Shit movies you've seen recently

Started by The Bandit, August 01, 2011, 06:53:04 PM

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Sprague Dawley

The Nice Guys (2016) vs Fargo (1996)

Watched these 2 back-to-back and cannot fucken believe their respective RT scores.

The Nice Guys, which seemed like a clunky 15% tryhard piece of shit to me, gets 92% from RT.

Fargo, which I was goddamn SURE would get a perfect fucken 100%, and couldve been the best fucken film I've ever seen, is a paltry one, fucking ONE, percentage point better at 93%.


The Nice Guys gets man spooge shot up its clacka by the critics but iHomo the "buddy comedy" chemistry between Ryan Gosling as a dippy detective and fat guts Russ Crowe was just clanger after clanger after flop after flop. It just wasn't working. Time after time. Plus the entire thing was a blatantly transparent steal of everything from The Big Lebowski minus ANY of the charm, guile, wit or fucken anything. Copied the elusive LA starlet hunt, the bowling, the nasty rich moneybags who fucked them around, even the dropping a smoke in the crotch while driving bit. Fuck me, I half expected them to shoehorn Jackie bloody Treehorn in there and just be done with the whole charade. Why fucken 92%? Fargo was in a different goddamn class right across the board compared to that "Nice Guys" tryhard spermranch of gelding afterbirth.


rottentomatoes is fucking garbage
also, you gotta look at the average rating not just the %


No Focus Pocus



the darkest minds or whatever the fuck that was sucked. and so did power rangers. fuck that movie in its ass.


Fargo IS the best movie ever
i didn´t forget - i just couldn´t remember...


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.
