Movies you've seen recently

Started by diasdegalvan, April 06, 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


Checked out Paranormal Activity 3 this weekend. I liked it. If you liked the 2nd one (I haven't seen the first one), then you should like this one. Obviously, no reinvention of the wheel in terms of a plot with this one, but there are some truly scary moments in the film, imo.

The Shocker

Quote from: GodShifter on October 24, 2011, 10:18:44 AM
Checked out Paranormal Activity 3 this weekend. I liked it. If you liked the 2nd one (I haven't seen the first one), then you should like this one. Obviously, no reinvention of the wheel in terms of a plot with this one, but there are some truly scary moments in the film, imo.

Thought the 1st one was scary as it fit into a recurrent nightmare I have.  The 2nd didn't really add anything new, but I do want to see the 3rd one.  Number 1 at the box office with 54,000,000.  Cost 5 million, so there will definitely be a 4th.


Honestly, and I have to go by the 2nd movie, this one doesn't add much new, either. But it is a prequel to the 2nd one. A back story of the two sisters and how their mom's boyfriend documented the strange happenings in their home in 1988. Same kind of deal, but, as I said, a few truly scary/disturbing moments in the film.

The Shocker

Quote from: whoshotthefrog on August 14, 2011, 10:09:56 AM

Saw this tonight. Really liked it, much violence.  Man, I would fuck Bolty all day long and never do any crime fighting.


The Shocker

Willb, what did you think about The Dead?  I'm always in the mood for a good zombie flick.


I found it quite boring.  Not as good as the movies you recommended me.  It's slow in alot of parts, although the zombie parts looked good, there was just not enough action.  If you like a personal journey (for the characters involved) in a movie then you may enjoy it.

The Shocker

Sounds like the reviews I've read on it.  If it turns up on a movie channel I'll watch it, but otherwise not going out of my way.


Re-watched Possession the 1981 film with Isabelle Adjani. Great movie worth a watch at least for this:


I saw the first Paranormal Activity this weekend as well as Trollhunter and Kevin Smith's Red State.

I think most people have seen PA, so I'll skip the review with that one but I will mention that I had not realized that the girl in the first one IS in the 2nd movie and, briefly, in the third. She is the sister of the pregnant girl in 2, and, yep, all three movies recount the haunting of those two women that has been going on since they were young kids. As far as PA, I thought the ending was a little weird and spooky but, overall, it was pretty much like the others. But, then again, it is the blueprint for the its two sequels (one being a "prequel" though).

Trollhunter was merely "ok". I had seen a lot of really glowing reviews for this movie, (especially @ The Obelisk), so I was excited to see this. I found it fairly entertaining but, overall, kind of dumb. Some good CGI and a mildly interesting story but the whole concept of "trolls" was not a great angle (imo) (yeah, yeah, I know it's a Norwegian thing but, whatever). I didn't dig it that.

Red State I really liked. I've seen some reviews where people were saying that it was a "mixed bag". Yeah, I can see why people would say that, but I found it realistic, interesting, and engrossing. I thought it was quite good and would recommend it to almost anyone.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Shocker

So how are those 3 Frog? 

I've got attack the block at my house, just need to find time to watch it.


I like Attack The Block the most of the three. Great action and their accents aren't to bad. The aliens are actually pretty cool. Not your typical cookie cutter alien. You'll understand what I mean after seeing it. Atrocious is a Spanish horror film. Similar to The Blair Witch Project in that it's done where the main character is filming everything. It's a short film with a crazy ending. It's worth renting. A Little Help is nothing special, but I enjoyed it. There are definitely better movies to see,but it has some funny moments in it, and i'm a fan of Pam Beasley so thats probably why i watched it.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.

The Shocker

Great fucking documentary.

Backstory on this: I was a huge fan of boxing when I was in High School and College, which was the exact time period of Tyson's rise and fall.  He was my guy, I fucking loved him, still do.  If I could hang out with any non-female celebrity it would be him.  Such a fascinating guy.


I was a big Tyson fan, too. Especially during his rise (remember the Trevor Berbick fight?). I can remember watching that fight live on HBO. I was so excited when he knocked Berbick out. Berbick fell like a sack of potatoes when Tyson hit him. That's the fight I remember the best from his early years.

I also remember watching at a friend's house in Washington St. the notorious fight with Holyfield (the first, I believe) where Tyson bit Holyfield's ears. That was a pretty crazy deal. Does the documentary cover any of that particular fight? Perhaps go into where Tyson's head was at during that time?

The Shocker

The movie is basically Tyson reminiscing (sp?) about his whole life including his fights.  He had Gonnorhea during the Berbick fight!

I wathced his fights on ESPN before he was on HBO.  I watched all of his HBO fights and the Holyfield fights which were PPV.  I was crushed at all his losses.

And dude, how can we like so many of the same things?  It's so weird.


Yeah man, I was crushed by his losses, too. I was really bummed with the Holyfield deal. I was so excited to get to see him finally fight Holyfield and it became pretty apparent early on he was in over his head. I think that was, at least, part of his biting Holyfield's ears. I think he knew he was probably not going to be able to hang with Holyfield so he tried to get himself disqualified. That reason and the fact that MT has always been pretty unhinged.

I remember reading an interview in Playboy with him back in the day, and he was portrayed as very, very bitter, paranoid, and angry. I can't remember if this was before or after the Desiree Washington incident (I believe it was before), but it was very revealing in terms of how Tyson was thinking at the time.

His is a sad story. Especially if you look at him now; how far he's fallen. He's basically broke now and has no real means of making money outside being kind of a parody of himself and using his celebrity status to get kind of lame gigs (like the Charlie Sheen roast, for instance).

As far as you and me, I dunno man. It's weird for sure but we definitely run some kind of strange plain of similar interests/brain patterns or something!


If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive they would eventually find me attractive.


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