Breaking Bad

Started by Jor el, July 14, 2011, 12:39:20 PM

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i hope todd gets it in the teeth.

the better call saul spin-off is happening. anything to get more saul and huell in my life.



No Focus Pocus



hells yea



If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


well, since the gifs have been posted, then i'll say...

FUCK TODD. oh man, that felt so good.


Quote from: strangelight on September 30, 2013, 09:15:25 AM
well, since the gifs have been posted, then i'll say...

FUCK TODD. oh man, that felt so good.

So glad Jesse got to kill that sociopath.

An incredibly satisfying series finale in every respect.


I kinda hated that ending.  What a ridiculous mess.

That machine gun thing was dumber than Josh27.
srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best


^^^^^^^^^Somebody take this guy out with an Obamacare drone strike. /thanks


I wasn't thrilled with the conclusion, either.

On the Meh Scale™ I'd give it about a solid 5. You know there's trouble when I pretty much predicted the ending a couple of pages back and got it right.

Too cornball and neatly wrapped in a package for me in terms of the finale.

For instance:

Here's a guy that can rig a M60 to pop out of a Cadillac trunk (I don't know cars well, but it was, obviously, an older model something), and, yet, it's still configured with a set of keys that can remotely open the trunk? Not a model like that. Also, he can rig the machine gun to fire like that but he can't hotwire a Volvo  ???

Also, here's a guy that is, apparently, Public Enemy #1, like James "Whitey" Bulger, and has APBs out for him all across the US and he can basically waltz into town without any police being on to him? He can hook up with Skinny Pete and Badger just that easily? Dumb. He can meet up with his wife without the DEA noticing him? Watch his son get off the bus and no one notices him? He drives his McGuyver car into the Nazi compound and parks it just where he wants and the Nazis don't look into the trunk? They don't search his vehicle at all? Then with a hail of gunfire his plans works perfectly, killing every single guy in the compound except Todd and, of course, Uncle Jack isn't quite dead, either.

Pretty bad ending in my opinion. Something far more ambiguous or grim would have been better as far as I was concerned. Leaving Walt as a somewhat redeemed character at the end kind of took away from the idea of the whole series that here is a good man that has slowly turned bad, yet the writers can't be honest and true enough to the arc of the storyline to let him go out that way? I didn't think it was done well at all. One of the things I really like about "Breaking Bad" was that it was a pretty realistic show in terms of emotions and reality, yet the writers didn't follow through with that for this ending. It felt cheap.

Lastly, sure, Todd was a pretty bad dude, but there was always something about him; so polite, not overly aggressive or over the top threatening (well, outside of popping Andrea in the head) that made it to where I never hated him. He was a very different villain than I've ever seen before on a series and I found him intriguing. I never openly wished for his death. Not like his uncle, for instance. Todd was an interesting character, for sure.


Totally.  Shit sandwich.  Especially after the last two episodes.  They were really setting up a shit storm of good TV.

We saw Lydia more than we saw Jesse, and when we did finally see Jesse, him & Walter nod at each other, and it's all good, yo.  Show over.  Ridiculous.

6 Feet Under?  Now THAT'S how you do a finale.
srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best


How was the ending any less 'realistic' than, for instance, the impossibly perfectly orchestrated hit on Gus' imprisoned men at the end of season 5.1?  Breaking Bad is pure fantasy, make no mistake about it.  It's also a thriller, and has always wrapped its loose ends into a neat package.  That's it's style.  You may not like that, but I don't think it's accurate to say that the finale somehow deviated from the formula.

Diagnosis:  You guys are curmudgeons.


"...Breaking Bad is pure fantasy..."

Obviously josh321 pays little attention to detail, probably due to malnourishment and lack of oxygen from too much hot yoga. Your goofy Mexican sidekick, juanunodosleño, isn't fairing much better. Any simpleton, including that horrific Jersey Shore character, demon dumb, knows that Breaking Bad is a documentary. Life in the violent American Southwest is stranger than fiction. You may not like it, but that's Southwestern style.

Diagnosis: You idiots voted for Obama.
"I dunno man. I scored pretty high on the IQ text in school."
the idiotic blowhard, demon lung, representing the results of the No Child Left Behind mandate


Quote from: JkFlesh on September 30, 2013, 03:49:48 PM
How was the ending any less 'realistic' than, for instance, the impossibly perfectly orchestrated hit on Gus' imprisoned men at the end of season 5.1?  Breaking Bad is pure fantasy, make no mistake about it.  It's also a thriller, and has always wrapped its loose ends into a neat package.  That's it's style.  You may not like that, but I don't think it's accurate to say that the finale somehow deviated from the formula.

Diagnosis:  You guys are curmudgeons.

U mad Bro?
srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best

Demon Lung

What happened to Gus?


Quote from: GodShifter on September 30, 2013, 02:55:54 PM
I wasn't thrilled with the conclusion, either.

On the Meh Scale™ I'd give it about a solid 5. You know there's trouble when I pretty much predicted the ending a couple of pages back and got it right.

Too cornball and neatly wrapped in a package for me in terms of the finale.

For instance:

Here's a guy that can rig a M60 to pop out of a Cadillac trunk (I don't know cars well, but it was, obviously, an older model something), and, yet, it's still configured with a set of keys that can remotely open the trunk? Not a model like that. Also, he can rig the machine gun to fire like that but he can't hotwire a Volvo  ???

Also, here's a guy that is, apparently, Public Enemy #1, like James "Whitey" Bulger, and has APBs out for him all across the US and he can basically waltz into town without any police being on to him? He can hook up with Skinny Pete and Badger just that easily? Dumb. He can meet up with his wife without the DEA noticing him? Watch his son get off the bus and no one notices him? He drives his McGuyver car into the Nazi compound and parks it just where he wants and the Nazis don't look into the trunk? They don't search his vehicle at all? Then with a hail of gunfire his plans works perfectly, killing every single guy in the compound except Todd and, of course, Uncle Jack isn't quite dead, either.

Pretty bad ending in my opinion. Something far more ambiguous or grim would have been better as far as I was concerned. Leaving Walt as a somewhat redeemed character at the end kind of took away from the idea of the whole series that here is a good man that has slowly turned bad, yet the writers can't be honest and true enough to the arc of the storyline to let him go out that way? I didn't think it was done well at all. One of the things I really like about "Breaking Bad" was that it was a pretty realistic show in terms of emotions and reality, yet the writers didn't follow through with that for this ending. It felt cheap.

Lastly, sure, Todd was a pretty bad dude, but there was always something about him; so polite, not overly aggressive or over the top threatening (well, outside of popping Andrea in the head) that made it to where I never hated him. He was a very different villain than I've ever seen before on a series and I found him intriguing. I never openly wished for his death. Not like his uncle, for instance. Todd was an interesting character, for sure.

A few things......It wasn't that he couldn't hotwire the volvo. He was working on it when the cops drove passed so he stopped.

They mentioned all of the false tips about where he was and how he was going to blow things up in town. Which was causing the police force to be spread thin. That's why he was able to move around like he did.

The guy who jumped in the car with Walt when he pulled into the compound told him to park somewhere else but he didn't listen and parked in front of the club house.

You're the only person that didn't hate Todd.

I felt that the ending was great and I'm glad that Walt redeemed himself in the end

Demon Lung

So Gus didn't die?


Much like yourself, he still lives with only half a brain.

"I dunno man. I scored pretty high on the IQ text in school."
the idiotic blowhard, demon lung, representing the results of the No Child Left Behind mandate

Demon Lung


GS and juan have incorrect opinions. your personal, subjective views on this show are wrong. sorry!!

GS didn't hate todd and didn't want that fucking sociopath dead? *big long side-eye at GS* are we really gonna let a guy with such terrible judgment be a moderator? the internet is serious you guys.


You homos best not scare off the last girl that still posts here with your ill conceived ideas of American entertainment. We already have a professional script writer here. One too many, if you ask me.

Way to cockblock yourselves.

"I dunno man. I scored pretty high on the IQ text in school."
the idiotic blowhard, demon lung, representing the results of the No Child Left Behind mandate


They should have done the spin-off show with that Todd character.


Have him open a yogurt shop or some shit.
srl = advancing our core selves in the spirit to be best