Post the most recent song(s) you've written & recorded..

Started by Isabellacat, July 31, 2011, 06:57:45 AM

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Quote from: ap on October 23, 2013, 06:46:11 PM
Quote from: taylo)))r on October 23, 2013, 05:08:11 PM
Quote from: Zero on October 23, 2013, 11:17:05 AM
Quote from: taylo)))r on October 15, 2013, 01:40:20 PM
Rayinreverse and I are in a band called Oxcross. Has peeps from Subrosa, Black Sleep of Kali, Top Dead Celebrity , Iota and Dwellers in are two songs from our forthcoming record. Listen and shit.

This is damn good, as expected. Come to Denver so we can play together.

What band are you in?
Low Gravity
There are links on his/her post.
You're not very good at the internet.

Aint nobody got time for that.
(insert interesting quote)

Corey Y

Quote from: everdrone on October 22, 2013, 11:39:48 PM
Hey guys, just finished mixing I recorded last weekend, I used the Amplitube "big pig" pedal modeled after the EHX Big Muff pedal.  I think it is cool, but not all there.  What do you think?

Here is my new "desert rock" fuzz rock tune:

Any comments or constructive criticism is appreciated, I am always trying to make better mixes and am practicing guitar/bass.  Cheers :)

I like it, heavy and groovy, but the jangly guitar parts that sort of float in the background give it an off kilter feel that's cool. The guitar solo towards the end is a little high/dry in the mix, kind of pops way out, but that's a minor criticism. The guitar leads in the songs you've been posting sound simple but really good, I'm jealous. I'm rubbish with guitar leads.


cool, thanks brutha! I appreciate the feedback on the volumes of the guitar solo, I fixed it, cheers :)  Three months ago I bought a fretlight new on ebay for $250 and worked on my blues scale patterns so I think that helped me, I dig learning on my fretlight guitar.


No Focus Pocus


Count me impressed if you can perform any instrument from that song.

Corey Y



This is a cover of Hawkwind's Spiral Galaxy 28948 from Warrior On The Edge Of Time.

The synth intro of the original track is already doomy so the song lent itself to a cover. I rewrote the main section in a the heavier style of another band, added some space noises and an electric violin inspired solo. It's a bit messy but I had fun playing and recording it.

Corey Y

Quote from: fallen on November 02, 2013, 06:12:14 PM

This is a cover of Hawkwind's Spiral Galaxy 28948 from Warrior On The Edge Of Time.

The synth intro of the original track is already doomy so the song lent itself to a cover. I rewrote the main section in a the heavier style of another band, added some space noises and an electric violin inspired solo. It's a bit messy but I had fun playing and recording it.

This sounds awesome man! I blasted it at high volume through my mixing monitors a few times.


that is seriously awesome fallen! It sounds like if Yob or some black metal band did the cover! ;)



We recorded for a split today, here's one of the tracks, a cover of Procreation of the Wicked, we ran out of time to record the vocals or leads so will do them this week, this version is with two SM58's sitting high up in the corners of the room. We also have a fully mic'd up version on our friend Daves laptop and another which was recorded with a tiny mic in the middle of the room onto a minidisc player which sounds BRUTAL! Think we're gonna do a weird mix of all three. A piece of the ceiling actually fell off while we were playing!



Thanks guys! I thought it was a bit more first album HoF but comparing anything I do to YOB makes my day.  ;)

Corey Y

We just put up the new Mental Waste release the other day. Recorded in 2012 actually, we were sitting on it to do a split vinyl release with another band, but it's taking so long we decided to just release it on Bandcamp already. Hopefully the split still happens eventually though.


This is my new band called, CV. Home recordings. Currently working on something more serious, analog and more trashy sounding. We've got a guy with an old 4track tape deck handling it. Sounds pretty cool so far, but still in progress.  It's noisy psych garagey kind of stuff. Someone, I don't know who but I read it online, described us as mad max rock. It fits, somehow. Maybe because I dress up like the feral kid sometimes? anyway, it's not stoner rock nor doom. I'm kinda over that stuff right now.
CV - Slender Fungus


loving mental waste!

CV is awesome too, it reminds me a little of Nebula, Naam, Hawkwind, nice home recording! looking forward to hearing that old 4 track tape deck recording, I want to do some stuff with tape decks too...


The finished version of Procreation of the Wicked for our split, the whole split is being streamed on The Soggy Bog today show 149 if anyone wants to hear it! I think its suitably disgusting as was the plan 8)


Corey Y


Hey guys, I am excited about my new riffage! I call it "March into the Sea", it is Sludge/Doom/Black Sabbath riffage with drums, bass, guitar solo...  using Black arts Pharaoh fuzz into my Tech 21 Oxford for all guitars, cheers and happy holidays :)



Quote from: JemDooM on November 13, 2013, 10:35:34 AM
The finished version of Procreation of the Wicked for our split, the whole split is being streamed on The Soggy Bog today show 149 if anyone wants to hear it! I think its suitably disgusting as was the plan 8)


That is savage. In a good way.


Quote from: everdrone on November 24, 2013, 02:16:22 PM
Hey guys, I am excited about my new riffage! I call it "March into the Sea", it is Sludge/Doom/Black Sabbath riffage with drums, bass, guitar solo...  using Black arts Pharaoh fuzz into my Tech 21 Oxford for all guitars, cheers and happy holidays :)


Sounds super pro. I have never played rhythm guitar that cleanly in my life lol. I like the name too.


I wrote this one the day before the show, it's really growing on me. 
I'm beginning to think God was an Astronaut.


Quote from: fallen on November 02, 2013, 06:12:14 PM

This is a cover of Hawkwind's Spiral Galaxy 28948 from Warrior On The Edge Of Time.

The synth intro of the original track is already doomy so the song lent itself to a cover. I rewrote the main section in a the heavier style of another band, added some space noises and an electric violin inspired solo. It's a bit messy but I had fun playing and recording it.

this may be my favorite hawkwind tune. that was most excellent.  

edit: ok I went down the whole list here. dayum.  you guys[sic] just wrote an ep....when I think that this whole list of tunes would have been righteous on the radio..that's what i'm talkin bout.  I suppose it is getting nigh time to turn on the video recorder for something.  I have been working on my sets of singing+playing tunes and general guitar playing skills = nothing being recorded = waaaah!



Quote from: fallen on November 24, 2013, 07:13:40 PM

Sounds super pro. I have never played rhythm guitar that cleanly in my life lol. I like the name too.

Cool, thanks


I got bumped up to a 600mb file size limit on bandcmp. SO, though I posted this before, I wanted to let y'all know you can get it now the way it's supposed to be heard, as a single track.

Also, that's some wicked tone everdrone.

Beta Cloud

vid of my newest band, 'Sons of Ghidorah'- i did the guitars.
it's pretty cool and fuzzy neck pickup heavy. lotta solos.

also, i tried everything to imbed a youtube video.... am i missing something?
why does it hurt when i pee?