockwork green

Quote from: Metal and Beer on August 24, 2011, 04:05:28 AM

Line 6 Exxxtreem
Hurtlocker 4x12 Beatdown Series cabz
Ibanez 9-String Hangman loaded with Poison Ear-Spear pickups, Jagermeister tuners and barbed-wire inlays

Walk on home, boy!!
/end thread
"there's too many blanks in your analogies"


Heres how to get my sound on a budget for all those little wannabe zigs out there.
Squier P>QTron>Rat II>SS Sunn>2X15 & you're 99% there. For guitar just use a Strat instead.
Smoke a lot of shitty mids and throw some hallucinogens in to spice things up every once in a while.


Quote from: clockwork green on August 24, 2011, 12:56:06 AM
So how exactly is this different from the "here's my list of shit" threads unless you're assuming that people own a bunch of shitty sounding gear they don't like or are solely in jazz-fusion bands and come here solely for the insight of using a bass cab for guitar or how to match speaker impedances?
Because, like Sunn and his spaceship pedalboard, we may have gear we don't actually use, or that we only use for one particular song or situation. Or you may have heard a good chain of gear, from someone who isn't famous and isn't on guitar geek. I haven't listed my own setup, because I don't think it's useable outside my own situation, though I have listed setups I've used in the past, and of people I have played with. Nor did I list all my gear, because I rarely use it all at once.

I honestly wanted a list of stuff that sounds good together, and if we'd done it honestly, we might see some commonality like 16 people use pedal X, with all different kinds of guitars and amps, maybe I should look at getting a pedal X. Or amp Y seems to sound good on it's own or with pedals.

Show of your rigs is more a look at what I got rather than a here's a simple setup that sounds good


here's one:

epiphone les paul, russian black box big muff, fender twin with additional 2x12 cabinet underneath. the singer/guitar player in my old band used that setup for years. it sounded so right. he never had to fiddle with anything to get a good sound. i was always over in the corner trying to adjust my EQ and my finnickey mid knob.

but really herb, my tone always sounds "right" when it is my beat to shit strat copy with a dimarzio chopper pickup (blade style single coil sized humbucker), into a vintage rat pedal, into an eq, into a 6L6 amp with a HINT of break-up to it. bam.


any (semi) decent guitar (going from squiers to high-end epi's to fenders/gibsons) - tuner - 2nd hand bass combo, anything higher than 50W. push the volume of the amp, let those mids come in and let it rip.

"To fully experience music is to experience the true inner self of a human being" -Pøde Jamick
